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MarkLogic Production Deployments. April 7, 2011. How to make them clean/repeatable/testable. Who Am I?. Brad Rix Brad.Rix@FlatironsSolutions.com Technical Lead for Content Technology Practice
MarkLogic Production Deployments April 7, 2011 How to make them clean/repeatable/testable
Who Am I? • Brad Rix Brad.Rix@FlatironsSolutions.comTechnical Lead for Content Technology Practice • Flatirons SolutionsCorporationFlatirons Solutions is a Colorado based system integrator and long-time MarkLogic partner specializing in XML publishing, dynamic content delivery, and digital asset management for both commercial and government clients.
Why Do I Care About This Stuff? • Problem: • You’ve written some cool XQuery • It does great things that will help your business/customer • But oops: the more you write code, the harder it gets: • New developers break code they don’t understand • Deployments to new environment don’t work and the issues are hard to resolve • More code being written causes more instabilities which causes longer debug/deploy cycles • Which results in you spending less time writing cool XQuery and more time fixing the problems described above • Answer: • Invest some time and engineering to create a build/test/deploy/continuous-integration infrastructure which will greatly improve the ratio of (time doing fun stuff/time doing un-fun stuff)
General Deployment Goals • Repeatable Procedures • Ability to automate deployment of XQuery modules • Ability to automate building of environments to replicate exact configuration among dev/test/production environments • Ability to run unit tests against the code & environment • Automate running of unit tests
Automated Deployments • XQuery modules stored in database • Used ant task to deploy modules • Use Docs HTTP server or create a single HTTP server that has a single module stored that manages deployment • Ant task zips up files and POST them to the HTTP server on the Docs database where the simple XQuery module is deployed. • Setting collections/permissions/etc on the files as they are ingested.
Automated Deployments (ant task) • First zip modules into a single zip file <target name="package“> <mkdir dir="${dist.home}"/> <zip destfile="${dist.home}/${ml. name}.zip"> <fileset dir="${build.home}/src/${ml. name}"/> </zip> </target>
Automated Deployment (ant task) • Properties set in build.properties configurable per environment • Post zip file to preloaded endpoint in Docs database <target name=“deploy"> <exec executable="wget" dir="${dist.home}" failonerror="true" vmlauncher="true"> <arg value="--user=${ml.ingest.user}"/> <arg value="--password=${ml.ingest.password}"/> <arg value="--header=Content-Type:application/zip"/> <arg value="--post-file=${ml.name}.zip"/> <arg value="${ml.db.docs.host}/admin/loadModulesDB.xqy?modulesdb=${ml.modules.db}&serverroot=/"/> </exec> </target>
Automated Deployment (module) Modules parse zip file to get file (snippet): for $zip-input in xdmp:zip-manifest($xquery-modules-zip)//*:part return Get Module: xdmp:zip-get($xquery-modules-zip, $filename, <options xmlns="xdmp:zip-get"> </options>) Then load module into database: xdmp:document-insert($uri, $doc, $permissions)
Automated Configuration • Goal is to be able to configure all database configurations including Application servers/application settings/database settings/range indexes/security roles/etc. • Create a configuration file that contains all of the required information. • Allow the configuration to change and able to re-run on new or existing environment • Run the configuration via ant task or xquery module
Automated Database Configuration • Configuration file per environment • Partial Configuration of database <database name=“MyDBName”> <word-positions>true</word-positions> <element-value-positions>true</element-value-positions> <element-range-indexes> <index> <scalar-type>string</scalar-type> <namespace-uri>http://mhhe.com/meta/resolved</namespace-uri> <local-name>type</local-name> <collation>http://marklogic.com/collation/</collation> <range-value-position>false</range-value-position> </index>…..
Automated Configuration (ant task) • Ant task to call a module to configure the server. • Post the file to an endpoint or have the module load the configuration from a file. <target name="setupdatabase"> <runxquery module="admin/configureEnv.xqy?source=filesystem&uri=${ml.home.url}/Docs/config/environment-config.xml&env=${ml.environment}&restart=true" host="${ml.db.docs.host}" user="${ml.user}" password="${ml.password}"/> </target>
Configuration Module • Configuration module will read the configuration file • Read the XML options and run the appropriate admin services API functions to configure the server/database. • Optionally restart the server depending on parameters that require restart to change
Sample Function to Create Indexes let $database-name := $database-config/@name let $dbid := xdmp:database($database-name) (: remove old ones first :) let $cluster-config := admin:database-delete-range-element-index($cluster-config,$dbid, admin:database-get-range-element-indexes ($cluster-config, $dbid)) let $retv := for $index in $database-config/element-range-indexes/index let $rangespec := admin:database-range-element-index($index/scalar-type, $index/namespace-uri, $index/local-name, $index/collation, $index/range-value-position ) return try { xdmp:set($cluster-config, admin:database-add-range-element-index($cluster-config, $dbid, $rangespec) ) } catch ($err) { if ($err/error:code eq "ADMIN-DUPLICATEITEM") then () else error(xs:QName("ERROR"), xs:string($err/error:message)) } return $cluster-config
XQuery Unit Testing • Know that all existing modules work as expected • Changes in modules still work for previous expected behavior • At Flatirons we developed a java XQueryUnit that utilizes XML Unit for differencing XML files • Can be done using HtmlUnit/XMLUnit/Performance Meters • Framework uses ant to run all unit tests • Incorporated into entire build process so that the deploy target can run the tests to ensure that everything works properly in this environment • To test an http restful call into MarkLogic, write an XQuery wrapper that performs the xdmp:http-get (or post). • Return the data back from the module and compare that to expected output in the configuration file.
Unit Tests (configuration file) • Call a module and expect known return • If XML does not match return, then test will fail <xqu:testxqu:name="HelloWorldInline"> <xqu:xqy_test> <xqu:xqy_test_filexqu:uri="modules/util/testHelloWorld.xqy" /> </xqu:xqy_test> <xqu:expected_result> <xqu:xml_result> <xqu:xml_result_src> <hello> world </hello> </xqu:xml_result_src> </xqu:xml_result> </xqu:expected_result> </xqu:test>
Run Unit Tests • Run ant test test: [junit] Testsuite: com.mhhe.xmlunit.UnitTestSuite [junit] Tests run: 5, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 3.078 sec [junit] [junit] Testcase: HelloWorldInline took 0.453 sec [junit] Testcase: HelloWorldFile took 0.016 sec [junit] Testcase: TestCreateProject took 2.109 sec [junit] Testcase: TestFavorites took 0.172 sec [junit] Testcase: TestGetAsset took 0.219 sec
Unit Tests (Failed Test) [junit] [junit] Testcase: HelloWorldInline took 0.313 sec [junit] FAILED [junit] Unexpected error received during test 'HelloWorldInline': junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: org.custommo nkey.xmlunit.Diff [junit] [different] Expected text value 'world' but was ' [junit] failed_test [junit] ' - comparing <hello ...>world</hello> at /hello[1]/text()[1] to <hello ...> [junit] failed_test [junit] </hello> at /hello[1]/text()[1]
Automated Build Testing (Hudson) • Continuous build testing with Hudson (http://hudson-ci.org/) or Jenkins (http://jenkins-ci.org/) • Hudson is a self contained web application (just install and run). Includes Jetty web server as part of deployment. • Run builds on a schedule (hourly) as each developer changes code or manual ad-hoc deployments from a web-interface • Build will run full configuration/ code deploy/ unit tests at each interval. Can automate deployments to multiple environments. • If any failure then e-mail user who checked in code (along with buildmeister)
Dashboard (live) • Shows current builds • Allows kicking off new builds • Can see information on success and failed builds
Lessons Learned • Tightly type the input and output of all modules • This will detect when function is called with empty or wrong parameters quickly. • Disable Function Mapping • declare option xdmp:mapping "false"; • Unit Test as much as possible