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GESTIÓ DE PROJECTES I OBRES BY: Xavier Canals; Carles Mitjà; Josep A. Barros
REMEMBER: Risk is the accumulate effect of possibilities of the adverse things that affect our project. - Project risk management identify, evaluate and make answers for the risk in projects during his live and at the best of the objectives.
Importance of Project Risk Management: • It helps us to bring better results of our project, help us to decide which is better project, explain us potentiality and develop real estimations. • Some experts explain that 55% of the aborted projects doesn’t make PRM. • If we apply PRM then we can found potentially problems that can affect the future of the project . Then, PRM is like an assurance, is an inversion.
Utility of Risk: • If we use risk then the satisfaction of project could more or less: • - If you take a lot of risk the result are less than you want. • - If you take a lot of risk and you have a big tolerance of risk then you obtain more satisfaction in front risked results. • - A neutral risks means an equilibrium between risk and results. • Then, if you don’t assume risk in a project you don’t take good results. Don’ t bring risk means take a lot of time and more resources.
What is Project Risk Management? • Objective of PRM is minimise potentially risks and maximise potentially opportunities. The tools are: • - Identify risk • - Analyse qualitative risk. • - Analyse quantitative risk • - Planify a response for risk • - Risk control.
Planification of risk management: You have to planificate activities of risk management for the project. The result is a plane for risk management, the level depends if our project is more danger or less. Mc Farlan has developed an answering to take a value of risk. This have some questions with a note which says the level of risk of our project. Identify of risk You have to found how many risk affect our project Some tools are Brainstorming, Delphi technique, SWOT analysis and programs like Riskman
Analysis of qualitative risk Caracterize and analyse of risks anb put it in order depending of the effect magnitude . Some tools are probability/impact matrices or better experts knowledge. : - probability/impact matrices : - Some enterprises thing thet intuition and experts experience in identification of risks. Thiss experts can tell us the risk level
Analysis of quantitative risk It bring us the risk probability and consequences. It is difficult and hard to do. Some tools: - Decision tree analysis: Is a diagram method used which help us to select the best way to continue in situations where the future is uncert. There are a method Expected Monetary Value where you calculate Expected Monetary Value this decision based in risk, probability monetary value
- Simulation: There is a simulator Monte Carlo that with three estimations (the wanted, the pessimist and the optimist) and other thing by the model it quantify risk. For example McDonell Aircraft Company uses it for his projects.
Planify a la response Make points to take use of opportunities and reduce difficulties during the project.. When you have identificated and quantificated risk you have to decide how you take a response. There are four ways to bring. - Eliminate risks eliminating their causes - Accept consequences that give our risc. - Minimise impact and risk probability -Transfer consequences and responsibilities to a third person. Risk control Know risks, identify new risks, minimising and evaluate the efficiency of risk reduction and prepare emergency plans.
WHAT WE CAN DO WITH A PROBLEMATICAL PROJECT? 40% of projects have failures or are aborted before the end other are very expensive to repair. Few number of project managers recognise a mistake signals in time. And only 20% has an identification method and cancellation of wrong projects Have a process with good definition for cancel projects is a very good tool in project management. With this tool project managers can know if a project is necessary to stop early than we use more money or resource. In the next transparency we bring a possible tool to recognise the project “estatus” and in which point we can cancel it.
Consultar altres departaments Consular amb RRHH Begin a dangerous project Desenvolupe a cancel plan of project. Why? CANCEL? Project aprovated? Planificate a again the project Anounce cancelation Only possible this project? Earn positive aspects Possible in our enterprise? Earn of the wrong things Viable with our technology? Look for other project members Correct Promotor? vital points in limit? Continue project Client satisfaction? Define vital points, look for minimal parameters Evalue vital points Send evaluation for management comitee NO YES
Generically resources: a new topic in MS Project 2002 What? This resources allows define abilities i qualifications instead resources that means specific people We make the next response: Why it are used. How to create functions that allows manipulate How affect this in enterprise actuation Advantages of its utilisation
Generically resources: a new topic in MS Project 2002 Why are used? It can used for develop a project plan during the beginning or when is necessary make a work control when is not necessary know who makes it. It are used instead resources. What makes the resources substitution function? Analyse abilities and qualifications that project needs with the thing that works then we can do associations The abilities that has the enterprise resources and deter- mine the disposability.
Generically resources: a new topic in MS Project 2002 Make and use of functions to manipulate Introduce it like material and work resource. It means the ability that have our enterprise and that can be arxived in the program. There are two kinds of generically resources: The ones which are used for various projects The ones which are used only in one project With resource substitution: Optimise program because you take the best ones: ·Qualifications ·Disposability.
Generically resources: a new topic in MS Project 2002 How affect at enterprise actuation? ·Use of qualifications codes. ·In function of necessity, is necessary decomposition workstructure code (EDT), to define a resource position. With this you delimit better the resources. ·Specify resourcenecessitate degree. If a resource is necessary the assistant can’t substitute it. ·Redistribution in project after execute the assistant.
Generically resources: a new topic in MS Project 2002 What is better, when you use it? ·Resources assignations are possible to use in all tasks for all projects. ·Automatically change of recommended assignations. ·Make shorter programs and more difficult to appear upper assignations. ·You can print an inform with assistant results where appears an execution dates, duration, resources, la limit date of resources, with equips of project and other programmation options.
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WHERE WE CAN FOUND INFORMATION? • ALLPM - The Project Managers HomePage • CRITICAL TOOLS INC, • Hemera Technologies Inc, • Kathy Schwalbe Page Home • The Online Comunity For IT project Managers • Reducing Project Management Risk • Risk Management Expert System RISKMAN