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DMV Performance Monitoring & Tuning. Presented by Franklin Yamamoto. Released as part of SQL 2005 Matured in SQL 2008 Lighter weight and more focused than older sp_who and sysprocesses
DMV Performance Monitoring & Tuning Presented by Franklin Yamamoto
Released as part of SQL 2005 • Matured in SQL 2008 • Lighter weight and more focused than older sp_who and sysprocesses • Sysprocesses pulled all sessions regardless of whether active or not. In general higher resource usage to query even when qualified with predicates • DMV’s are a bit more normalized, so may need to join more views to get back similar info to sysprocesses DMV’s
Great source of information • Most views contain point in time information • If not point in time information is cumulative • Good to understand blind spots or inaccuracies in data • This will give confidence in information or at least let you know how to change monitoring approach to make up for potential inaccuracies DMV’s
Proactive Tuning • Find potential hotspots and problem queries before they become a problem • Good to have a few queries in your toolbox • Reactive Tuning • A problem is reported and you must work quickly to find root cause and fix the issue • Good to have queries from toolbox, but more important to understand views so you can build diagnostic queries on the fly quickly Tuning Approaches
Contains row for every statement/execution plan combination in cache: (sql_handle, statement_start_offset, statement_end_offset, plan_handle) • SQL_HANDLE references a specific sql batch or stored procedure. It’s actually MD5 Hash of SQL Text. • STATEMENT_START_OFFSET and STATEMENT_END_OFFSET reference a statement within the batch or stored procedure • PLAN_HANDLE references the execution plan for a sql batch or stored procedure. • A single sql_handle can reference multiple plan_handles Proactive Tuning sys.dm_exec_query_stats
Multiple plan handles can exist if there are more than one execution plan for a given sql handle • This can be explained by querying sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes • Apart from explaining multiple plans, has useful info such as what DB the statement executed in Multiple PLAN_HANDLEs
Contains cumulative statistics on query since it was created in cache • Worker (CPU) time • Logical IO • Physical IO • Row Counts (Not available until SQL 2012 or SQL Azure) • Elapsed Time • Execution Counts • CLR Time • Also contains • Min Values • Max Values • Last Values Back to sys.dm_exec_query_stats
Data only as good as how long it has been cached CREATION_TIME shows when created • High PLAN_GENERATION_NUM is indicator of high number of recompiles, also indicates that statistics are getting reset frequently. • PLAN_GENERATION_NUM increments across the batch or stored procedure, not for each statement SELECT sql_handle, statement_start_offset, plan_generation_num, creation_time FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats WHERE sql_handle = 0x03000A001565FE1C47D4550081A300000100000000000000 sys.dm_exec_query_stats
Statements that do not complete • .Net has default command timeout of 30 seconds, long executions that are aborted will not show up • May need to monitor with XE (Extended Events), sys.dm_exec_requests, or Profiler • Can detect aborted statements by tracing Attention event in Profiler or XE (Attention event not available till 2012) • OPEN Cursor • Fetch appears, but not OPEN Cursor • DDL What’s not in sys.dm_exec_query_stats
Similar statements generate different sql_handle even for minor differences • When using ADO.Net, different string lengths will cause parameterized SQL to have different sql_handle’s • Dynamic SQL will cause sql_handle to have different sql_handle’s • These scenarios make performance tuning difficult • Query Fingerprints QUERY_HASH and PLAN_HASH take this into account Query Fingerprints
DECLARE @CustomerID INT SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE CustomerID = 523 These two statements have same QUERY_HASH: Query Fingerprints
Not available until SQL 2008 • Only DML will have query hash, otherwise a QUERY_HASH of 0x0000000000000000 appears • Backup • Cursor Fetch • DDL Query Fingerprints
Use to get actual SQL text from a SQL_HANDLE or PLAN_HANDLE • Cannot use QUERY_HASH or PLAN_HASH with this • Good alternative to trace when capturing SQL text when creating plan guides • Warning: dbid is null most of the time, only for stored procs will it be populated If you need to get an individual statement within batch or stored procedure use following: declare @statement_start_offsetint declare @statement_end_offsetint declare @sql_handlevarbinary(64) SELECT SUBSTRING(est.text, (@statement_start_offset/2)+1, ((CASE @statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(est.text) ELSE @statement_end_offset END - @statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@sql_handle) est sys.dm_exec_sql_text
Useful to get plan from plan cache • sys.dm_exec_query_plan returns plan handle as XML so you can just click on it to open plan in SSMS • sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan returns plan handle as NVARCHAR(MAX) • Doesn’t have size limitation (max nesting of 128) as sys.dm_exec_query_plan. • Can also be queried by statement_start_offset and statement_end_offset to get a specific plan sys.dm_exec_query_plan & sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan
CREATE TABLE #Stats ( dbname NVARCHAR(128), query_hash VARBINARY(8), sql_handle_count INT, query_plan_hash VARBINARY(8), statement_text NVARCHAR(MAX), execution_count BIGINT, total_worker_time BIGINT, avg_worker_time BIGINT, total_physical_reads BIGINT, avg_physical_reads BIGINT, total_logical_reads BIGINT, avg_logical_reads BIGINT, total_elapsed_time BIGINT, avg_elapsed_time BIGINT, total_clr_time BIGINT, avg_clr_time BIGINT) INSERT INTO #Stats (dbname, query_hash, sql_handle_count, query_plan_hash, execution_count, total_worker_time, avg_worker_time, total_physical_reads, avg_physical_reads, total_logical_reads, avg_logical_reads, total_elapsed_time, avg_elapsed_time, total_clr_time, avg_clr_time) SELECT TOP 50 DB_NAME(CONVERT(INT, epa.value)), query_hash, count(distinct sql_handle), query_plan_hash, SUM(execution_count) AS execution_count, SUM(total_worker_time) AS total_worker_time, SUM(total_worker_time)/SUM(execution_count) AS avg_worker_time, SUM(total_physical_reads) AS total_physical_reads, SUM(total_physical_reads)/SUM(execution_count) AS avg_physical_reads, SUM(total_logical_reads) AS total_logical_reads, SUM(total_logical_reads)/SUM(execution_count) AS avg_logical_reads, SUM(total_elapsed_time) AS total_elapsed_time, SUM(total_elapsed_time)/SUM(execution_count) AS avg_elapsed_time, SUM(total_clr_time) AS total_clr_time, SUM(total_clr_time)/SUM(execution_count) AS avg_clr_time FROM sys.dm_exec_query_statseqs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes(eqs.plan_handle) epa WHERE attribute = 'dbid' AND eqs.query_hash != 0x0000000000000000 GROUP BY DB_NAME(CONVERT(INT, epa.value)), query_hash, query_plan_hash ORDER BY SUM(total_elapsed_time) DESC /* change this order by if you want to get top cpu consumers or top avg_elapsed_time */ SELECT * FROM #Stats
CREATE TABLE #Statements (query_hash VARBINARY(8), sql_handle VARBINARY(64), plan_handle VARBINARY(64), statement_start_offsetint, statement_end_offsetint, execution_countbigint, row_numint) INSERT INTO #Statements SELECT eqs0.query_hash, eqs.sql_handle, eqs.plan_handle, eqs.statement_start_offset, eqs.statement_end_offset, eqs.execution_count, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY eqs.QUERY_HASH ORDER BY eqs.execution_count DESC) AS RowNum FROM #Stats eqs0 INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_query_statseqs ON eqs.query_hash = eqs0.query_hash SELECT eqs.query_hash, eqs.row_num, eqs.execution_count, SUBSTRING(est.text, (eqs.statement_start_offset/2)+1, ((CASE eqs.statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(est.text) ELSE eqs.statement_end_offset END - eqs.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS SQLText, CONVERT(XML, eqp.query_plan) FROM #Statements eqs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(eqs.sql_handle) est CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan(eqs.plan_handle, eqs.statement_start_offset, eqs.statement_end_offset) eqp WHERE eqs.row_num <= 5 ORDER BY eqs.query_hash, eqs.row_num
Top set of results is query’s listed by order of total_elapsed_time • Make note of sql_handle_count, that might indicate query using dynamic sql • Bottom set of results are the sql text for the query_hash’slsited above • Make note of execution_count, the top 5 are chosen by execution_count Analyzing the output
Good for monitoring currently executing requests • A request can be uniquely identified by START_TIME and SESSION_ID. • Normally monitor this by polling and looking for long executions, or sessions with WAIT_EVENT sys.dm_exec_requests
Query by SESSION_ID > 50 to avoid system processes • ORDER BY START_TIME, SESSION_ID will help display same session in same spot and have longest executions bubble up to the top • Calculate actual elapsed time by doing DATEDIFF(ms, START_TIME, GETDATE()) sys.dm_exec_requests
QUERY_HASH and PLAN_HASH are NULL in SQL Azure DB and SQL 2014 Prior to Update 1 • In SQL 2008 R2 and prior CPU_TIME is only for the parent task, not for child tasks. This introduces a blind spot when monitoring a query executing in Parallel. Use sysprocessesinstead • TOTAL_ELAPSED_TIME takes into account parallel execution so it is not wall clock time, it will report a value higher than wall clock time select start_time, session_id, total_elapsed_time, datediff(ms, start_time, getdate()) as actual_elapsed_time from sys.dm_exec_requests where session_id > 50 sys.dm_exec_requests caveats
select distinct a.start_time, a.session_id, a.wait_type, b.wait_type as task_wait_type, b.waiting_task_address from sys.dm_exec_requests a inner join sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks b on a.session_id = b.session_id where a.session_id > 50 and a.wait_type is not null • WAIT information is only for parent task. This usually results in CXPACKET being reported as WAIT_TYPE • Query sys.dm_os_waiting_tasks to see details on root cause of wait sys.dm_exec_requests caveats
select der.start_time, der.session_id, db_name(der.database_id) as database_name, datediff(ms, der.start_time, getdate()) as actual_elapsed_time, der.status, der.blocking_session_id, der.wait_type, der.wait_time, der.wait_resource, der.cpu_time, der.total_elapsed_time, der.reads, der.writes, der.logical_reads, s.host_name, s.login_name, s.program_name, s.transaction_isolation_level, SUBSTRING(st.text, (der.statement_start_offset/2)+1, ((CASE der.statement_end_offset WHEN -1 THEN DATALENGTH(st.text) ELSE der.statement_end_offset END - der.statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) as sql_text, CONVERT(XML, qp.query_plan) as xml_query_plan from sys.dm_exec_requestsder inner join sys.dm_exec_sessions s on der.session_id = s.session_id cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(der.sql_handle) st cross apply sys.dm_exec_text_query_plan(der.plan_handle, der.statement_start_offset, der.statement_end_offset) qp where der.session_id > 50 and der.session_id != @@spid order by der.start_time, der.session_id sys.dm_exec_requests
Row 1 total_elapsed_time is higher than actual_elapsed_time • Lock wait occuring on rows 5 through 11 • Root blocker is session_id 9097, in runnable state and showing cpu_time of 17 seconds • Should review execution plan • Also make note of transaction_isolation_level, if > 2 (Read commited) should question developer why needed sys.dm_exec_requests
CREATE TABLE #Processes (session_id SMALLINT, blocking_session_id SMALLINT, database_id SMALLINT, login_name NVARCHAR(128), program_name NVARCHAR(128), host_name NVARCHAR(128), sql_handle VARBINARY(64), wait_timeint) INSERT INTO #Processes (session_id, blocking_session_id, database_id, login_name, program_name, host_name, sql_handle, wait_time) SELECT s.session_id, r.blocking_session_id, r.database_id, s.login_name, s.program_name, s.host_name, r.sql_handle, r.wait_time FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions s LEFT JOIN sys.dm_exec_requests r on r.session_id = s.session_id WHERE s.session_id > 50; WITH Blocking(session_id, blocking_session_id, sql_handle, wait_time, RowNo, LevelRow) AS ( SELECT p.session_id, p.blocking_session_id, p.sql_handle, p.wait_time, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY p.session_id), 0 AS LevelRow FROM #Processes p JOIN #Processes p1 ON p.session_id = p1.blocking_session_id WHERE p.blocking_session_id = 0 UNION ALL SELECT r.session_id, r.blocking_session_id, r.sql_handle, r.wait_time, b.RowNo, b.LevelRow + 1 FROM #Processes r JOIN Blocking b ON r.blocking_session_id = b.session_id WHERE r.blocking_session_id > 0 ) SELECT * FROM Blocking ORDER BY RowNo, LevelRow DROP TABLE #Processes
Use sys.dm_exec_sql_text to get sql text • Level Row 0 indicates root blocker • Wait_time in this example is 0, due to this being a brief lock Root blocker
If a query is not using CPU or waiting on CPU it will be in a wait. • Query elapsed time = query wait + cpu time • Common wait types queries encounter: • LCK_% - lock wait • PAGEIOLATCH_% - IO wait • PAGELATCH_% - buffer wait • Watch for PFS, SGAM, GAM (2:1:1, 2:1:2, 2:1:3) • LATCH_% - Latch see sys.dm_os_latch_stats • CX_PACKET – Shown for parallel executions • SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD – Wait resulting from query yielding execution • ASYNC_NETWORK_IO – Client taking long to consume query output • WRITELOG – Transaction log IO wait Common wait types
There are many dmv’s not covered in this • I didn’t get too deep into waits (sys.dm_os_wait_stats or sys.dm_db_wait_stats) • These are just a starting point • DMV’s aren’t end all be all • Trace via profiler (sometimes necessary evil) • Extended events (great, but not until 2012) • Contact me directly with questions: franklin.yamamoto@lucede.com or on twitter @SQLGrease Wrap up