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Flood Assessment and Monitoring using RS and GIS. WMO/FAO Training Workshop on GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Agricultural Meteorology for SADC countries November 14-18, 2005. Tamuka Magadzire USGS/FEWSNET, SADC RRSU. Outline. Introduction: understanding flood processes
Flood Assessment and Monitoring using RS and GIS WMO/FAO Training Workshop on GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Agricultural Meteorology for SADC countries November 14-18, 2005 Tamuka Magadzire USGS/FEWSNET, SADC RRSU
Outline • Introduction: understanding flood processes • Hydrological Cycle • Topography and stream networks • Surface conditions (landcover, soils, antecedence etc) • Analyzing historical and topographic flood risk • Analyzing current/unfolding flood risk • Rainfall analysis • Basin Excess Rainfall Mapping • Hydrological modeling • Flood mapping using RS • Incorporating GIS overlays
Outline • Introduction: understanding flood processes • Hydrological Cycle • Topography and stream networks • Surface conditions (landcover, soils, antecedence etc) • Analyzing historical and topographic flood risk • Analyzing current/unfolding flood risk • Rainfall analysis • Basin Excess Rainfall Mapping • Hydrological modeling • Flood mapping using RS • Incorporating GIS overlays
Hydrological Cycle Source: Columbia university: http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~martins/climate_water/lectures/hcycle.htm
Hydrological Cycle • The hydrological cycle is composed of a number of processes including • Evapotranspiration • Condensation and Cloud formation • Precipitation • Infiltration and Percolation • Runoff and stream flow • Subsurface interflow • Different applications emphasize different components, based on the domain of interest
Hydrological Cycle • Flooding is as a result of complex interactions between rainfall and surface processes • Generally, the more the rainfall, the greater the likelihood of flooding • The amount of runoff generated plays a significant role in the flooding process
Outline • Introduction: understanding flood processes • Hydrological Cycle • Topography and stream networks • Surface conditions (landcover, soils, antecedence etc) • Analyzing historical and topographic flood risk • Analyzing current/unfolding flood risk • Rainfall analysis • Basin Excess Rainfall Mapping • Hydrological modeling • Flood mapping using RS • Incorporating GIS overlays
Topography & stream networks • Some common hydrological knowledge • Water flows downhill • Water accumulates downstream, and water falling further from river will take longer to get there • Steeper areas are less likely to be flooded than flat areas • Areas nearer the river network are more likely to be flooded • Areas downstream in flood plains are more flood-prone than areas upstream nearer river source
Topography & stream networks • In addition to this, water interactions in hydrological and flood analysis tend to be confined to river basins • GIS analysis can help us define • the outline of the river basin • the stream networks • the topology of the streams and basins • the topography or terrain related characteristics of a basin that have a bearing on flooding processes • A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is required
Topography & stream networks • A little more on DEMs • Can be defined as a digital representation of the elevation variations in the earth’s surface • Two models are common: • A raster grid • A Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) • Many applications for hydrological analysis use raster grids • Sources of DEM include those made from: • SRTM Data • A combination of some or all of Contour, Spot height, River, Lake data *** [Recommended]
Using Arcview’s Terrain Analysis Functions with USGS 1 km DEM Flow Direction Flow Accumulation Flow Length Hill Length Subbasins Downstream Subbasin Slope Source: USGS
Theory behind flow analysis • Flow Direction • Flow Accumulation Source: ArcView Help System
Outline • Introduction: understanding flood processes • Hydrological Cycle • Topography and stream networks • Surface conditions (landcover, soils, antecedence etc) • Analyzing historical and topographic flood risk • Analyzing current/unfolding flood risk • Rainfall analysis • Basin Excess Rainfall Mapping • Hydrological modeling • Flood mapping using RS • Incorporating GIS overlays
Surface Conditions • Surface conditions affect flooding by affecting the ratio of amount of rainfall to amount of water that infiltrates the soil • Rainfall that does not infiltrate either becomes runoff or standing/ponded water.
Surface Conditions • Surface conditions affecting flooding include: • Soil type (water holding capacity, hydraulic conductivity) • Land cover (imperviousness) • Antecedent moisture conditions • SCS Curve Numbers are one way of quantifying the impact of rainfall on runoff
Surface Conditions Soil Type Land Cover
Outline • Introduction: understanding flood processes • Hydrological Cycle • Topography and stream networks • Surface conditions (landcover, soils, antecedence etc) • Analyzing historical and topographic flood risk • Analyzing current/unfolding flood risk • Rainfall analysis • Basin Excess Rainfall Mapping • Hydrological modeling • Flood mapping using RS • Incorporating GIS overlays
Historical flood risk • An analysis of historical stream flows can help statistically determine probability of flooding at a point along the river network • This is done using a cumulative distribution analysis of stream flow, to give historical return periods for different stream flows and stage heights • This can be used to infer the severity associated with different flood return periods
Historical flood risk – an example Source: ZINWA
Topographic flood risk • Areas closer to the river, and flatter areas, are more likely to be flooded by a specific rise in river level. • GIS analysis can be used to estimate the area that will be flooded by a given rise in the river level. • The main data input is a high-res DEM • The flood area for different river levels can be calculated to map the flood risk zones for different flood severities
Topographic flood risk – an ArcINFO application • Appropriate GIS software such as ArcINFO can be used to calculate the topographic flood risk • ArcINFO AML example (K. Asante): • Raise the level of the DEM along the stream network • Use the Fill Function to fill the sinks that are generated by raising the stream level. • Subtract the original DEM from the filled DEM to identify the areas affected by stream rise
Topographic flood risk – an ArcINFO application /* Copy the instructions below into an aml (eg makedem.aml) and run from the arc command prompt /* eg *ARC: &run makedem.aml grid setwindow indem indem setcell indem /* strgrid is river grid with 1's in the rivercells and 0's elsewhere fill indem dem # # flowdir flowacc = flowaccumulation ( flowdir ) STRGRID = con ( flowacc >= 100000, 1, 0 ) strlink = streamlink ( ( strgrid / strgrid ) , flowdir ) strline = streamline ( ( strgrid / strgrid ) , flowdir ) strgrid1 = strgrid &do ndepth := 1 &to 15 &by 1 newgrid%ndepth% = dem + (strgrid%ndepth%) fill newgrid%ndepth% dem%ndepth% # # flowdir%ndepth% &s ddd = %ndepth% + 1 tempgrid = dem%ndepth% - dem flowacc%ndepth% = flowaccumulation ( flowdir%ndepth% ) rivall%ndepth% = con(flowacc%ndepth% >= 100000, 1, 0) /* I am assuming a threshold here of 100,000 cells each 30 x 30 m /* This is not automated if the main channel is the source of inundation area sgrid%ddd% = con(tempgrid > 0, (tempgrid + 1), 0) strgrid%ddd% = con((sgrid%ddd% == 0) and (rivall%ndepth% > 0) , (sgrid%ddd% + 1), sgrid%ddd%) /* This ensures that any additional cells along the critical flow path /* are included in strgrid%ddd% before the next computation of flooded area. copy strgrid%ddd% flood%ndepth% kill flowdir%ndepth% all kill flowacc%ndepth% all kill rivall%ndepth% all kill sgrid%ddd% all kill tempgrid all kill strgrid%ndepth% all kill newgrid%ndepth% all &end Source: Kwabena Asante, USGS
Topographic flood risk – an ArcINFO application &do ndepth := 1 &to 15 &by 1 newgrid%ndepth% = dem + (strgrid%ndepth%) fill newgrid%ndepth% dem%ndepth% # # flowdir%ndepth% &s ddd = %ndepth% + 1 tempgrid = dem%ndepth% - dem flowacc%ndepth% = flowaccumulation ( flowdir%ndepth% ) rivall%ndepth% = con(flowacc%ndepth% >= 100000, 1, 0) sgrid%ddd% = con(tempgrid > 0, (tempgrid + 1), 0) strgrid%ddd% = con((sgrid%ddd% == 0) and (rivall%ndepth% > 0) , (sgrid%ddd% + 1), sgrid%ddd%) /* This ensures that any additional cells along the critical flow path /* are included in strgrid%ddd% before the next computation of flooded area. copy strgrid%ddd% flood%ndepth% kill flowdir%ndepth% all kill flowacc%ndepth% all kill rivall%ndepth% all kill sgrid%ddd% all kill tempgrid all kill strgrid%ndepth% all kill newgrid%ndepth% all &end Source: Kwabena Asante, USGS
Topographic flood risk – some results • Such an analysis was done for Chokwe district to determine which settlements would be affected by different river rises. • Similar analysis was done using SRTM DEM for Beitbridge
Example 1 CHOKWE
Topographic flood risk – some results Determinação de Área Inundada Usando DEM e Alturas Previstas Source: USGS & ARA-Sul, Mozambique
MAPA DE INUNDAÇÃO DO DISTRITO DE CHÒKWÉ, E35 Alt. 4-6m Cidade: Macarretane Aldeias: Conhane e Mapapa
MAPA DE INUNDAÇÃO DO DSTRITO DE CHOKWE, E35 Alt 6-8m Cidade: Macarretane Aldeias: Muzumuia, Muianga, Conhane, Mapapa, Chiaquelane, Marranbandjane, Chiguidela, Malhazene, Chalucuane, Zuza e Chiduchine
MAPA DE INUNDAÇÃO DO DISTRITO DE CHÒKWÉ Altura: 8-10m Cidades: Macarretane, Chòkwè e Lionde Aldeias: Muzumuia, Massavasse, Nwachicoloane, Changulene, Muianga, Conhane, Mapapa, Chiaquelane,Marrambandjane ,Chiguidela,Malhazene, Chalucuane, Zuza e Chiduachine
Potential flood areas: 1m Source: SADC RRSU
Potential flood areas: 10m Notice the “line” down the centre of the flood map. Answer later Source: SADC RRSU
Potential flood areas: 15m Source: SADC RRSU
DEM Errors “DEM Errors” shown in brown. These are the areas that are filled during the Fill operation Reason for lines in flood areas analysis Source: SADC RRSU
Combining Statistical and Topographic Flood Risk The Beitbridge Study
Outline • Introduction: understanding flood processes • Hydrological Cycle • Topography and stream networks • Surface conditions (landcover, soils, antecedence etc) • Analyzing historical and topographic flood risk • Analyzing current/unfolding flood risk • Rainfall analysis • Basin Excess Rainfall Mapping • Hydrological modeling • Flood mapping using RS • Incorporating GIS overlays
Rainfall Analysis • When there is lots and lots of rain, result is often (not always) flooding. • So a first step in analyzing unfolding flood risk is simple rainfall analysis • A subjective analysis that benefits greatly from an enhanced knowledge of the area under analysis, of the recent rainfall history, as of the events upstream • Daily rainfall observations over the last few days, and QPF are useful for heavy storms, while dekadal (10-day) sums are useful for persistent weather • Encourage use of improved rainfall grids incorporating rain-gauge and satellite data
Rainfall Analysis • Every day, NOAA CPC produces Rainfall Estimates for the FEWSNET activity. • These RFE, as well as QPF are put on the USGS FEWSNET website as graphics: • http://earlywarning.usgs.gov/adds • The actual data can also be downloaded: • http://edcwww.cr.usgs.gov/pub/edcuser/fewsips/africa/
Rainfall Analysis – an example • There was much flooding in 2001, which was analyzed, tracked and reported on in the Regional Flood Watch • The following analysis shows how rainfall estimates, rainfall proxies, and rainfall forecasts were used to track the flood likelihood
ColdCloudDuration DailyRainfallEstimates QuantitativePrecipitationForecasts
Rainfall Analysis – an example • Example of rainfall analysis that was done to support the Regional Flood Watch in anticipation of Cyclone Japhet in March 2003. • The following example illustrates the use of rainfall estimates and the incorporation of antecedent moisture conditions in the analysis