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Exam 2 Review Chapters 7-8 & 10-14. Wednesday, November 9, 2011. Terms: Normal fault. Strike-slip fault. Thrust fault Reverse fault Joints Fractures Anticline Syncline Dome Basin Limbs Folds Overturned anticline Recumbent fold Plunging Anticline or Syncline. Concepts
Exam 2 Review Chapters 7-8 & 10-14 Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Terms: Normal fault. Strike-slip fault. Thrust fault Reverse fault Joints Fractures Anticline Syncline Dome Basin Limbs Folds Overturned anticline Recumbent fold Plunging Anticline or Syncline Concepts Older rocks in middle of eroded anticline or dome Younger rocks in middle of eroded syncline or basin Eroded Plunging Anticline has a zigzag outcrop pattern Dip and strike measurements Fold Axis Effects of joints relative to faults What tectonic forces control faulting: Folding and thrust faults-compression Grabens and horst blocks-tension Offset rivers streams-shear Rock Behavior Ductile Brittle Plastic Intrinsic Stress Chapter 7 Structural Geology
Terms inclusion nuclear half-life angular unconformity disconformity Nonconformity Fossil Trace fossils include Tracks Burrows Coprolites (fossil fecal pellets) Gastroliths (polished stomach stones) Chapter 8 Geologic Time • Concepts • Law of Superposition • Principle of Original Horizontality • Principle of Cross-Cutting Relationships • Principle of Faunal Succession • Significance of Inclusions • Unconformities • Relative Dating (older younger) • Based on Superposition • Absolute Dating (nuclear time clock)
Terms Chemical Weathering Oxidation Dissolution Salt wedging Acid Hydrolysis-Carbonic acid Mechanical weathering Exfoliation Sheeting Ice wedging Salt wedging Root wedging Products of Weathering Spheroidal Weathering Regolith Talus Talus Cones Porosity & Permeability Soils Eluviation illuviation Ultisols – Clay rich soils Concepts Resistance to weathering Differential weathering Bowen’s Reaction Series Soil Horizons (True Soil) Topsoil O: Organic matter A: Mineral and Humus E: Eluviation & leaching B: illuviation & accumulation C: Partially altered parent material Saprolite: fractured parent material Soil Erosion Rain Wind Headward erosion Chapter 10 Weathering & Soils
Terms solifluction rock glacier creep mudflow debris flow rock slide rock fall Lahars solifluction Sub-aqueous sand flows. debris slides: landslides slumps Concepts Gravity is the force causing mass movements Saturation of the regolith material lubricates, adds weight and removes cohesion and friction. Steepening slopes aids mass movements With time, everything flattens Chapter 11- Slope Systems
Terms natural levees point bars back swamps yahoo tributaries flood plains oxbow lakes meanders deltas splays distributary channels braided stream alluvial fans bajadas gradient downcutting headward erosion slope retreat extension of drainage downslope Concepts Longitudinal Profile Sediment Load competency capacity Sediment Load Content dissolved - solution suspension bed load - traction Base Level sea-level man-made dam natural Dam waterfall River flow high velocity middle top due to low friction Parts of a River System transporting system collecting system dispersal system Chapter 12 - River Systems
Chapter 13 – Groundwater Systems Terms porosity permeability water table phreatic aquifer aquifer aquitard unconfined aquifer confined aquifer perched aquifer artesian aquifer springs wells cone of depression geysers karst caverns stalagmites & stalactites sinkholes solution valleys caves disappearing streams Concepts karst development dissolution of limestone geothermal geysers hydraulic gradient drop/run (feet/mile) Delta h/distance (feet/mile) flow direction of groundwater drawdown – cone of depression
Chapter 14 – Glacier Systems Terms arêtes hanging valleys cirques accumulation snow line ablation till erratic boulders striations on bedrock kettle lakes pluvial lakes glacial plucking outwash plain glacial lake deposits eskers ground moraine drumlin roche moutonée. varves loess medial moraine lateral moraine névé and firn Concepts Glacier Types valley continental Fjord piedmont Sedimentary deposits on glacial outwash plains are generally rounded, sorted, and stratified. Glacial firnbecomes plastic at a depth of 50 meters Milankovitch theory the tilt of the spin axis. the elliptical orbit of Earth around the sun. the wobble (or precession) or the spin axis. Glaciation occurred during: late Cenozoic late Paleozoic late Precambrian Glacial advancement glacial retreat Plastic flow beneath 50meters