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Subject Briefing for Sec 2NT Parents. 21 September 2006. GCE N Level Exam 2008. Compulsory subjects. English. Basic MTL. Maths. CPA. Optional subjects. D & T. Science. Art & Design. EOA. ENGLISH LANGUAGE (1187). OBJECTIVES OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE:
Subject Briefing for Sec 2NT Parents 21 September 2006
GCE N Level Exam 2008
Compulsory subjects English Basic MTL Maths CPA Optional subjects D & T Science Art & Design EOA
OBJECTIVES OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE: At the end of their secondary education, students will be able to communicate effectively in internationally acceptable English. It aims to develop students who are able to speak, write and make presentations that are grammatical, fluent and appropriate for purpose, audience, context and culture. Students will be able to think through, interpret and evaluate texts to analyse how language has been used to evoke response and construct meaning.
Assessment: GCE ‘N’ Level Exam Format Paper 1: Writing, Comprehension and Directed Writing (40%) • Section 1: Writing (20m) • Section 2: Comprehension Questions (20m) • Section 3: Directed Writing (40m) Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension (30%) • Language Use – Cloze Passage (22m) • Form Filling (10m) • Comprehension (28m) Paper 3; Listening Comprehension (15%) Paper 4: Oral Communication (15%) • Reading Aloud • Conversation
Assessment Objectives: • Paper 1: Writing, Comprehension & Directed Writing • To write coherently, cohesively, relevantly and creatively using appropriate vocabulary and accurate grammatical structures • To rephrase or reconstruct information in a different form • Paper 2: Language Use & Comprehension • To use contextual clues • To edit language errors • To interpret information from visuals/stimulus materials
Assessment Objectives: • Paper 3: Listening Comprehension • To understand spoken texts at different levels of comprehension • To understand and carry out spoken instructions accurately. • Paper 4: Oral Communication • To speak with good pronunciation and articulation • To speak with fluency and rhythm • To express ideas in a coherent manner
SKILLS TAUGHT: Language Use Students will know how to vary the language conventions according to purpose, audience, context and culture. Text Types Knowledge of text types will allow students to speak and write effectively. Grammar Knowledge of the conventions of grammar and the grammatical features of text types will allow students to make meaning out of a text.
Assessment modes used by department • Completion of writing and comprehension exercises • Vocabulary lessons and tests • Oral presentations • Mock oral examinations • Form-filling exercises • Reading Programme • Listening Exercises • Exposure to various stimulus materials • Projects
2 4 0 6 V Rationale and Aims • Aims of syllabus: • To give N(T) students the experience of doing hands-on science • To provide a broad educational basis for further training in ITE
Syllabus provides a wide coverage of basic science knowledge that is relevant to technical courses in ITE • Throughout syllabus, emphasis is on the applications of science and technology in everyday life • Hands-on experience of practical work
Assessment • 2 theory papers • Paper 1 • Paper 2 • Questions on experimental skills will be set in both Paper 1 and Paper 2, to emphasise experimental work as an integral part of the teaching and learning of science
N(T) Mathematics
Mathematics Framework Beliefs Interest Appreciation Confidence Perseverance Monitoring of one’s own thinking Self-regulation of learning Attitudes Metacognition Mathematical Problem Solving Numerical calculation Algebraic manipulation Spatial visualisation Data analysis Use of mathematical tools Estimation Reasoning, communication and connections Thinking skills and heuristics Applications and modelling Processes Skills Concepts Numerical Algebraic Geometrical Statistical Probabilistic Analytical
The 4 Strands of the New Syllabus • Numbers and Algebra • Geometry and Measurement • Statistics and Probability • Integrative Contexts • practical real-life applications of Mathematics • Mathematics can come from any part of the other 3 strands.
Assessment Objectives: • Objective 1: Understand and use mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of contexts. • Objective 2: Organise and analyse data and information; formulate problems into mathematical terms and select and apply appropriate techniques of solution. • Objective 3: Apply mathematics in practical situations; interpret mathematical results and make inferences.
Assessment • Each paper: About 8 – 10 short questions carrying 2 – 5 marks followed by 3 long questions carrying 6 – 8 marks. Candidates are required to answer ALL questions. • Scientific calculators are allowed in Both Paper 1 and Paper 2. • Framed in real-life context as far as possible. • Use visual format (pictures, tables, graphs) – like info for general public.
Various Assessment Modes used by Mathematics Department • Common Tests / Examinations • Quizzes • Assignments • Classroom Participation • Groupwork / Discussion • Presentation • Maths Trail • eg Bukit Timah Nature Reserves
Who will do well for this subject? Students who possess the following: • Procedural Skills • Analytical Thinking • Reasoning Skills • Ability to use the appropriate tools • Self-discipline to practice, practice and practice mathematical problems
OBJECTIVES OF D&T • To foster positive values and attitudes for enterprise, creativity and innovation; • To harness curiosity and ability to create through design-and-make activities; • To exercise judgments of an aesthetic, technical and economic nature; • To develop awareness of design in areas of social, culture and environment; and • To acquire knowledge and skills beyond textbooks through the contexts of design-and-make activities.
OVERVIEW OF TOPICSThe subject content is organised into 3 sections. • DESIGNProject Management, Research, Need Definition, Idea Generation, Realisation Plan, Evaluation, Design & Technology in Society, Design Communication, Ergonomics & Anthropometry • TECHNOLOGICAL AREASBasic Electricity & Electronics, Simple Mechanisms • MATERIALS AND PRACTICAL PROCESSESResistant Materials, Smart Materials, Marking Out, Shaping, Joining & Assembly, Finishing
ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES • KNOWLEDGE WITH UNDERSTANDING- demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate knowledge in materials, processes and technological areas • DESIGN PROBLEM SOLVING - plan and manage a design project; produce design solution; research; generate and develop ideas; testing and evaluation; apply appropriate communication methods • REALISATION- organise work procedures and realise a design solution in appropriate materials using suitable techniques
SUBJECT RELEVANCE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION • Serves as foundation for most engineering courses in ITE and later on in Polytechnics
REQUIREMENT FROM CANDIDATES • Have an inquisitive mind • Independent and hardworking • Loves hands-on activities • Positive attitude • Have passion for the subject
OBJECTIVES OF CPA : 1. To develop a sense of information technology culture and an appreciation of the range and power of computer applications; To develop an awareness of how computers work and how they are used in the home, school, workplace and community;
OBJECTIVES OF CPA : 3. To appreciate the role computers play in everyday life and the impact computers have on society and people; 4. To acquire skills in using common application software to accomplish tasks.
Assessment: GCE ‘N’ Level Exam Format PAPERS 1 & 2: Duration: 1 hour 15 min • Paper 1 – 20 compulsory multiple choice questions [10%] • Paper 2 – compulsory short structured questions [20%] PAPER 3: Duration: 1 hour 30 min • Practical [35%] • 1 task integrating the use of document processing and spreadsheet PAPER 4: • Coursework [35%] • 1 open task
6 compulsory modules Computer Basics Computers in Everyday Life Computer Graphics Document Processing Multimedia Presentation Spreadsheets
1 optional module Web Design Database Product Design
OBJECTIVE OF EOA: To provide pupils with the foundation knowledge, skills and values important to the effective functioning of an organisation.
Assessment: GCE ‘N’ Level Exam Format PAPER 1: Duration: 1 hour 30 min • Theory [50%] • Section A - compulsory questions with helping words or requiring short answers • Section B – answer 2 out of 3 structured questions PAPER 2: Duration: 1 hour 30 min • Practical [30%] • 3 compulsory tests • word process a business letter or document (10%) • reproduce a form to record a particular activity within the office (10%) • record, update and present data related to the business in tabular and graphical display (10%)
Assessment: GCE ‘N’ Level Exam Format PAPER 3: • Coursework [20%] • Consists of the following compulsory assignments: Using the computer to • design a form to record a particular activity within the office such as stationery requisition form, medical leave form, application for leave form and petty cash voucher • design an office notice such as internal announcement of office function/events • word process a report, a set of minutes of meeting and a notice of meeting (with agenda) • prepare a schedule • complete forms accurately and neatly aligned using the template given • prepare and compute a given set of data (e.g. Petty Cash Book, Sales Report, Statement of Accounts, Postage Record, Stationery Stock Record)
8 modules Mail handling Office Organisation Communication Receipts & payment Interpersonal & organisation skills Stationery control Documents & Filing Information Skills
Art and Design
OBJECTIVES OF Art and Design To nurture an informed awareness and appreciation of the visual arts; To enhance ability to identify and solve problems creatively in visual and tactile forms; To develop competency in the use of art and design principles, materials and processes; To foster self-confidence and a sense of achievement through the practice of the visual arts; To cultivate an inquiring mind, a spirit of experimentation and a passion for the visual arts
Assessment: GCE ‘NT’ Level Exam Format Paper 1 (60%) – Portfolio (Coursework) • Collection comprising three art and/or design works from at least two differing media. • A brief of not more than 50 words must be submitted for each work. Paper 2 (40%) – 3 h Examination • Art Task: Task question and answer booklet to be given ten weeks in advance. Six questions will be issued to candidates who are to make a response to one of the questions. The answer booklet with documentation of the processes and exploration must be submitted with the final solution.
Who will do well for this subject? Students who choose art must be • passionate and • committed to regular and consistent work during holidays and after school • like art
What's after GCE 'N(T)' Level Exam?
Admission Criteria to ITE for N Level Students • number of GCE ‘N’ level passes • National ITE Certificate (Nitec)