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RSVY N.C.Hills
RSVY, N.C.Hills • The District plan under RSVY for N.C. Hills District is prepared and formulated as per guideline issued by Planning Commission, Govt. of India. The plan is prepared under four lead sectors viz. • Agriculture including Horticulture, Marketing, irrigation and Animal Husbandry. • Surface Communication including Eco-Tourism. • Water Harvesting including drinking water facilities, Handloom Textile and Sericulture. • Human resource Development including Education and Welfare of women and Children & Village Industries.
RSVY, N.C.Hills REASONS FOR SELECTING THESE SCHEMES UNDER RSVY. • All the tribal people in N.C. Hills district are mainly depended on Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and other allied activities. Thousands of Tourist also visit this only hill station in the state every year. Moreover ethnic dresses as well as handicrafts are popular in plain districts. Hence these schemes have been selected for economic upliftment and employment generation of rural people.
RSVY, N.C.Hills BACKGROUND The following consumption Centres are having accessibilities to the district and have established market for additional production of food, handloom, handicrafts items envisaged to be produced under RSVY Scheme – 1. Guwahati Capital City 320 K.M. from Haflong. 2. Silchar 120 K.M. from Haflong. 3. Shillong 120 K.M. from the border and 236 K.M. from Haflong. 4. Lanka 128 K.M. from Haflong. 5. Dimapur 200 K.M. from Haflong. 6. Nagaon 180 K.M. from Haflong.
RSVY, N.C.Hills BASIC DATA ON POPULATION DENSITY ETC. 1. Total area 4890 Sq.K.M. 2. Total Population 186189 Nos. 3. Male - 98899 – 56.13% 4. Female - 87290 – 43.87% 5. S.C. Populations - 3918 – 2.10% 6. S.T. Populations - 98834 – 53.70% 7. Density 38 per Sq. K.M. 8. Net sown area - 28037 Ha. 9. Forest 63777.41 Ha. 10. Non agricultural – 393276 Ha. and barren land 11. Area sown more than once 8147 Ha. 12. No of villages - 640 13. Net irrigated area – 5439 Ha. 14. Literacy - 69%
RSVY, N.C.Hills RESOURCE 1. Natural resource • Land resource – 1. Geographical area 489000 Ha. 2. Agricultural land 28037 Ha. 3. Water bodies 3909 Ha. 4. Non agricultural land 393276 Ha. 2. Forest. • There are 3 (Three) nos. of reserved forest in N.C. Hills. There are sparse bamboo forest in almost all villages. Apart from bamboo cane is also available. 3. Mineral. • N.C. Hills District is famous for Lime Stone. There are abundance of lime stone which are now used by three nos. of Cement factories at Umranso. Coal is also available in N.C. Hills and now extracted in open cast mining process.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 4. Human resource. 1) Total Population 186189 2) Cultivator 33459 3) Marginal Labour 15346 4) Agricultural Labour 3600 5) Artisans 1100 6) House hold Industries 1480 7) Mining & Quarrying 883
RSVY, N.C.Hills INFRASTRUCTURE • ROADS - Extended portion of N.H. 54 passes through this district from Lumding to Silchar via Maibang, Mahur, Jatinga and Harangajao. There is a proposal of passing East – West corridor High way replacing the extended portion of N.H. 54. • Categories of Roads Length 1. N.H. (Extended) 211.00 K.M. 2. Major District Road 149.50 K.M. 3. Roads under NEC 173.82 K.M. 4. Village Road 522.09 K.M. 5. Surfaced Road 605.98 K.M. 6. Other District Road 444.79 K.M. • RAILWAYS – The present meter gauge Railway line passes through the hilly terrine from Lumding connecting main town, Langting, Maibang, Mahur, Haflong, Jatinga and Harangajao.
RSVY, N.C.Hills • AIR PORT - The N.C. Hills district is not connected with air ways. But nearest air port is Silchar at a distance of 120 K.M. • BANKING – No. of Commercial Bank 8 (Eight) Nos. No. of Rural Bank 9 (Nine) Nos. Credit deposit ratio 14.05% • SCHOOL & COLLEGES – 1. Arts & Science College 4 2. High School 76 3. Meddle School 175 4. Lower Primary 676 5. Teacher Training institute 1 6. ITI 1
RSVY, N.C.Hills SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH • Adequate land resource. • Good climatic season. • Availability of surface water, with 5Nos Natural Lakes. • Beautiful topography attracting tourist. • World famous Jatinga Birds enchantment. • Suitable Soil for Horticulture • River Rafting and Angling at Panimur. • Trekking to state’s 2nd highest peak. • Tremendous growth of cane and bamboo.
RSVY, N.C.Hills WEAKNESS • Deforestation due to Jhum. • Land Slide & Land depression. • Poor surface communication. • Natural calamities, Cyclone, erosion of roads. • Poor telecommunications. • Inadequate marketing facilities of agriculture Handloom and live stock products. • Weavers are not skilled enough.
RSVY, N.C.Hills OPPORTUNITIES • More Agricultural land can be used. • Jhum can be replaced by permanent cultivation. • Horticulture product can be grown more for canning. • Live stock production can be increased. • Jatinga can be developed with all modern facilities to attract tourist. • Availabilities of rare species of Turtle and tortoise at Hajong Lake. • River rafting and Angling can be developed at Panimur. • Trekking to state’s 2nd highest peak. • Cane-bamboo product can be developed. • Ethnic dress and textile can be commercialized.
RSVY, N.C.Hills THREAT • Recurring land slide, Land degradation. • Jhum cultivation destroying forest. • Production increases without studying the marketing facilities. • Poor Telecommunication. • Problem of school dropout for inadequate hostel facilities.
RSVY, N.C.Hills (A) AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED ACTIVITIES 1.Agriculture, in 3 (Three years) Physical Financial • Area expansion of Sugarcane . 960 ha. 309.90 Lakhs Potato and Mustard seed • Gur production 60 Nos. 60.00 Lakhs • Minor lift irrigation 330 ha. 103.50 Lakhs • Farmers Training 75 unit 11.25 Lakhs • Metal seed bin for storage of food grain 200 Nos. 10.23 Lakhs • Mobile Soil Testing kit 25 Nos. 7.50 Lakhs Total 502.38 Lakhs IMPACT – 3000 persons will be benefited. 960 Ha to bring settle cultivation from jhumming. 60 SHG will be formed and benefited.
RSVY, N.C.Hills • HORTICULTURE 1. Expansion of Horticulture crops 200 ha. 44.00 Lakhs 2. Establishment of Canning and fruit 1 No. 47.40 lakhs preservation Centre. 3. Mushroom Development.1 No. 20.76 Lakhs 4. Production of Vemicompost. 9 Nos. 9.00 lakhs 5. Citrus rejuvenation scheme. 30 ha. 14.34 Lakhs 6. Establishment of Nursery. 5 Nos. 17.50 Lakhs 7. Purchases of Sprayer. 300 Nos. 6.00 Lakhs Total 159.00 Lakhs IMPACT :- Employment generation of 5,000 mandays per year i.e 15,000 in three years. Organize 500 SHG.
RSVY, N.C.Hills • 3.MINOR IRRIGATION • 1. Harangajao Block 3 Nos. 54 ha. 50.05 Lakhs • 2. Jatinga Valley Block 3 Nos. 72 ha. 67.50 lakhs • 3. Diyungbra block 2 Nos. 50 ha 31.19 lakhs • 4. Maibang Sub-Division 6 Nos. 1290 ha 70.00 lakhs Total 14 Nos. 1466 ha. 218.74 Lakhs • IMPACT :- Employment generation of 1.47 lakhs man days in 14 Nos. of M.I. and 1466 ha. would be brought under irrigation.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 4.ANIMAL HUSBANDRY • 1. Establishment of Poultry Broiler farm 35 Units 32.85 lakhs • 2. Establishment of Poultry Commercial layer 35 Units 87.35 lakhs • 3. Establishment of Pig farm 25 Units 90.77 lakhs • 4. Establishment of Goat farm 10 Units 10.95 lakhs • 5. Establishment of Dog breeding farm 10 Units 13.37 lakhs • 6. Establishment of modern feed mixing plant 1 Unit 10.00 lakhs • 7. Establishment of fodder farm 1 Unit 3.00 lakhs Total 117 Units 342.29 lakhs • IMPACT :- 110 SHG would be established • 1100 nos. of A.H. & Vety grower will get direct benefit. 35 Nos of Poultry, 35 Nos. Layer, 25 Nos. Pig Farm and 1 unit feed mixing plant will be established.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 5.TRAINING AND RESOURCE CENTRE 1. Training and resource centre – 1 Unit - 50.10 Lakhs with computer and modern facilities. • IMPACT :- To provide training on livelihood issue. Rural Training Centre with Computer facilities. Training to 10 persons in three shift with 10 Nos. of computers each, 120 persons in a year.
RSVY, N.C.Hills (B) SURFACE COMMUNICATION & ECO TOURISM 1. Surface Communication:- • a) Construction of Roads 36.70 K.M. 608.50 Lakhs • b) Conversion of SPT Bridge by RCC 5 Nos. 191.50 Lakhs • c) Excavator 2 Nos. 55.00 Lakhs • d) Dumper 2 Nos. 30.00 Lakhs • e) Recovery van 1 No. 15.00 Lakhs • Total 900.00 Lakhs • IMPACT :- 55 villages would be brought under road network. Conversion of 5 Nos. of SPT bridges into RCC. To Link remote boarder areas to provide marketing facilities.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 2. ECO – TOURISM • 1. Construction of Ethnic village at Jatinga. 76.00 lakhs • 2. Trekking to 2nd Highest peak 39.00 lakhs • 3. Development of Hajong Tortoise Lake 46.00 Lakhs • 4. Angling & River Rafting at Panimur 19.00 Lakhs • 5. Construction of Silviculture park 24.37 Lakhs • 6. Children park at Haflong 21.00 Lakhs • 7. Construction of amusement park at Lower Haflong 24.00 Lakhs Total 249.37 Lakhs • IMPACT :- 4.00 Lakhs man days will be generated ,200 families will be directly benefited, inflow of Tourist both national and international is expected to go up. Ethnic village with 13 Nos. tribal treats, amphitheatre and preservation of Tortoise, Rafting and Angling at Panimur.
RSVY, N.C.Hills • ( C) WATER HARVESTING, WATER TREATMENT • 1.Water Harvesting :- • 1. Lower Lake at Haflong 114 lakhs • 2. Bazar Lake 95 Lakhs • 3. Kalibari Lake 40 Lakhs • 4. Dibarai Lake 56 Lakhs • 5. Lake near Govt.Boys H. School 15 Lakhs • 6. Retaining wall near Govt. H.S. School 10 Lakhs Total 330 Lakhs • IMPACT :- To make these lakes more beautiful to attract tourist. Rowing/ boating can be developed like Ward Lake in Shillong.40000 People will get drinking water.5000 more tourist expected every year, 2000 people will participate in Aquatic sports.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 2.PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING • 1. Construction of Water Supply Scheme 16 Nos. 490.00 Lakhs • 2. Purchase of Water Testing kit. 10.00 Lakhs Total 500.00 lakhs • IMPACT :- To provide drinkingwater facilities to 67000 people in 3 years in 25 Nos. villages. Mandays – 117400 Nos. will be generated. • 3.EXPANSION OF HANDLOOM & HANDICRAFT • 1. Distribution of fly shuttle loom with accessories 960 Nos. 144.00 lakhs • IMPACT :- 960 trained unemployed weavers will be rehabilitated in Handloom sector.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 4.SERICULTURE • 1. Eri – Spinning Training with 900 Trainees & 243.63 Lakhs supply of improved spinning 400 hac Som Charkha and Som plantation. Plantation. • IMPACT :- 900 women weaver would be benefited & 400 ha area would be brought under Som plantation.
RSVY, N.C.Hills (D)HUMAN RESOURCE DEV. & CHILDREN AND WOMEN WELFARE 1.EDUCATION • 1. Construction of 50 Seated 1 No. 40.00 Lakhs Girls hostel for Haflong Govt. College • 2. Construction of Addl. Class room at Haflong Govt. College 60.00 Lakhs • 3. Improvement and renovation of Maibang H.S. School 6.00 Lakhs • 4. Improvement and renovation of Haflong Govt. College 8.00 Lakhs • 5. Construction of 3 storied RCC building for 50.00 Lakhs library, reading room, administrative block of Haflong Govt. College • 6. Improvement and renovation of Govt. H.S. School 5.00 Lakhs • 7. Improvement and renovation of Govt. Girls H.S. School 5.00 Lakhs • 8. Reconstruction of building of Govt.M.E. School at Harangajao 8.00 Lakhs • 9. Improvement and renovation of Gunjung Govt. M.E. School 4.00 Lakhs • 10. Improvement and renovation of Jatinga Govt. M.E. School 4.00 Lakhs • 11. Improvement & renovation of Laisong Govt. M.E. School 5.00 Lakhs • 12. Improvement of Langting M.E. School 5.00 Lakhs Total 200.00 Lakhs • IMPACT :- In 3 years 66414 child will get educational facilities along with hostel for needy students.Environment of education will be improved.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 2.WELFARE OF WOMEN & CHILDREN • 1. Basic Orientation Training 250 SHG 6.00 lakhs • 2. Skill up gradation 20 Nos. 58.12 lakhs • 3. Loom & Accessories 2500 Nos. 150.00 lakhs • 4.Jacquard Machine 1500 Nos. 60.00 lakhs • 5. Work shed 2500 Nos. 203.88 lakhs • 6. Fund SHG CF equipment 250 SHG 62.50 lakhs • 7. Share Capital Assistance 1500 Nos. 50.00 lakhs Total 590.50 lakhs • IMPACT :- 250 SHG would be created and more than 2500 beneficiaries would be benefited. 2500 woman from the most vulnerable section will be benefited.
RSVY, N.C.Hills 3. Khadi & Village Industries Bee keeping 36 groups 28.80 Lakh Fiber Industry 30 groups 16.20 Lakh Can & Bamboo Industry 30 groups 15.00 Lakh Marketing 3.50 Lakh ----------------------------- Total = 63.50 Lakh
RSVY, N.C.Hills 4.MONITORING AND EVALUATION • 1st year 5.00 lakhs • 2nd year 5.00 lakhs • 3rd year 5.00 lakhs • --------------------------- Total 15.00 lakhs