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The Italian NSDI is built upon Law n.68 of the 2/2/1960 which mandates the National Mapping Agencies to produce, maintain and disseminate Geographic Information and on the protocol, 26/09/1996: ´Intesa Stato- Regioni ed Enti Locali per la realizzazione dei sistemiinformativigeografici´ which is a GIS Agreement between State-Regions and Local Authorities for GIS implementation. Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
There is not an unique public authority collecting, processing or disseminating spatial data at nationallevel Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The five different Public Services in charge of the collection of Geographic Information are: 1) the Cadastre, currently converted into an Agency: Agenzia del Territorio (Ministry of Finance). 2) the Navy Hydrographical Institute (IIM), 3) the Air Force Geotopographical Informative Centre (CIGA), 4) the Italian Military Geographical Institute (IGM); 5) the National Technical Services (STN); 6) the Department of Civil Protection (DCP). They are mainly in charge of GI at medium and small scales (1:25,000, 1:50,000 and above) whereas the Regions and Municipalitiesproducelargerscale GI (1:5,000 or 1:10.000). Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Most of the services use standards for interoperable data and network services and often have a web geo-portal but there is no uniform SDI that covers all of Italy Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Spatial data is a basic part of the information systems of the public administrations The main purpose of the mentioned projects is connected with the mission of the public administration, but they are hardly ever aimed at achieving an SDI if they are not adequately linked Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
WHY a national SDI for Italy? A need not only for INSPIRE directive A need not only for the environmental issues The spatial data is strategic in many decision processes, across any level of central, regional and local government and across almostallactivities. Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Thereforeitwasnecessarytodevelop a nationalspatial data infrastructurecompliantto INSPIRE without duplicate services and data Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The Italian SDI in the e-governemtcontext • Needs to make public spatial data interoperable and available for access, sharing, exchange and re-use among public bodies in order to: • have good bases for the planning of the sustainable development; • •givebetterservices on the territory; • •achieve more efficiencies in the decisions and operations; • •spend less money in acquiring new data; • The availability of spatial data between the Administrations is stated by Italian law in the e-governmentcontext Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The NSDI has been given a great advance thanks to the Legislative Decree 27.01.2010 n. 32 which transposes the INSPIRE Directive into national legislation. The Decree appoints the Ministry of Environment, Land Protection and Sea (MATTM) as the competent authority for the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive together with the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA). The Decree appoints a National Council for Environmental and Spatial Information acting as institutional link between the governmental data producers and giving technical guidance to the Ministry ofEnvironment. Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
A NSDI isessentialfor the emergency management planning and riskland management and problems under the definition “Homeland Security”. These are thematicpriorityareasthatneedto take full advantageof the paradigmeof GI (Geographic Information) Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
In particular, the italianexperienceas a resultof the disastersthathaveoccured in the last 10 years, suchasearthquakes, floods, lanslides, imposed the needfordetailedgeo-informationtoprevent the consequencesofnaturalphenomena, and to intervene accuratly and efficiently in the territory Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Detecting changes from imagery and GIS data has been a vital intelligence function for decades, but coping with the increased flow of digital data has required new, more efficient tools. With the availability of new sensors and improvement of network bandwidth, and with the development of web-services-based SDI, the flow of information to the geospatial analyst has vastly increased in recent years. Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
NSDI isbased on: • our model of public administration government • strong interaction and cooperative approach between the public bodies • data and services interoperability Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The spatial data are taken into account at art. 59 “Datiterritoriali” in the “DigitalAdministration Code” It is a long term process and it is still ongoing We are developing a national infrastructure for the e-gov: Public System of Connectivity and cooperation (SPC-coop) Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The Public System of Connectivity and cooperation (SPC-coop) is a public infrastructure aimed at linking all public sector bodies and making them able to develop, share and use data and network services under legalvalidity Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Governance: Joint Committee with national, regional and local public administrations Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The Italian public administrationis based on three levels ofgovernment: • National public authority (ministries, departments, agencies ..about 100 bodies); • Regional(20 Regions); • Local (about 8100 municipalities,400 mountain communities and 110 provinces). Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
RNDT: The ItalianGeospatialMetadataCatalogue • It is established by “Digital Administration Code” (CAD) • D.lgs n.82/2005 and is operated by CNIPA • It applies to the public sector • It is a public register used to: • Know, under legal value, the availability of the spatial data • owned by Italian public administrations, which are their basic characteristics and how it is possible to use them; • Develop services based on interoperability and sharing • data owned by different bodies; • Collaborate with national, local and regional bodies in order • to plan the collection of new data; Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The nationalgeoportal ‘Portale Cartografico Nazionale’ (http://www.pcn.minambiente.it/PCN/) aims also to be the INSPIRE national geo-portal. At the moment it is addressing information provided partly from the Ministry of Environment and some public administrations (e.g. Water Districts.) but it will be the point of access for the metadata catalogue, network services, and of the environmental information system. The system will address the broader NSDI that will include also datasets not required by INSPIRE (e.g. for different scales). Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Maintechnicalapproach: • Qualifiedconnectivityservices; • Homogenous technical rules for data interoperability and network services (based on web services); • Public cataloguesfor network servicesavailability Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The National Geoportal • The Environment Department has developed the “Portalecartografico • nazionale” and has a vast Remote Sensing Plan for multispectral data • The “Comando Carabinieri per la Tutela dell'Ambiente” (EnvironmentalProtection Command) has developed an important project for the control of crimes against the environment, with a wide collection of spatial data, includingmanymultispectralcoverage • • The Department of “Demaniomarittimo” has rebuilt and updated cadastral maps of all the Italian coasts • The Department of Civil Protection updates the map of the sismic risk detailed in micro-area Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
RNDT • SIGMATER project has developed an infrastructure for interchange cadastral data (maps, plants and administrative) owned by Cadastral Agency, reuse and integrate them with other regional and local spatial data (used in Emilia Romagna, Toscana, Liguria, Abruzzo, Valle D’Aosta,Piemonte, Sardegna, Sicilia, Campania, Puglia, Calabria, Molise, Marche,Umbria) • • Other relevant information system with spatial data: • National Cadastral Information System • National Agricultural Information System Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Every Italian Region has established a geoportal providing mostly viewing,discovery,download services and in some cases transformation services. The regional geoportals are supported and monitored by a voluntary association called Interregional Center for Information Systems, Geography and Statistics (Centro Interregionale per i Sistemi informatici, geografici, statistici – CISIS) and itsPermanentCommitteesforInformation Technology, Statistics and Geographic Systems. Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
ItalianRegions - GIS Many efforts in recent years: • The Regions Lombardia, Sardegna, Piemonte and the Department of Civil Protection have complex SDI projects, with different platforms, different costs and different data; • All Regions in the south of Italy are developing a project concerning spatial data and integrated information services (Abruzzo, Puglia,Calabria, Sicilia, Molise, Sardegna, Campania); • Umbria has developed a regional SDI for managing the addresses of all its Municipalities and for their collection in a regional database; • Almost all other regions are updating their cartographic database in accordance with the national guidelines; Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
At Municipalitieslevel The MATTM (MinistryofEnvironment, LandProtection and Sea) and ANCI (National AssociationofLocalMunicipalities) have set up a geoportalcalled: ´Il Portale delle Valutazioni Ambientali´ (portal for environmental assessment) providing access to environmental and spatial data that are constantly updated by about 300 municipalities that are participating via a nationalcatalogue service Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
The Consiglio Nazionale Geometri e Geometri Laureati, with the cooperationofGeoweb and the ItalianLandAgency, hasconcretized the possibilityto dispose of the georeferencingof data through the overlapofcadastralmapstoortophotosof the territory Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
OVERLAYING OF MAPSHEETS ON THE AERIAL PHOTOS (Geo-SIT) Description • WEB SERVICE ENGINE: • Read dati estratto di mappa (OCR) • Algoritmo di trasformazione delle coordinateda Cassini/Soldner o Gauss/Boaga in WGS84 • Soluzioni numeriche per il calcolo delle cordinate estremi geodetiche.
The usefulnessofthisimportantstructurerelates: • The facilitationoftopographic work; • Disclosureto the taxauthoritiesofhiddenbuildings; • Disclosureofillegalbuildings; • Landscapeprotection and monitoringcomplianceofrules in building. Enrico Rispoli - Segretario
Thankyouforyourattention Enrico Rispoli - Segretario