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Biophysics and Biotechnology Fields in Graduate School

Biophysics and Biotechnology Fields in Graduate School. By Tom Burger. Bio-Titles. Biophysics Bioinformatics Computational Biology Biophotonics Structural Biophysics Molecular Biophysics Integratively Engineered Biointerfaces Bioengineering Bio-whatever. People who apply.

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Biophysics and Biotechnology Fields in Graduate School

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  1. Biophysics and Biotechnology Fieldsin Graduate School By Tom Burger

  2. Bio-Titles • Biophysics • Bioinformatics • Computational Biology • Biophotonics • Structural Biophysics • Molecular Biophysics • Integratively Engineered Biointerfaces • Bioengineering • Bio-whatever

  3. People who apply • Taken from JHU website: “Molecular Biophysics seeks to explain biological phenomena in terms of the physical and chemical properties of biological molecules - DNA, RNA, protein, membranes.  It draws on the rich interactions that have developed in the interface regions between genetics, physics, chemistry, computer science, and other traditional disciplines.”

  4. Bottom Line • Diversity: lots of disciplines striving for a common goal • Growing Field: each program has its own specific research goals • Computer tech: all of the programs stress a proficiency in computer programming and research experience • Applications: medicine, agriculture, industrial

  5. Two types of programs • Biophysics, other graduate dept’s • Tends to be affiliated with physics dept’s • Study for a physics Ph.D. • Can be difficult to find out exactly who is working on Biophysics and on what • IGERT programs • Tend to be multidisciplinary in approach • Shorter period of work • Clearly defined goals in Biotechnology

  6. Biophysics • Affiliated with university’s physics department • 5-7 year program ending in Ph.D. • More on your own research/classes • Find a professor • Flexibility • Closely related to Solid State / Condensed Matter fields

  7. IGERT Programs • IGERT = Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship • New program funded by NSF • www.igert.org • Rigorous multidisciplinary approach • Geared towards industry/government more than academia • Base stipend = $30,000

  8. Bioinformatics • Aka Computational Biology • “Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that provides opportunities for bioengineers to apply their skills in this emerging area of biotechnology.” • Uses computational techniques and patterns to describe protein folding, genome mapping, cancer and neurological disorders

  9. Molecular Biophysics • Aka Integratively Engineered Biointerfaces, Structural Biophysics • Interfaces among advances in nano- tech and cell biology • Applications in biosensors, cell therapy, genetic engineering

  10. The Rest • Biophotonics – program at Buffalo using lasers and optics in biology and medicine • Bioengineering – blanket term to describe anything in biotech field • Other bio fields: Astrobiology, Biogeochemistry, Biomechanics, Environmental Biocomplexity, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience

  11. What do I take from this? • Biotech fields go from nano to astronomical scale • Diverse and growing field • Industry and government funding • Job security • Cash • Applications in medicine and agriculture • Biotechnology is Bioawesome

  12. Bio-References • NSF IGERT website = www.igert.org • Images and information from • John’s Hopkins Molecular Biology program at http://www.jhu.edu/~pmb/admissions.html • Rutger’s Integratively Engineered Biointerfaces at http://www.igert.rutgers.edu/ • Bioengineering Bioinformatics at Illinois-Chicago http://www.uic.edu/depts/bioe/graduate_program/Bioinformatics_GProgram.htm • Bioinformatics at Boston University http://www.bu.edu/bioinformatics/ • Google image search

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