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POLLUTION. AIR WATER SOIL . WATER. SOIL. WHAT IS IT?. Air pollution means the presence in the atmosphere of substances in a quantity that involves discomfort or risk to the health of human beings and other living things. .
WHAT IS IT? Air pollution means the presence in the atmosphere of substances in a quantity that involves discomfort or risk to the health of human beings and other living things.
A polluted atmosphere can harm the health of people and affect the life of plants and animals. But also the changes in the composition of the atmosphere may produce change climate, acid rain or destroy ozone.
CAUSES The main causes of air pollution are associated with the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas). The combustion of these materials produced in the process or in the operation of industrial and road transport are highly polluting.
IMPACT Air pollution can cause disorders such as burning eyes and nose, irritation and respiratory problemsandalso can cause cancer, birth defects, and brain damage.
To reduce car use and use public transport or bicycle, to walk more, to share your car,etc., are the best ways to help to reduce air pollution.
Soil pollution is caused by the presence of xenobiotic chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. It is typically caused by industrial activity, agricultural chemicals, or improper disposal of waste.
The most common chemicals include petroleum products, solvents, pesticides and other heavy metals. This phenomenon is closely related to the degree of industrialization and intensity of use of chemicals.
Corrosion of underground storage tanks • Application of pesticides and fertilizers • Mining • Oil and fuel dumping • Directdischarge of industrial wastestothesoil
IMPACT Reduction of soil fertility.-Increased erosion. Increased loss of soil and nutrients. Accumulation of sediments in the water tanks. - Gradual reduction in crop yield.
PREVENTION OF SOIL POLLUTION • Protect the environment by avoiding logging, excessive cultivation or construction. • Get rid of garbage properly. • Avoid spillage of contaminant liquids in soil. • Don’t use pesticides or artificial fertilizers. • Share the pollution problem to raise public awareness.
WHAT IS WATER POLLUTION? Waterpollutionisanychemicalchangein thequality of thewater,that has a harmfuleffectonany living beingwho consume thatwater. 12
HOW CAN BE PRODUCED WATER POLLUTION? • The most common forms of water pollution include: • The spill of toxic waste from industrial and urban processes. • Pollution from pesticides, fertilizers and other agricultural chemicals. • Trash that is thrown on the coasts and which is carried by the water courses. • Polluting fuel used on boats. 13
CAUSES Waterpollutionhappenwhenpollutants are dischargeddirectlyorindirectlyintowaterwithoutadequatetreatmenttoremoveharmfulcompounds. Waterpollutionaffectsplants and living organisms in thewater. In almostall cases theeffectisdamagingnotonlyto individual species and populations, butalsotothe natural biologicalcommunities. 15
IMPACT Bythrowingwastetothe seas and rivers, animals living in thatenvironment can die orgetcaught. Someanimalsswallowsmallpieces of wastesuch as plasticbags, glasses, oranyothertype of waste. 14
PREVENTION OF WATER POLLUTION Toimprovethecleanwater in ourplanetweshouldnotthrowanywasteintothe seas, lakes and rivers, such as bottles, paper, foodscraps, cigarettebutts, etc.. 15
CONCLUTIONS Weshould look afterourplanet,itisourresponsabilitytoleaveitcleantothefuturegenerations. Ifwe reduce thepollution, weallwilllivein a betterworld. 16