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Netværksbaserede indsatser som integreret tilgang

Netværksbaserede indsatser som integreret tilgang. The grass is always greener on the other side …. Agenda. Open dialogue Examples Does it work? Conclusions. Open dialogue. The provision of immediate help A social network perspective Flexibility and mobility Responsibility

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Netværksbaserede indsatser som integreret tilgang

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Netværksbaserede indsatser som integreret tilgang • The grass is always greener on the other side …

  2. Agenda • Open dialogue • Examples • Does it work? • Conclusions

  3. Open dialogue • The provision of immediate help • A social network perspective • Flexibility and mobility • Responsibility • Psychological continuity • Tolerance of uncertainty • Dialogism

  4. Ungdomspsykiatrisk kriseteam

  5. Outpatient crisis team - goals • Prevention of inadequat hospital admission by mobilisation of network-ressources • To plan necessary admissions • Easier access • ”minimal invasive psychiatry”

  6. De unge og deres familier

  7. The young patients and their families • To be present whenever an whereever there is a crisis • To create adequate alternatives to hospital admission • To create relief without unneccessary intervention into every day life

  8. Praktiserende læger og henvisere

  9. Gp’s etc. • To create the bedst solution according to ”minimal invasive psychiatry” principle • To provide quick help to the young patients and to their families • To make it easier to admit young patients

  10. Forbedringsforslag

  11. Information, PR, cooperation • Reorganisation • Reduction of patientload • Cooperation with ward staff

  12. ”Den trygge vej”

  13. Den Trygge Vej – ”The Safe Way”

  14. ”Den Trygge Vej” – ”The Safe Way” • Coherence og coordination in favour of the children and their families • Clarification of expectations • Clarification of target problems • Mobilisation of ressources in the families and in the networks

  15. Den Trygge Vej

  16. www.ungmedskizofreni.dk

  17. Does it work?

  18. Does it work? • Psychosocial interventions are considered to be effective • due to individual adjustement • due to patient- and familiy involvement and –engagement • due to intensive cooperation

  19. at både brukere, pårørende og personale rapporterer at metoden har bidratt positivt i forhold til “å trekke klientene aktivt inn i utformingen av eget behandlingsopplegg, stimulere til åpen kommunikasjon mellom pasienter, nettverksmedlemmer og fagfolk, øke innsikten i klientenes problemer, fremme sosial støtte, styrke evnen til mestring, og bidra til en bedring av samarbeidet mellom fagfolk fra førsteog andrelinjetjenesten”

  20. Does i work ? • Makes clients being an acitive part in the formulation of their treatment plan • Stimulates an open communication between clients, network representants and professionels • Provides better insight into the clients problems • Advances social support • Strengthens coping abilities • Better coordination and cooperation between professionels representing the primary and the secondery health care system

  21. Does it work ? handler det om at helsetjenesten i større grad skal invitere brukerne til å påvirke egen behandling og å mestre eget liv, samtidig som pårørende skal støttes og ivaretas. Åpen dialog handler i tillegg om at hjelperne skal bli dyktige til å lytte til hverandre og å samhandle med hverandre.

  22. Does it work ? The Healthcare system has to • invite users to influence their treatment and to master their own lives • support relatives • Open dialog is about making helpers better to listen to and to cooperate with with each other

  23. ConclusionsThere is need for: • Research, documentation • Continouos evaluation • Education • Joint venture: Public health care and social systems • Integration into the leadership support • Further development of treatment principles and strategies

  24. Thank You very much

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