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Saint John Vianney Sedona, AZ Introduction to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal

What Is The Roman Missal? . The Roman Missal Aka ?Sacramentary"is the original name of the liturgical book containing the Order of Mass (prayers used at the Mass and the rubrics for Mass), the Lectionary contains the readings ? . A Quick History. Second Vatican Council(1964)-- directed to unde

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Saint John Vianney Sedona, AZ Introduction to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal

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    1. Saint John Vianney Sedona, AZ Introduction to the Third Edition of the Roman Missal Why the Change? What to Expect Looking toward the future Welcome – participants, presenters (History of the RM study group), clarify what our goals are for the evening: Why a new translation Basic information about the Roman Missal What to expect from the translation What to expect from the Archdiocese Opportunity for you to ask questions/ to pose concerns/to offer ideas about catechesis in preparation for the RM Prayer All Who Hunger Gather Gladly Prayer DVD Presentation – Archbishops Welcome – participants, presenters (History of the RM study group), clarify what our goals are for the evening: Why a new translation Basic information about the Roman Missal What to expect from the translation What to expect from the Archdiocese Opportunity for you to ask questions/ to pose concerns/to offer ideas about catechesis in preparation for the RM Prayer All Who Hunger Gather Gladly Prayer DVD Presentation – Archbishops

    2. What Is The Roman Missal? The Roman Missal Aka “Sacramentary” is the original name of the liturgical book containing the Order of Mass (prayers used at the Mass and the rubrics for Mass), the Lectionary contains the readings  

    3. A Quick History Second Vatican Council(1964)-- directed to undertake the work of liturgical reform Complete Sacramentary (approved by ICEL (International Com. English Liturgy) 1973, confirmed 1974) Issued “quickly”—understood revision necessary Translation into vernacular—The language of the people The English translation was: Based upon “dynamic equivalence”(focus on the wider meaning over “formal equivalence”(focus on the specific words and style used in the original “broad meaning vs. literal—word by word And favors time-honored, traditional phrasing – which other language groups have used all along – is recovered

    4. A Quick History cont’d Liturgiam Authenticam (2001) Pope John Paul’s answer to what was happening Changed the rules of translation to “formal” More biblically rooted to help us hear the bible Recognizes that English translations of liturgical texts are used by other language groups(countries) to guide their own translations; therefore the English needs to be as precise and close to the original as possible

    5. Roman Missal 2nd edition solved some of the translation problems of the quickly translated 1st edition Was completed 1997—never came out! English translations of liturgical texts were used by other groups to guide their own translations Addressed concerns of inclusive language Continued concern of translations

    6. What’s New in the Roman Missal –Third Edition?(What to Expect) Many new prayers * New Prayers * New Blessings * Votive Masses * Masses for Various Needs and Intentions * Many New Saints * Vigils for Epiphany and Ascension * An extended Vigil for Pentecost * Editorial Changes/Corrections

    7. What’s New in the Roman Missal –Third Edition?(What to Expect) Other gains with the Roman Missal – Third Edition * Connections to Scripture are clearer * The style will be more formal, “elevated” Chalice vs Cup; Consubstantial * The vocabulary will be more varied, poetic, and concrete Concrete—God of Hosts Poetic--Gloria * The texts are written to be sung * The language is more inclusive i.e. Brethren vs. brothers & sisters * A better linguistic connection to Catholics around the world

    8. What Changes Priest parts i.e. Opening prayers (Collect) Eucharist prayers Chalice vs. cup …in his holy and vulnerable hands… …poured out for you and for Many… More sung dialogues (hopefully ? ) New mass settings—Santus, Gloria, Mystery of faith Added dismissals i.e. Go in peace glorifying the Lord by your life

    9. Assembly/lay faithful parts i.e. No Christ has died, Christ has risen… Change from Memorial Acclamation to Mystery of Faith through my fault, through my fault… Creed—”consubstantial” Lord I am not worthy that you should Enter under my roof... …and with your Spirit What Changes cont’d.

    10. The “Good News” of Change Change can be an opportunity for growth, for fresh ears and eyes Opportunity for liturgical catechesis To reflect on the words of the mass to find ways to engage the People of God more fully in the life of the Church, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist Connection to Mission and Outreach Dismissal

    11. This is an opportunity to go beyond the words. This is an opportunity to engage peoples’ minds and hearts more fully in the meaning of the liturgy to nourish our life of faith. Using a “living language” implies change and as a result we can expect that Roman Missal 3rd edition will not be the last! Look to the Future Opportunity for growing in and deepening our understanding of the liturgy Liturgy is central to who we are as Catholics Liturgy will always be the liturgy Basic structure, the way we do the liturgy remains unchanged Do formation that invigorates the faith lives of our peopleOpportunity for growing in and deepening our understanding of the liturgy Liturgy is central to who we are as Catholics Liturgy will always be the liturgy Basic structure, the way we do the liturgy remains unchanged Do formation that invigorates the faith lives of our people

    12. Where Can I Learn More? www.USCCB.org/romanmissal.org www.revisedromanmissal.org

    13. What “Education” is SJV providing? This slide show Liturgy Corner Bulletin articles & inserts GIFT presentations The “Dry” Mass Lift up Your Hearts faith formation Presentations to ministry groups 5 Minute reviews after masses (Sept-Nov)

    14. Your Input Questions? Concerns? Comments?

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