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HEAT & TEMPERATURE. TEMPERATURE AND ENERGY. Temperature: measure of how hot (or cold) something is measure of average kinetic energy of particles in an object. KE increases, temp increases. KE decreases, temp decreases. Mass and type of substance determines amount of temperature change.

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  2. TEMPERATURE AND ENERGY Temperature: measure of how hot (or cold) something is measure of average kinetic energy of particles in an object. KE increases, temp increases. KE decreases, temp decreases. Mass and type of substance determines amount of temperature change

  3. THERMOMETER instrument used to measure temperature Thermometer types alcohol (with dye) mercury Digital thermometers


  5. CELSIUS SCALE • widely used in science • 0ºC = freezing point • 100ºC = boiling point of water at standard atmospheric pressure. • t = TF -32 1.8 • t = °C • TF = temperature Fahrenheit

  6. CONVERT THE FOLLOWING -355 °F= 800°F= -279 °F= 260°F= 11000°F = -215°C (URANUS’S ATM) 427°C (MERCURY’S DAYTIME) -173°C (MERCURY’S NIGHTTIME) 127°C (MOONS DAYTIME) 6000°C (SUN’S OUTER LAYER)

  7. FAHRENHEITSCALE • water freezes at 32ºF • boils at 212ºF. • TF = 1.8t + 32 • t = °C • TF = temperature Fahrenheit

  8. CONVERT THE FOLLOWING 0°C = 100°C = -200°C = 21°C = 115°C = -58°C = 32 °F (WATER FREEZES) 212°F (WATER BOILS) -328 °F (LIQUID NITROGEN) 70°F (TYP. LIVING ROOM) 239°F (CAR ENGINE) -72°F (TROPOSPHERE)

  9. KELVIN SCALE based on absolute zero (0°K) coldest temperature possible all molecular motion stops T = t + 273 T = Kelvin temperature t = Celsius temperature

  10. CONVERT THE FOLLOWING 21°C = 100°C = -200°C = 51°C = 115°C = -58°C = 388 °K 373°K 73 °K 324°K 388°K 215°K

  11. HEAT

  12. RELATING TEMPERATURE TO ENERGY TRANSFER • Temperature changes indicate an energy transfer. • transfer of energy as heat always flows from a substance at a higher temperature to a substance at a lower temperature. EXAMPLE: if you hold a glass of ice water in your hands, energy will be transferred as heat from your hand to the glass.

  13. Kinetic Heat Potential 1ST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS Energy can not be created not destroyed. entire energy in universe must remain same. Energy can only be transferred from one form to another.

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