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Data Citation & Digital Object Identifiers DOIs

Data Citation & Digital Object Identifiers DOIs . Digital Object Identifiers 101. Persistent identifier Identifies intellectual property in the digital environment Global - journals, data, software... For citation -> metadata requirements - Styles

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Data Citation & Digital Object Identifiers DOIs

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  1. Data Citation & Digital Object Identifiers DOIs

  2. Digital Object Identifiers 101 • Persistent identifier • Identifies intellectual property in the digital environment • Global - journals, data, software... • For citation -> metadata requirements - • Styles • doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.745927 (not Australia) • 10.4225/13/50BBFCFE08A12 • http://dx.doi.org/10.4225/13/50BBFCFE08A12 • http://doi.org/10.4225/13/50BBFCFE08A12

  3. Some DOIs words Minting • “Minting” • = creating the DOI and attaching it to a recordis free i.e. vow to persistently love, care for and maintain your DOIs & landing pages • one minter per institution (mostly) • = clicking a DOI --> the metadata record (not the data) • DOIs resolve to a landing page • = Metadata record • ~ Query for large datasets query must be persistent Resolving Landing page

  4. Why DOIs • Easy and persistent access to online research data • Disambiguation and accuracy for authors, datasets • Enhanced discovery, retrieval and management of data to enable data reuse and verification of research results • Support for automated tracking of data outputs • Indexing services - Thomson Reuters Data Citation Index • Altmetrics - views, downloads and 'likes’

  5. DOIs for articles • CrossRef mints DOIs for • Journal articles and some datasets

  6. DOIs for data • ANDS mints DOIs for Australian • research datasets and collections • software & workflows for research data

  7. DOIs for computational models

  8. DOIs connect your profile DOIs for Software Publications DOIs Data DOIs

  9. Who uses DOIs? • DOI.org • 64 million registered DOI names • 1 billion DOI resolutions expected in 2013 • DOIs for Data • DataCite.org • 2+ million DOIs for datasets • NISO RP-15-2013 Recommended Practice on Online Supplemental Journal Article Materials • DOIs are recommended for all Supplemental Material types http://www.datacite.org/

  10. PLAN > CREATE > USE > MEASURE > REWARD Resource planninggather people and skills, infrastructure, support and resourcing Business rules & procedureswrite policy, guidelines, business rules for identifying citable data Metadata capture (minimum) metadata to form a data citation Data and metadata storageguarantee persistence of data and metadata for the appropriate time for a scholarly record  ands.org.au/cite-data/institutions.html

  11. PLAN > CREATE > USE > MEASURE > REWARD 1. Determine your workflow ands.org.au/cite-data/doi_q_and_a.html

  12. PLAN > CREATE > USE > MEASURE > REWARD 2. Mint - ANDS Cite My Data ands.org.au/services/cite-my-data.html

  13. PLAN > CREATE > USE > MEASURE > REWARD ands.org.au/cite-data/index.html

  14. Questions.... Burning questions Discuss and Share.... If.... But... ...How will data citation & DOIs work at your institution?

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