Field label replacement • There are about 6000 different resource strings in the SuperOffice clients, and the field label substitution GUI in 7.1 is not able to show that many – it would not be very useful in any case. The subset that is shown comes from a database table called FIELDLABEL, where there is one row for each editable resource, identified by its numeric Id. • The enclosed Excel file contains the symbol, numeric ID and English text of each of the 6000 resources. It can be sorted / filtered using the normal excel functions, and used to discover the possible resources used. In many cases a customer want to override concepts that have multiple texts with (at least in English) the same language string. It is therefore a little bit of a detective job to find out which resource is used in which place. • To help with that, you can copy the enclosed SuperOffice.LabelSymbolProvider.dll to the Windows’ client directory, and add it to the DynamicLoad section in the .config file like this: <add key="Symbols" value ="SuperOffice.LabelSymbolProvider.dll"/>
This provider will grab all text resources and return the resource name instead of the usual English (or other language). It has version numbers to make it compatible with 7.1SR2. In this way you can see exactly which resource is actually used in each place you want to substitute something – your screen will look like this:
Once you have identified the resources you need to override, you create an .IMP file; use the second sheet of the excel file. The first, third and fourth columns should have a zero, while the second column should have the numeric ID of the resource you want to override. When the sheet is complete, mark all four columns and paste them into a text file in Notepad; this will give the correct tab-separated format. • This IMP file can be added to a new section in your sotables.ini, and after that you can import it using DbSetup. • When this is done, the new resources will appear in the SoAdmin user interface, and you can set new text values for them.
In the archives you may find that a resource is used for several purposes. For instance, the Date in both sales and activities is the “same” column in the code; this is by design since these used to be (and still can be) in the same archive. But it doesn’t make sense for activities to have a “Sale date”, so in this case there are two possibilities. Either a) convince the customer this is not critical, or b) look into the file SoArchiveColumns.config where every archive is listed, and you can override a particular column in a single archive. This is a lot of work and requires distribution of the resulting files, so you should really consider if it is needed. • The same goes for search criterias, they are listed in the file SoArchiveCriteriaList.config. • Yes, this behaviour is different from 6.3, because just about all of the archives have been replaced with new, more flexible providers – and these reflect the column sharing that is in the specifications.
Quick guide: Replacing more field labels • After you have added all the labels missing to the My_FieldLabel.imp file and place it in the server\init folder • Add this to SOTables.ini:[MyFieldLabel]REDA=c:\SuperOffice 7 Server\Init\My_Fieldlabel.imp(make sure the red path is correct) • Start DBSetup and use the Load or re-load initial data into a 7.1 database to import the new strings