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UIC/UIP/CER Action Programme Noise Reduction. Sustainable freight transport operation demands railways to meet with 2 fundamental requirements: Increase railways transport output and Reduce environmental impact. Objective. Necessity. output.
UIC/UIP/CER Action Programme Noise Reduction
Sustainable freight transport operation demands railways to meet with 2 fundamental requirements: Increase railways transport output and Reduce environmental impact Objective
Necessity output Uncoupling of increasing output and environmental impact environmental impact
Railways have great advantages regarding climate protection and air emissions compared to the other modes of transport.The main environmental impact and challenge is the reduction of noise. Challenge
Cost neutral equipping and retrofitting of wagons with cast-iron brake blocks to composite brake blocks (K/LL). Medium-term reduction of noise emissions by about 8-10dB(A) Gradual introduction of „Low Noise Technology“ Long-term reduction of noise emission up to 20dB(A) Main topics
Actionplan Noise Reduction Freight Wagon Technics Developing technical equipments Retro -fitting Planning , Scenarios , Priorities EU Relations Funding and Financing Decision UIC /UIP/ CER taken in June 1998
The registration of the freight wagon pool has completed: The european railway companies will use ~ 600.000 freight wagons in international transport, which have to be retrofitted to composite brake blocks (K/LL) Retrofitting
Priority: Reduction of Freight traffic noise 600’000 existing wagons in the near future in Europe Purchase of new vehicles: some 1000 - 10’000/a Only new low noise vehicles will not solve problem! Retrofitting of existing fleet must be done Noise abatement to be done in efficient way CBA Study results: Noise abatement on vehicles saves money for infrastructure Saved money might be used for funding fast retrofitting Resulting noise abatement most cost effective Retrofitting
Retrofitting hase - by far - the best cost-effectiveness Used alone, K-blocks achieve 2/3 of the possible benefits Noise barriers, especially high ones, have a poor cost-effectiveness K-blocks improve the total cost-effectiveness and lower the total costs when used in combination with other measures STAIRRS Conclusions
Noise-reduction scenarios without and with retrofitted wagons
Challenge The freedom of wagon circulation in international freight transport operation requires participation of all European railway companies in UIC action programme as far as possible
Status of technical developments • Homologation of K-blocks and provisional homologation of LL-blocks • Progress in expanding K- and LL-block product portfolio • There are now 3 types of K- brake blocks and likewise 3 types of LL-brake blocks (in the context of 2-year service testing) by different manufacturers available for the fitting out of wagons
Type K: higher friction coefficient than cast iron brake blocks conversion of brake equipment necessary cost neutrality for new wagons Type LL: similar friction coefficient to cast iron brake blocks no modification of brake equipment necessary (more or less) cost neutrality for existing wagons Composite brake blocks
Cost Simulation Tool: FreightSimSilent The Simulation tool is ready for use and enables UIC members • to rate costs and benefits of composite break block use in freight wagon fleets with different structures (break even) • to consider the cost development of different retrofitting scenarios and rules of and maintenance within 20 years (LCC) • to show the values of wagon mileage for economical retrofitting • to show the values of necessary financial support from EU and national authorities • to prepare base for retrofitting scenarios (priorities!) align with given target costs • Show the most efficient way of noise reduction for the single railway company as well as the railway mode as a whole
All values fictive • self running access runtime version (no access licence necessary!) • languages: English, French, German, (easily expandable)
All values fictive Savings compared to status quo (GG) Investment costs profit and loss, cumulated break even
Retrofitting using K-blocks Retrofitting investment costs 3 Bill. € for all Europe Costs confirmed in several independent studies, such as 3dparty assessment by AEAT NL Experience on LCC of several 100’000 km available Retrofitting using LL-blocks Retrofitting investment costs could reach ~1Bill. € for all Europe Costs have to be investigated more in detail, as K-blocks may also have to be used for some wagon types Experience on LCC in progress, not yet available Life Cycle Costs Will be developed in 2006 Will form deciding factor to choose specifically most cost efficient technology (LL- or K-block) Actual knowledge on costs
Technics technical problems of retrofitting nearly solved K-blocks homologated LL-blocks provisionally homologated expansion of break block product portfolio on the way Retrofitting quantity of freight wagons for retrofitting defined retrofitting process most cost efficient, when within normal maintanance cycles choice of technology (K- or LL) mainly depends on remaining lifetime and mileage of the wagons knowledge of LCC and simulation model allows to find most cost efficient solution in 2006 Funding Will be necessary Conclusions