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TThe engineer of the 21 st century: a renaissance engineer?

TThe engineer of the 21 st century: a renaissance engineer?. H.De Man Em.Prof. K.U.Leuven Em. Senior Fellow IMEC hugo.deman@telenet.be. Outline. The industry and the role of the Ph.D. The 21 st Century: a renaissance century? Extreme changes in society-technology-science

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TThe engineer of the 21 st century: a renaissance engineer?

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  1. TThe engineer of the 21st century:a renaissance engineer? H.De Man Em.Prof. K.U.Leuven Em. Senior Fellow IMEC hugo.deman@telenet.be

  2. Outline • The industry and the role of the Ph.D. • The 21st Century: a renaissance century? • Extreme changes in society-technology-science • The renaissance engineer of the 21st century • Profile • Skills and attitudes

  3. Time Time =money, time to market = win or lose! Good enough > best 1.‘The’ industry and role of engineer Bridge of innovation: knowledge -> know-how -> €€$$ Society Market opportunity Sales What? How? Product Service =system Specify Design Manufacture Concept Technology, Methodology Basic science Social skills

  4. one team Market analyst Specify Design Manufacture System Concept Process Eng System Eng Design Eng Many Engineering profiles… Society Service/application Eng Market opportunity What? How? R&D. Eng

  5. Bottom-Up Implementation Abstract MIM Specific A-Levels Hierarchy Synthesis System? “Set of interacting (sub)systemsperceived as a whole, performing a useful function by interaction with human or other environment.” Subsystem = component Technical Natural Top-Down System System Whole, Function Structure Architecture

  6. Scientist Engineer Discovers Designs = analysis of Natural Systems = synthesis of Technical Systems Laws of Nature Knowledge Product, Service, Process Creative Multiple Solutions Contemplative Single valued Engineer ¹Scientist!

  7. 2 3 1 2 3 Synthesis: from abstract to specific (Top-down design) Environment System 1 Boundary Conditions Method to master complexity!

  8. Designing a Chip Designing a Bacterium A remarkable parallel… gaattcgcgg… 10011000.. Bio-Engineer E-Engineer genoom DNA Design! OUT IN OUT IN

  9. Organizing System Engineering • System Architect (senior) • Tall-Thinperson, fought in all trenches, technical leadership • Generalist in technology, master in complexity and people mgmt. & planning & system integration, non-tech comm. skills • Engineering teams (junior) • Short and Fat. Technical experts at AL. • Team and communication skills • Process design: • System level design: process architects • Process integration • Process engineering teams- > process flow, PERT planning • Communication and reporting protocol

  10. test test test test integration TEST Of projects,teams and testing Task at given Abstraction level Project (Architecture) 1 project, n teams Parallel teams Precedence T1 4 3 1 2 Design trajectory# T2 T1 T3 CAE! Sequential Design Tv Concurrent Design teams (Concurrent Engineering) T4 Vertical Design team (Waterfall)

  11. Companies interact in a hierarchicalind. “eco-system” Industrial eco-system: also a system! Society Market What? How? Outsourcing Specify Design Produce System Concept CAE Parts Machines Materials Design offices Research Institutes Ph.D. friendly Support industry

  12. Network ofagile KNOWLEDGE intensive companies Internet Commerce Telecom Parts €€€ Software Services System Assembly CHIP foundry Consumer Products IP Internet Providers IP Network Operators Fabless Design Infotainment Industry Embedded Software... Smart Fab. Mechatronics Process Dev. Globalising Industrial Eco-systeem IP IP=intellectual property Towards ‘open innovation’

  13. virtual company 1 virtual company 2 agile Hi-Tech SME Core competence Telecom switch EASICS EASICS USB PRODUCT =>Young entrepreneurship in virtual companies... The industry of the 21st century = dynamic network of knowledge based companies that design and produce globally CHIP EXPRESS ITCL INTEL MICROSOFT

  14. Apple as a virtual global company Ipad Apps Media Location Games Weather Lifestyle … WORLD Samsung (Korea) ARM (UK) APSemi(US) TI (US) NXP (NL) Compeq (Taiwan) LG (Korea) Qualcomm (US-NL) Assembly/Battery (China) Touch screen(D, China) System =Apple Calif. http://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/iPad-Wi-Fi-Teardown/2183/2

  15. Want to be a manager? Which one? BOD Board of Directors General assembly Ph.D. Eng Share Holders CEO CTO COO CEO BDO CFO HRM CLO COO € BDO HRM CFO Product Market time Stock Market cost Specify Design Produce System Concept CTO Mgm team

  16. Where does the Ph.D. fit into this? • Profile best suited for research oriented companies and research institutes • Research intensity of Belgian companies? • Hi-tech start-ups for the entrepreneurially minded • Research institutes offer career or a bridge to the industrial (hi tech) R&D world

  17. 60 Econ. Weight 50 R&D-Spending 40 R&D-Personnel 30 20 10 0 Hout Chemie Metaalindustrie Textiel- en kleding Papier- en karton Rubber- en plastics Leder- en schoenen Elektrotechniek en ICT farmaceutischeindustrie Landbouw- en voeding Productie van machines Productie van transportmaterieel Andere verwerkende industrieën Vercooksing, raffinage en nucleaire Productie van overige niet-metalen mineralen a) Research intensity per sector (B) 1 3 2 5 6 4 http://www.pharma.be/assets/files/2177/2177_129356773597856484.pdf

  18. 10% Ind. R&D personnel = Ph.D. R&D teamleader= CTO System architect Expert team member http://www.belspo.be/belspo/home/publ/pub_ostc/ind/ind9_nl.pdf

  19. R&D share vs. size of company SME Country! R&D share -9% +10% http://www.belspo.be/belspo/home/publ/pub_ostc/ind/ind9_nl.pdf

  20. R&D cluster 1: DSP Valley: next door! NXP http://www.dspvalley.com/

  21. Eindhoven-Leuven-AachenHi-Tech Area http://www.elat.org/ Open Innovation concept  NIH http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_innovation

  22. R&D Cluster 2: Leuven Bio-Incubator: innovation shift! Univ R&D € Roche CH Athersys USA J&J, Bayer, BASF…

  23. Flanders Bio Cluster3 http://flandersbio.be/files/Activity_Report_FlandersBio_LowRes.pdf http://flandersbio.be/files/BIOTECH_WEB.pdf

  24. b) Start your own Hi-Tech SME? • Do you have a good concept with market value? • Are you creative, entrepreneurial, flexible? Then: • International Market study • Business plan • Financial plan • Search for venture capital provider(s) • Team : CEO, (COO), CTO, marketing, R&D team • Make use of starter’s coaching!!! TEST YOURSELF! www.sokwadraat.be/Page-online_START_UP_ready_tes-NL.htm

  25. Starter’s coaching www.sokwadraat.be/ lrd.kuleuven.be/spinoff/index ACCO 10€ … … http://www.robtv.be/nieuws/leuven/so-kwadraat-wil-10000-jobs-creeren

  26. Venture Capital Providers lrd.kuleuven.be/spinoff/gff-informatie www.allegroinvestmentfund.com

  27. Test your creativity and innovation skills… www.flandersdc.be/view/nl/1397131

  28. c) Research Institutes (RI) • Bridge between university and industry (worldwide) • From knowledge->know-how and transfer to industry • System oriented/multidisciplinary (demonstrators!) • Creation of industrial leadership (system thinking) • Generator, incubator and coaching of spin-offs • IMEC (micro-nano-neuro-solar energy tech) • VIB (bio-tech) • VITO (energy, environment) • IBBT (societal apps for broadband communication) • ENERGYVILLE (smart grids) • FMTC (mechatronics) • SCK (nuclear tech, 4th gen nuclear)

  29. Role of research institutes… Demonstrators System level Integrative R&D Transfer-Spin-off R&D teams Integrating research into solutions… Universities Exploratory Research Ph.D Industry 2010 0 Time Frame (years) 5 Society 10 2020

  30. Affiliated Affiliated Universities Companies Thematic ‘vertical’ system projects Valorisation ind. resident Coaching professor IP Contracting Ph.D. investments M.Sc Ph.D. ind. M.Sc Methods, prototypes, IP RI: Meeting place of academy and industry Research Institute M.L.T. L.T. Ph.D, academia Start-ups Fundamental hor. problems

  31. Websites • IMEC: www2.imec.be/be_nl/home.html • VITO : www.vito.be/VITO/NL/HomePageAdmin/Home • VIB: www.vib.be/nl/Pages/default.aspx • IBBT: http://www.ibbt.be/nl • ENERGYVILLE: www.energyville.be/indexeng.html • FMTC: www.fmtc.be/en/getpage.php?i=1 • SCK: www.sckcen.be/

  32. Outline • The industry and the role of the Ph.D. • The 21st Century: a renaissance century? • Extreme changes in society-technology-science • The renaissance engineer of the 21st century • Profile • Skills and attitudes

  33. A century of ‘Megashocks’ • See: Econoshock, Geert Noels, Hautekiet • ‘Hoe 6 economischeschokkenuwleven • fundamenteelzullenveranderen’ • Demography: towards 9B in 2050, aging of society • Center of gravity moves east (multipolar world) • ICT driven globalisation, social media, revolutions • End of fossil fuels, scarsity of raw materials • Towards ‘post-capitalist’ society?* • Towards a green economy SimultaneousMegashocks… *www.tedxbrussels.eu/2011/speakers/marc-luyckx-ghisi/

  34. Technological Shocks ComputerChips, DNA, tech at nano-scale Information + Communication (ICT)+ Bio-Neuro-en Nanotech 21 Personalised Services, products Lifestyle Health Care Brains Knowledge III IV CenturyTechnologyProduction factor Product 20 Fossil Fuel Energy Machines Electrical Energy Manufacturing Infinite Resources! Labour Capital I II Mat. Goods Cars, Planes But it’sfinite!! Sustainability !

  35. Intelligent systems? Energy Mfg. Goods Information +Bio+Nano+Energy Convergence Intelligence Complexity Life Sciences Neuro Science Technology Techno-Science Nano Science and Technologyare merging into Techno-Science! Qu At Phys.Sc. El M Th 1800 1900 2000 Era Science Scale Macro Micro

  36. => Converging Technologies Innovation will emerge from synergy of techno-science disciplines rather than from individual disciplines e.g. Ambient Intelligence Mechatronics / Nanoelectronics/Nanomaterials Smart Mobility Smart Grids + PV Synthetic biology Nano-medicine Personalized (tele)medicine … ‘Creativity is connecting things’ Steve Jobs Van Santen et al.: 2030 Technology that will change the world (Oxford) http://ec.europa.eu/research/conferences/2004/ntw/pdf/final_report_en.pdf

  37. Ambient Intelligence Signal Processing A/D D/A 0110101.. HARDWARE transmission Actuator Powering “Embedded” SOFTWARE Signal Conditioning v(t) Actuators Components Sensors Machine, Building Biosystem, Man, Animal… p,T,x’’... observation control “Environment” ICT-Cw-Bio-Nano-Intelligence

  38. Impacts whole society AmIchanges the way people experiences his surroundings Requires holistic approach: Society driven technologyi.o. tech driven society. (social innovation) Renaissance ingenieurs needed! Bron: E. Aarts, Philips

  39. Mechatronics Ambient Intelligence applied to mech systems http://www.edn.com/article/509476-Complexity_demands_a_new_engineering_mindset.php

  40. Smart Grid: El.Net + ICTEnergyville (Waterschei EIT) Solar Roofs Nuclear Gas Wind turbines VITO KUL IBBT IMEC Eandis Infrax SPE Telenet Belgacom Alcatel Laborelec Fifthplay… Telecom EV E-Storage mWKK ICT for Smart E-control Bron: VITO

  41. Biology Engineering Chemistry SYNBIO System Design Methodology bioethics DNASeqSyn gaattcgcgg… Standardized BioParts Specifications BioInformatics Simulation-Modeling Tools genoom DNA Ontwerp! BioBrick UIT Product Synthetic Biology= Where Bio meets Engineering IN http://partsregistry.org/Main_Page

  42. Gene Chip BioSensors LoC, Mol. Imaging Bio-informatics Targeted Drug Delivery BioSensors Telemed. Bio-Nano-ICT convergence at all stages!

  43. Biotope of today’s engineer (scientist) • Information explosion: *3/10y, 6000p/day… • Unprecedented rate of Change: half-life product < 5y • Converging disciplines: broad-depth conflict • Globalised markets, virtual companies • Towards flat, agile company structures • Sustainable manufacturing crucial (cradle-to-cradle, recycling) • More societal responsibility imposed by law • Trend towards ‘open innovation’ eco-systems (sharing cost)

  44. So…

  45. Remember.. • It is not the strongest of the species that survives, or the most intelligent; it is the one most capable of change • Darwin

  46. Outline • The industry and the role of the Ph.D. • The 21st Century: a renaissance century? • Extreme changes in society-technology-science • The renaissance engineer of the 21st century • Profile • Skills and attitudes

  47. ‘Renaissance Engineer’ ? • Renaissance = system oriented merging of disciplines in the fast changing biotope of the 21st century… • Engineer oriented towards social innovation= • Innovation driven by the grand societal needs of the 21st century and in an economic- ecologic win-win scenario • Operating in agile, dynamic and virtual company structures

  48. Renaissance Engineer? This one? or that one? Not Really! Individualists Omniscientists Slidewaredesigners if..then..else...

  49. But renaissance engineer is: M/W oriented towards social innovation: Teamplayer techno nerd With cross-disciplinary communicationskills Trained in system thinking (sees the whole) Independentand interpersonal lifelong learning skills Able to cope with diversity and change World citizen (language, culture…) Co-architect of future society From societal vision to customersolutions With sustainable economic value:entrepreneur! An eye for moral and ethical values Willing to to participate to the public debate! http://www.newproductdynamics.com/FldGd1998/FldGd1998.pdf

  50. Are our universities ready for that?

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