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What’s new in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia? Updates from ASCO and ASH 2013 31 January 2014. Jeffrey Jones, MD, MPH Section Chief, CLL/HCL Division of Hematology. Overview. Frontline Therapy Chemoimmunotherapy for young, fit patients GCLLSG CLL10: BR V. FCR
What’s new in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia?Updates from ASCO and ASH 201331 January 2014 Jeffrey Jones, MD, MPH Section Chief, CLL/HCL Division of Hematology
Overview • Frontline Therapy • Chemoimmunotherapy for young, fit patients • GCLLSG CLL10: BR V. FCR • GCLLSG CLL11: chlorambucil +/- rituximab or obinutuzumab • Emerging agents • Relapsed Disease • Small molecule inhibitors of BCR signaling • PI3K: idelalisib, IPI-145 • BTK: ibrutinib • Small molecule inhibitor of BCL2 (ABT-199) • Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (dinaciclib)
CLL10: Ph3 FCR v BR in Frontline Primary endpoint: noninferiority of BR vs FCR for PFS FCR Fludarabine 25 mg/m3 IV Days 1-3Cyclophosphamide 250 mg/m2 Days 1-3Rituximab 375 mg/m2 IV Day 0, cycle 1Rituximab 500 mg/m3 IV Day 1, cycles 2-6 ELIGIBILITY Untreated, active CLL No del(17p) Physically fit CrCl ≥70 mL/min(N = 561) BR Bendamustine 90 mg/m3 IV Days 1-2Rituximab 375 mg/m2 Day 0, cycle 1Rituximab 500 mg/m2 IV Day 1, cycles 2-4 Eichhorst B, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 526
CLL10: Ph3 FCR v BR in Frontline • Median observation time: 27.9 mos • Median PFS: • FCR: NR versus BR: 44.9 mos (P = .04) • 2-yr OS • FCR: 94.2% v. BR: 95.8% (P = .59) Eichhorst B, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 526
CLL10: Ph3 FCR v BR in Frontline Eichhorst B, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 526
CLL11 Trial: Obinutuzumab + Chl v Rituximab + Chl Randomized 1:2:2 28-day cycle Chlorambucil 0.5 mg/kg PO on Days 1, 15 x 6 cycles(n = 118) Previously untreatedCLL patients withcomorbidities(CIRS score > 6 and/orCrCl < 70 mL/min)(N = 780) Obinutuzumab 1000 mg IV cycle 1 on Days 1, 8, 15; cycles 2-6 on Day 1 + Chlorambucil 0.5 mg/kg PO on Days 1, 15 x 6 cycles(n = 333) Rituximab 375 mg/m2 IVcycle 1 on Day 1; 500 mg/m2 cycles 2-6 on Day 1 + Chlorambucil 0.5 mg/kg PO on Days 1, 15 x 6 cycles(n = 330) Goede V, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 6.; Goede V, et al. NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
CLL11 Trial: Obinutuzumab + Chl v Rituximab + Chl Goede V, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 6.; Goede V, et al. NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
CLL11 Trial: Obinutuzumab + Chl v Rituximab + Chl *Includes 5 patients randomized to who mistakenly received obinutuzumab-chlorambucil. Goede V, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 6.; NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
CLL11 Trial: Obinutuzumab + Chl v Rituximab + Chl Goede V, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 6.; NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
CLL11 Trial (G-Chl v. R-Chl) PFS Goede V, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 6.; NEJM 2014 [E-pub ahead of print]
CLL11 Trial (G-Chl v. R-Chl) OS Goede V, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 6.; NEJM 2014 [E-pub ahead of print]
Implications for Practice? • CR more common after FCR v. BR for tx-naïve CLL • ORR are similar • PFS significantly longer with FCR • Acute (and long-term?) toxicity greater with BR • Obinituzumab (now approved) + chlorambucil is an effective, well-tolerated therapy for tx-naïve CLL • Most appropriate for elderly and/or infirm • Begs question of whether obinituzumab is superior to rituximab in other clinical contexts • Frontline clinical trials involving CIT open at OSU? • A041202: A Randomized Phase III Study of Bendamustine Plus Rituximab versus Ibrutinib Plus Rituximab versus Ibrutinib Alone in Untreated Older Patients (≥ 65 Years Of Age) with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
Ibrutinib for Untreated CLL: Toxicity Treatment Naive (n=31) SM O’Brien et al. Lancet Oncol 2014; 15:48-58 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4
Ibrutinib for Untreated CLL: Response PR w/ lymphs SM O’Brien et al. Lancet Oncol 2014; 15:48-58
Idelalisib + Rituximab in Frontline CLL SM O’Brien et al. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr 7005)
Idelalisib + Rituximab in Frontline CLL Nodal Response at 8wks Best Nodal Response SM O’Brien et al. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr 7005)
Idelalisib + Rituximab in Frontline CLL SM O’Brien et al. J Clin Oncol 31, 2013 (suppl; abstr 7005)
Implications for Practice? *BOLD indicates actively recruiting • Idelalisib and ibrutinib are both expected to be approved for relapsed disease this year • Use in the frontline setting remains investigational • Search for effective yet less-toxic alternatives to CIT continues, and several new agents are showing promise • OSU13031: A Phase II Study of MOR00208 in Combination with Lenalidomide for Patients with Relapsed or Refractory CLL/SLL/PLL(SLL) or Patients with Untreated CLL/SLL/PLL (untreated patients 2nd Qtr 2014) • OSU 12101: A phase Ib multicenter dose-finding and safety study of GDC-0199 and obinutuzumab in patients with relapsed or refratory or previously untreated CLL (3rd Qtr 2014) • Trials of novel agents v. conventional CIT open at OSU • A041202: A Randomized Phase III Study of Bendamustine Plus Rituximab versus Ibrutinib Plus Rituximab versus Ibrutinib Alone in Untreated Older Patients (≥ 65 Years Of Age) with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) • Early intervention for high-risk disease needs revisited • OSU 10156: Phase II study of lenalidomide to repair immune synapse response and humoral immunity in early-stage, asymptomatic chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) with high-risk genomic features • GCLLSG CLL12: Phase III Trial to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Ibrutinib vs. Placebo in Previously Untreated Binet Stage A CLL Patients with Risk of Early Disease Progression
Idelalisib and Rituximab for Relapsed CLL Disease progression,* death, or discontinuation due to AE Stratified by del(17p)/TP53 mutation, IGHV mutation status Primary Study 116 Extension Study 117 Idelalisib 150 mg BIDn = 110 Idelalisib300 mg BID Clinical Endpoints Primary: PFS as assessed by IRC Events: Disease progression or death Secondary: ORR, LNR, OS Rituximab†(6 mos) Patientswith heavily pretreated, relapsed CLL Placebo BIDn = 110 Idelalisib 150 mg BID Rituximab†(6 mos) Planned interim analyses at 50% and 75% of events *Patients with disease progression continued on idelalisib Extension Study 117.†Rituximab schedule: 375 mg/m2, then 500 mg/m2 every 2 wks x 4, then 500 mg/m2 every 4 wks x 3. Furman R, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract LBA-6; Furman R et al. NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
R-Idelalisib for Relapsed CLL: Response Furman R, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract LBA-6; Furman R et al. NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
R-Idelalisib for Relapsed CLL: Survival Furman R, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract LBA-6; Furman R et al. NEJM 2014 [Epub ahead of print]
Ph2 Ibrutinib+Rituximab for High-Risk CLL • Rituximab 375 mg/m2 • Cycle 1 (Mo 1), Days 1, 8, 15, 21 • Cycle 2 (Mos 2-6), on Day 1 of each mo • Ibrutinib given 420 mg orally once daily • Continually for duration of trial • If patients benefited after 12 cycles, they could continue ibrutinib alone • Eligibility criteria: • High-risk CLL/SLL previously treated with ≤ 3 courses or previous therapy • Presence of del(17p) or del(11q) or TP53 (treated or untreated) • Remission duration of < 3 yrs after previous frontline chemoimmunotherapy treatment indicated per 2008 IWCLL • ECOG PS 0/1 • Adequate renal and hepatic function Burger J, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 675.
Ph2 Ibrutinib+Rituximab for High-Risk CLL • Lymphocytosis peaked at 1 wk, decreased >50% from BL in ≤12 wks • Marrow lymphs decreased by approx 50% after 12 mo (P < .00001) • Majority showed > 50% decreases in both spleen and node size • PFS at 18 mos: All patients: 78%; Del(17p): 72%; Others: 84% • OS at 18 mos: All patients: 84%; Del(17p): 78%; Others: 89% *At 12 mos or best response before study discontinuation. † 1/4 Minimum residual disease negative Burger J, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 675.
Ibrutinib + Rituximab in High-Risk CLL Burger et al. ASH Annual Meeting 2012, Abstract 187
PI3K-ɣ/δ Inhibitor IPI-145 in Relapsed CLL Dose escalation:8 mg BID increased to 100 mg BIDMTD = 75 mg BID Phase I: total relapsed/refractory CLL (n = 52) were enrolled in dose-escalation and expansion cohorts (25 mg and 75 mg BID) • CLL patients with cytopenias were allowed in the expansion cohorts • 40% grade ≥ 3 cytopenias at baseline in relapsed/refractory CLL • Expansion cohort also ongoing at 25 mg BID for high-risk, treatment-naive patients Cohort 1 (n = 28)Relapsed/refractory CLL≤ 25 mg BID Cohort 2 (n = 24)Relapsed/refractory CLL75 mg BID Flinn I, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 677.
IPI-145 in Relapsed CLL: Safety Flinn I, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 677.
IPI-145 in Relapsed CLL: Nodal Response • CT assessment: 98% (42/43) patients had a reduction in adenopathy • 89% (24/27) in ≤ 25 mg BID arm had nodal response or ≥ 50% reduction in adenopathy Relapsed/refractoryn = 43; < 25 mg BID n = 27; 75 mg BID n = 16 PD 0 -20 -40 Best Percent Change -60 -80 -100 17p(del)/p53 mutPrior BTK-inhibitor failureCRPR ≤ 25 mg BID75 mg BID Flinn I, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 677.
IPI-145 in Relapsed CLL: Response *Includes patients with 17p(del) or p53 mutation. Median time to response was < 2 mos Flinn I, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 677.
ABT-199:Bcl-2 Inhibitor in Relapsed CLL/SLL Seymour JF, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 872.
ABT-199 in Relapsed CLL/SLL: Safety • 100% of evaluable patients (n = 38) showed a ≥ 50% reduction of lymphocyte count; median time to 50% reduction: 15 days (range: 1-170) • 88% of evaluable patients (n = 57) had a ≥ 50% reduction in sum of product of diameters of nodal masses; median time to 50% reduction 6 wks • MRD assessed in 9 pts with CR: no detectable MRD in 5 pts Seymour JF, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 872.
ABT-199 in Relapsed CLL/SLL: Safety Seymour JF, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 872.
2nd Gen CDKI dinaciclib for relapsed CLL • Broad inhibitor of CDK1, CDK2, CDK5, CDK9 with broader therapeutic index versus flavopiridol • Phase 1 study treated 52 relapsed/refractory CLL/SLL patients with escalating doses of dinaciclib in a 3 + 3 design • Primary endpoints: safety, tolerability, phase 2 dose • 2-hour IV infusion on Days 1, 8 and 15 of a 28-day cycle • First dose of treatment administered inpatient • Aggressive TLS management • Rasburicase prophylaxis • Neulasta day 16 of therapy Dinaciclib (SCH 727965) Flynn JM, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 871.
Dinaciclib for relapsed CLL: Response Responses seen at all dose levels N= 52 ORR = 54% RR similar in all risk groups Flynn JM, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 871.
Dinaciclib for relapsed CLL: Safety Flynn JM, et al. ASH 2013. Abstract 871.
Trial Options for Relapsed CLL/SLL at OSU/James* *BOLD indicates actively recruiting • OSU 13031: MOR00208 (anti-CD19 moAb) + lenalidomide • OSU 12101: ABT-199 (anti BCL2) + GA-101 (obinutuzumab) • OSU 12095: TRU-016 (anti CD37 moAb) + rituximab • OSU 12142: TG02 (oral CDKI) • OSU 11120: dinaciclib (iv CDKI) + ofatumumab • OSU 13018: ibrutinib + lenalidomide • OSU 12062: KPT-330 (oral signaling inhibitor) • OSU 13187: GDC-0853 (2nd generation BTK inhibitor) • OSU 13225: ACP-196 (2nd generation BTK inhibitor) • OSU 13226: ofatumumab +/- IPI-145 (PI3K inihibitor) • OSU 13255: ocratuzumab (3rd generation anti-CD20 moAb) – consolidation therapy
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute