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Class Inheritance

Class Inheritance. Dr. Leon Jololian. class Person { private: string name; int age; public: Person(string na, int ag); Person(string na); string getName(); int getAge(); void setName(string na); void setAge(int ag); void print(); };. Constructors.

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Class Inheritance

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Class Inheritance Dr. Leon Jololian

  2. class Person { private: string name; int age; public: Person(string na, int ag); Person(string na); string getName(); int getAge(); void setName(string na); void setAge(int ag); void print(); }; Dr.Jololian

  3. Constructors Person::Person(string na, int ag) { name = na; age = ag; } Person::Person(string na) { name = na; } Dr.Jololian

  4. “Get”-ter Functions string Person::getName() { return name; } int Person::getAge() { return age; } Dr.Jololian

  5. “Set”-ter Functions void Person::setName(string na) { name = na; } void Person::setAge(int ag) { age = ag; } void Person::print() { cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Age: " << age << endl; } Dr.Jololian

  6. Main Function void main() { Person p("John Doe", 18); p.print(); Person q("Jane Smith"); q.setAge(21); q.print(); q.setName("Jane Johnson"); q.print(); } Dr.Jololian

  7. Output Name: John Doe Age: 18 Name: Jane Smith Age: 21 Name: Jane Johnson Age: 21 Dr.Jololian

  8. class Student : public Person { private: string major; float gpa; public: Student(string na, int ag, string ma, float gp); string getMajor() { return major; } float getGpa() { return gpa; } void setMajor(string ma) { major = ma; } void setGpa(float gp) { gpa = gp; } void print(); }; Dr.Jololian

  9. Student::Student(string na, int ag, string ma, float gp) : Person(na, ag) { major = ma; gpa = gp; } void Student::print() { Person::print(); cout << "Major: " << major << endl; cout << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; } Dr.Jololian

  10. Student s("Max Gomez", 19, "Business", float(3.8)); s.print(); s.setAge(20); s.setGpa(3.75); s.print(); Name: Max Gomez Age: 19 Major: Business GPA: 3.8 Name: Max Gomez Age: 20 Major: Business GPA: 3.75 Dr.Jololian

  11. class Employee : public Person { private: string company; float salary; public: Employee(string na, int ag, string co, float sa); string getCompany(){ return company; } float getSalary() { return salary; } void setCompany(string co) { company = co; } void setSalary(float sa) {salary = sa; } void print(); }; Dr.Jololian

  12. Employee::Employee(string na, int ag, string co, float sa) :Person(na, ag) { company = co; salary = sa; } void Employee::print(){ Person::print(); cout << "Company: " << company << endl; cout << "Salary: " << salary << endl; } Dr.Jololian

  13. Employee e("Joe Brown", 34, "IBM", float(54320.95)); e.print(); e.setAge(38); e.setSalary(float(64300.52)); e.print(); Name: Joe Brown Age: 34 Company: IBM Salary: 54320.9 Name: Joe Brown Age: 38 Company: IBM Salary: 64300.5 Dr.Jololian

  14. Dr.Jololian

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