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Vocabulary #19

Vocabulary #19. Language Arts. Acute. Severe; sharp having a sudden onset and short duration Jim had an acute pain in is leg. Prolific. producing a large amount of something She was a famously prolific author who could produce several works of fiction and nonfiction a year. Barter.

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Vocabulary #19

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  1. Vocabulary #19 Language Arts

  2. Acute • Severe; sharp • having a sudden onset and short duration • Jim had an acute pain in is leg.

  3. Prolific • producing a large amount of something • She was a famously prolific author who could produce several works of fiction and nonfiction a year

  4. Barter • to exchange things (such as products or services) for other things instead of for money • The explorers used blankets and other supplies for barter to get food from the native people.

  5. Bilingual • able to speak and understand two languages • He is bilingual in English and Japanese.

  6. Ransack • to search (a place) for something in a way that causes disorder or damage • Robbers ransacked the apartment looking for money.

  7. Vernacular • of, relating to, or using the language of ordinary speech rather than formal writing • He spoke in a teenage vernacular, but wrote like a mature adult.

  8. Repose • a state of resting or not being active • I enjoy the repose of a serene summer evening.

  9. Bountiful • giving or providing many desired things • The lush trees provided a bountiful supply of apples for the harvest festival.

  10. Crescendo • a gradual increase in the loudness of a sound or section of music • The noise rose to a crescendo.

  11. Vernal • of, relating to, or occurring in the spring • Trees and flowers in vernal bloom. • The vernal freshness of the land.

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