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The Fall of Rome. Billy Barnard World History. The Roman Empire. Reasons for the Fall. Over expansion Economic Invasions Rise in Christianity. Over Expansion. Over Expansion Cont. With the Empire so spread out, what could be major issues? Defense?
The Fall of Rome Billy Barnard World History
Reasons for the Fall • Over expansion • Economic • Invasions • Rise in Christianity
Over Expansion Cont • With the Empire so spread out, what could be major issues? • Defense? • How can you keep all of the people in such an expansive country happy? What are the results?
Economics • What could be the major issues in the Roman economy? • Hyperinflation • Inequality of money • Many people on Welfare. • Leads to problems in society?
Economics Cont. • Why is this important? • Roman Aqueduct. • With the high inflation, and corruption in the Roman civilization, necessities such as these went to the wayside and the people were left to fend for themselves. • What are other necessities that will get neglected in a economic hard time.
Barbarian Invasion • What does this picture show? • This is the Sack of Rome in 410. • By the Visigoth King Alaric. • The importance of this can not be understated.
Invasion Cont. • What did this do to the Roman people? • Panic • Lack of Faith in the government. • Lack of faith in the army to protect them. • The mighty capital city of Rome has fallen victim to barbarian armies, how would you a Roman citizen react?
Christianity • How could a religion be responsible for the fall of an empire like Rome? • In short, not directly. The church has always had a massive influence in the way that the Roman Empire was maintained. • Pope Leo the Great persuaded Attila the Hun to not attack Rome in 452.
Christianity Cont. • The church played a huge role in the politics of Rome, Vatican City is in the city of Rome. • This has pros and cons. • One huge con is that the church gets involved in the politics and then the line between church and state is blurred and can weaken an empire.
Conclusion The Fall of Rome plays a huge role in the History of the world, Why? Which of these reasons for the Fall of Rome do you think is the most important reason? Your assignment by the end of the week will to figure out a reason and using research justify why you think that is the reason for the fall of Rome.
Which leader did Pope Leo the Great persuade to not attack Rome? • A. Attila the Hun • B. Alaric the Visigoth • C. Xerces of Persia • D. Julius Cesar
What year was the First sack of Rome? • A. 415 AD • B. 445 AD • C. 510 AD • D. 410 AD
What was the term for rapid loss of value in money? • A. Aqueduct • B. Hyper Inflation • C. Hypo Inflation • D. Inflation
What necessity was neglected when the value of Roman coin went down? • A. Defense • B. Aqueducts • C. Bath Houses • D. All of the Above
Which do you believe is MOST responsible for the Fall of Rome? • A. Barbarian Invasion • B. Fall in Economy • C. Rise of Christianity • D. Over Expansion
Sources • http://www.sabbatarian.com/Paganism/Photos/ConstantineEmpire.jpg • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_of_Rome • http://www.bgs.ac.uk/nigl/WebImages/RomanCoin.jpg • http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/mvigeant/univ270_05/jake_aq/images/pont_du_gard.jpg • http://www.memo.fr/Media/Alaric_Rome.jpg • http://www.historyfiles.co.uk/images/Europe/Italy/Rome_Sack455_01_full.jpg • http://www.hotspotsz.com/images4/christianity_250x251.jpg • http://www.regnumnovum.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/pope-saint-leo-the-great-02.jpg