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Framework for Recommendations Program Area Level Department Level College Level

College of Education Graduate Task Force Preliminary Recommendations Fall 2013 Recruitment/Admissions Advising/Retention Program Completion/Alumni Follow-up. Framework for Recommendations Program Area Level Department Level College Level. College of Education Graduate Task Force Fall 2013.

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Framework for Recommendations Program Area Level Department Level College Level

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  1. College of Education Graduate Task ForcePreliminary RecommendationsFall 2013Recruitment/AdmissionsAdvising/RetentionProgram Completion/Alumni Follow-up

  2. Framework for RecommendationsProgram Area LevelDepartment LevelCollege Level College of Education Graduate Task Force Fall 2013

  3. Recruitment • Maintain contact with human resources and community partners to keep informed about job market needs. • Faculty recruit stellar students in undergrad courses [commentsElizabeth Swaggerty] Admissions Faculty advisors make first contact with newly admitted students. [comments Maureen Ellis] Advising/Retention Program directors/coordinators send email blasts with reminders of important dates; Maintain constant contact with DE students. [comments Lou Sua] Program completion/alumni follow-up Schedule in-class focus groups (or online discussion forums) to get feedback on decision-making process for entering program and satisfaction with administrative support while in program. [Tom Williams] Program Level

  4. Recruitment • Design and present webinars with program information. • Alumni/current student newsletters reporting alumni, faculty, and current student professional activity. Admissions Program director/or chair assign faculty advisors; advisors schedule first contact with newly admitted students. Advising/Retention Written protocol for departmental advising. Include tasks and resources needed to complete tasks reflected in faculty workload. Program completion/alumni follow-up • Annual events/efforts to recognize student/alumni achievements; conduct informal interviews and focus groups for feedback. • Identify responsible faculty for advising culminating projects. Department Level

  5. Recruitment • Identify marketing resources and feature faculty expertise; maintain/improve COE website. • Allocate funds for recruitment travel and distribution of “swag bags”. • Ensure all certificate programs are eligible for financial aid as “stackable credentials” for Master’s Programs. [comments Abbie Brown] Admissions Negotiate with Graduate School for admission fee waivers. Advising/Retention Central intake office to establish reception points for initial potential student inquiries. Program completion/alumni follow-up • Ensure systematic dissemination/analysis of exit survey results to all program, departments, faculty. • Initiate partnership with ECU Alumni Association to maintain contact with and recognition of alumni. College Level

  6. Working document to identify timeline: • Immediate changes • Year 1 changes • Long range plans • Recommendation discussion with Dean • [ January 2014] Next Steps

  7. Special Recognition: Faculty participation in FOCUS GROUPS DATA GATHERING and ANALYSIS by GTF members http://app.results.chronicle.com/e/es.aspxs=2423&e=60693&elq=fd06e8dfd8d9458889aa67698429c575

  8. Lou Sua Sandra Warren Kathi Wilhite Tom Williams Elizabeth Fogarty Louis Warren Vivian Mott, exofficio Phyllis Broughton [recorder] Abbie Brown Crystal Chambers Maureen Ellis Kwaku Adu-Gyamfi Elizabeth Swaggerty Terry Atkinson & Carol Brown GTF co-chairs

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