The area of Brazil is about the same as the area of the contiguous 48 states of the United States. Notice where the equator passes. There are a number of geographical regions: the Amazon basin, the north eastern dry area, the central plains, the Atlantic highlands and the southern temperate zone.
Theregisteredchurchtheyhadfoundedwhichmade it possible, bylaw, to bringmissionariesintothe country. Thiswas 1987.
In 2007, 20 years after the first missionaries landed in Brazil, by the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the national church was formed in a founding convention. It is called the IgrejaLuteranaBrasileira (BrasilianLutheran Church).
At this time there are two registered congregations, one in the city of Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul, and one in Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul. A start has been made in PresidentePrudente, São Paulo.
In Gravataí Pastor Nate , Pastor Elcy, and Pastor Charles
Main outreach in Dourado is through weekly children classes in people’s homes
Bell choir of Estrella de Belem . Pastor Flunker and wife directing
Faithful Servants founders of IgrejaLuteranaBrasileira and retired in Dourados serving the Lord