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Ed Celedon Jos é Sepulveda Kanoa Galiza Rolando Castro Sarahi Cervantes Daisy Flores. Stats. Greenhouse Gases- Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), per fluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6).
Ed Celedon José Sepulveda Kanoa Galiza Rolando Castro Sarahi Cervantes Daisy Flores
Stats • Greenhouse Gases- Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, water vapor, hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs), per fluorocarbons (PFCs), and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). • The Global Warming idea was popularized in the 1970s. • Temperature and greenhouse gases have always been associated together. • Almost 3 degrees Fahrenheit increased from the industrial revolution since 1712.
90% of global warming has followed CO2 levels. • 280 CO2 ppm in 1700 • 380 CO2 parts per million today. • 550 to 900 of CO2 parts per million by the end of the century. • 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit increase by 2100. • Human made green gases are increasing rapidly. • May lead to worse problems of resources…
Paradise Process of ice caps melting as you can see since 1979 the ice caps have rapidly melted it use to be 8.5 million square feet in the arctic area covered with ice but due to global warming i has been shown to only cover...4.5 million square feet losing 4.0 square feet to global warming. The following slide has a picture of global warming, you may think this is the funniest thing in the world, but there is animals in these situations, some just swim for days no rest, no sleep until they tire them selves out and drown to death, "What permafrost permafrost does is it works as a low-pass filter. That's why we can see trends much more easier in permafrost temperature than we can in atmosphere. Most parts of Alaska , the permafrost has warmed up by three degrees since the early 1980sm in some parts of the state is has warmed by nearly six "writes Elizabeth Kolbert (22).if permafrost decreased by 3 degrees in the 1980s you can only imagine what it has dropped down to in 2012 lets say every year it has dropped 3 degrees so by the year 2000 we would have dropped 120 degrees . now lets add 12 years i t would now increase to 156 degrees in the last 32 years. raise your hand if you are aware of the dangers of global warming...raise your hand if you think global warming is the reason for our un orthodox weather.... in the field notes to a catastrophe it explains the results of permafrost and the results of plants "temperatures are so low that when trees and grasses die they do not fully decompose. new plants grow on top of the half rotted old ones, and when these plants die the the same thing happens all over again. eventually , through a process known as cryoturbation, organic matter is pushed down beneath the active layer into the [permafrost, where it can sit for thousands of years in a botanical version of suspended animation.” Kolbert explains (21). Plants cannot fully bloom because of this result of permafrost . unfortunately because of the layer of permafrost live cannot be produced and the corpses will just continue to pile up on each other. now if this happens with plants what are the possibilities of animals being treated differently .animals now die faster because they have to evolve faster because of the increased velocity of global warming. raise your hand if you think animals are being effected by this as much as humans are ... lets just hope that we don't loose the land we do have and forced to live in ice domes.
10 Ways To Reduce Global Warming • Reduce, reuse, recycle • Less heat and air conditioning • Use fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) • Drive less and smart • Purchase energy efficient products • Use less hot water • Save electricity • Plant a tree • Get a report from your utility company • Encourage others to conserve.
Future References Global warming refers to the Earth's air and oceans gradually heating up to a point that disrupts balance, a problem that is continually getting worse. • More Floods: "Projected adverse impacts based on models include… a widespread increase in the risk of flooding for human settlements both increased heavy precipitation events and sea level rise." • Increased spread of infectious diseases: "an increase in the number of people exposed to vector borne diseases and an increase in heat stress mortality." • Degraded water quality: "Projected climate change will tend to degrade water quality through higher water temperatures and increased pollutant load from runoff and overflows of waste facilities." • More frequent and more intense heat waves, droughts, and tropical cyclones: "The vulnerability of human societies and natural systems to climate extremes is demonstrated by the damage, hardship, and death caused by events such as droughts, floods, heat waves, avalanches, and storms."