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SEA in Spatial Planning

SEA in Spatial Planning. SEA in South African Spatial Development Frameworks The Ekurhuleni Experience Elsabeth Olivier September 2005. Legislative Framework:. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 The Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000 Integrated Development Plan (IDP)

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SEA in Spatial Planning

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  1. SEA in Spatial Planning SEA in South African Spatial Development Frameworks The Ekurhuleni Experience Elsabeth Olivier September 2005

  2. Legislative Framework: • The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 • The Municipal Systems Act, 32 of 2000 • Integrated Development Plan (IDP) • Spatial Development Framework (SDF) • Local Government: Municipal Planning and Performance Management Regulations, 2001 • SEA for SDF • National Environmental Management Act, 107 of 1998 (NEMA) • Environmental Management Frameworks

  3. Established in 2000, consisting of 9 previous local authorities and 2 regional services councils. Population ± 2 500 000; Area ±190 147 hectares (1 900km²) Northern area ….. EKURHULENI CASE STUDY

  4. Bapsfontein Tshwane Railways Thembisa Gautrain Northern SDR Sandton Northern SDR Economic Focus Areas Southern SDR 1 Alrode-Wadeville Corridor Eastern SDR 2 Central /Activity Belt 3 Greater JIA / R21 Area 4 Far East Activity Belt Eastern SDR Southern SDR Katlehong Under-Developed Areas Urban Edge Infill Priority Areas Strategic Development Areas Customer Care Centre Ekurhuleni Spatial Framework Legend EMM Boundary Freeway R21 14% 12% N12 M2 N17 N3 14% 24% R59

  5. STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN • The main purpose of the Strategic Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) is to establish constraint zones, which indicate the environmental suitability of certain land parcels to accommodate various types of land uses or activities. • The SEMP is not prescriptive in terms of land use and does not indicate which land uses must occur in which zones. • Rather, the SEMP indicates specific minimum environmental requirements, through management parameters, which have to be met satisfactorily before approval of a development application could be considered. • Similarly the SEMP indicates the level of assessment expected and required in the specified zone(s)

  6. The most significant constraints for development in the area include: • Occurrence and distribution of red data fauna and flora species; • sensitive surface hydrological features, including wetlands, pans, rivers and streams; • significant natural open space connectors • occurrence of large areas of medium and high potential agricultural land; • areas with potential geotechnical constraints; • potential noise constraints due to flight paths of aircrafts departing and arriving at Johannesburg International Airport (JIA); • potential noise constraints due to noise emanating from major roads; • potential pollution sources from local and regional industrial, waste facilities, and irrigation agriculture; and • constraints to development due to the position of the urban edge.

  7. NSDR has been categorised into the following eight constraint zones: • Agricultural constraint zone • Geotechnical constraint zone • Ecological/hydrological constraint zone • Agricultural and geotechnical constraint zone • Agricultural and ecological/hydrological constraint zone • Geotechnical and ecological/hydrological constraint zone • Geotechnical, ecological/hydrological and agricultural constraint zone • No to Low constraint zone.

  8. Thank You oliviere@ekurhuleni.com environment@ekurhuleni.com

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