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Display Advertising Landscape MS &E 239 Computational Advertising

Display Advertising Landscape MS &E 239 Computational Advertising. Yanying Li, Yenan Chen, Ying Chang. Exchange. Ad Network. DSP. Agency. Agency Trading Desk. Sharing Data/Social Tools. SSP. Vertical/Custom. Publisher Tools. Creative Optimization. Media Planning and Attribution.

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Display Advertising Landscape MS &E 239 Computational Advertising

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  1. Display Advertising LandscapeMS&E 239 Computational Advertising Yanying Li, Yenan Chen, Ying Chang

  2. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  3. Strategy Oriented Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems Supportive Intelligence Execution Oriented

  4. Creative Optimization • Put the right message in front of the right customer • Generate custom-tailored ad creative according to user data

  5. Creative Optimization User Purchase History User Geo-location

  6. Verification / Privacy • Traffic quality solution provider • Serve Agencies • Verification: Verified Placement = Campaign Health • Optimization: Advanced Analytics = Increased ROI • Serve Ad Networks • Verification: Ad Visibility = Campaign Assurance • Optimization: Advertiser Data = Loyal Clients • Real-time Traffic scoring

  7. . Verification / Privacy • Inappropriate Content • Geo-Targeting • Competitive Separation • Ad Placement • Fraud Detection • OBA (Online Behavioral Advertising) Compliance

  8. Measurement and Analytics • Data • Traffic source; Visitor type; In page analytics… • Understand • Customers’ complete conversion cycle • Provide insights on • Allocation of marketing spending

  9. Strategy Oriented Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems Supportive Intelligence Execution Oriented

  10. Agency + Agency Trading Desk • Agency • Marketing and advertising strategy • 4 Major Agencies control the majority (80%+) ad spend • Agency Trading Desk • Agencies consolidated their real time buying efforts into trading desks • Work with multiple DSPs

  11. Ad Server • Execution Oriented Agency • Also work with publishers

  12. Retargeting – How and Why? • Converts window shoppers into buyers • Why? • More than 95% of website visitors leave before making a transaction. • Retargeted customers are 70% more likely to complete a sale.

  13. Retargeting – Successful Factors This is how it starts to put everything together • (1) Identifying Interested Visitors and Visitor Interest

  14. Retargeting

  15. Retargeting – Successful Factors • (2) CraftingEngaging Creative • Creative Optimization • (3) DeliveringRetargeting at Scale • Ad Network • RTB on Ad Exchange • Criteo, first to use RTB (Google Doubleclick) in 2010 • (4) Recencyand Frequency • DVD, travel Vs. Luxury goods • “Lexus is250” Vs. Multiple searches within category “Every time we have moved a publisher from non-RTB to RTB we have increased spend by 3-5 times”

  16. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  17. Exchange Horizontal DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  18. Supply Side Platform (SSP) • Enabling publishers to manage their ad impression inventory and maximize revenue from digital media • Automate and optimize the selling of publishers’ online media space.

  19. Publisher Tools • Provide various technology-based tools for publishers to maximize their revenue. • e.gYieldex: • tracks every impression on a publisher's site • provide a reliable picture of ad inventory on a daily basis.

  20. Ad operations + Ad servers • To sell, input, serve, target and report on the performance of online ads.

  21. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  22. Ad networks I • Horizontal • Extensive and generic inventory • Offer a massive reach for advertisers and pulishers • e.g AOL advertising • Vertical • Target a relevant and specific demographic • Connect advertisers and publishers that share the same interests or belong to the same industry. • e.g Glam: A blog network featuring fashion, celebrity fashion, and style tips.

  23. Ad networks II • Targeted / AMPs • Audience management platform • Focus on online audience segmentation for publishers • e.gAudienceScience

  24. Ad networks III • Performance-based • The hard-to-reach parts of the web, • Similar ROI as search. • Publishers paid by CPC, CPA • e.gAdKnowledge

  25. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  26. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  27. DSPs (1) • Provides the technology, strategy, services and insights to trade effectively across advertising exchanges and supply sources on behalf of agencies.

  28. DSPs (2) • DSPs undertake the main trading functionality • Many agencies and data provider assist its strategy making process

  29. Media Planning and Attribution • Media Agency • Media planning • Entails finding the most appropriate media platforms for a client's brand or product • Attribution: a media planning tool • Determine how credit is assigned for an action or "conversion.“

  30. DMPs and Data Aggregators • Data aggregators for the most part are focused on buying data from publishers and data sources so that they can then package that up to advertisers • Bluekai & Exelate lead the ‘intent’ data creation helping advertisers to target on new variables like ‘auto intent to buy’

  31. Data Supplier • Third-party information provider • Provide information including: • consumer and business credit reporting • Tool: • analytics, information technology, data aggregation, data integration, and consulting solutions

  32. Exchange • Exchange: a real-time marketplace • Main players: ad networks, agency holding companies, and emerging third-party technology providers • Function: maximize ROI across millions of sites.

  33. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  34. Industry Dynamics - What is changing? Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

  35. Industry Dynamics • Mobile sector rising rapidly • Five trends to watch • Continued importance of SMS • Experimentation with rich media • Mobile sites vs. Mobile apps • Interest in Geo-Location • The Growth of Mobile Video • Impacts on landscape • Richer media resources • Different user data profile • New dimensions to optimize

  36. Industry Dynamics • Social Media Era • Social-retargeting • Twitter feeds, Facebook, and other social marketing vehicles. • Identify, reach and retarget to the top social influencers.

  37. Industry Dynamics Where does Google AdWords Platform fit in? • Consolidation • Microsoft • Yahoo! • Google • “One incredible simulation of the practically inundating world of advertising is the Google AdWords platform, which is almost a perfect display of competitive advertising, or at least how competitive advertising should work.” Why is Google doing this?

  38. Industry Dynamics

  39. Industry Dynamics

  40. Industry Dynamics • Pros • Better user experience • Comprehensive solution • Higher transparency • Better serving the 98% of advertisers and catch the 80% of revenue! Big Internet retailers, Fortune 500's 2% $ 20% $ Other advertisers 80% 98%

  41. Thank you!Q&A

  42. Exchange Ad Network DSP Agency Agency Trading Desk Sharing Data/Social Tools SSP Vertical/Custom Publisher Tools Creative Optimization Media Planning and Attribution DMPs and Data Aggregators Targeted Networks/ AMPs Performance Tag Mgmt Retargeting Ad Servers Data Suppliers Mobile Ad Servers Measurement and Analytics Verification/Privacy Ad Operations Media MgmtSytems

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