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Korea & the World (9) Nuclear Power in ROK. 2010. 5. 4 김 병 구 bkkim9@gmail.com. This Week in Brief. 2010 NPT Review Conference New York 개막 EU.IMF 그리스 구조금융 지원협상 타결 티베트 달라이라마 인도 망명 50 주년 미국내 유학생 분포 순위 변화 1. 중국 , 2. 한국 , 3. 인도 , 4. 멕시코 … 샹하이 엑스포 6 개월 개장 BIE 공인 5 년만 국제 박람회.
Korea & the World (9)Nuclear Power in ROK 2010. 5. 4 김 병 구 bkkim9@gmail.com
This Week in Brief • 2010 NPT Review Conference New York 개막 • EU.IMF 그리스 구조금융 지원협상 타결 • 티베트 달라이라마 인도 망명 50주년 • 미국내 유학생 분포 순위 변화 • 1.중국, 2.한국, 3. 인도, 4. 멕시코… • 샹하이 엑스포 6개월 개장 • BIE 공인 5년만 국제 박람회
Nuclear Power Status in Korea • 20 units in operation, 8 units under construction • Kori, Wolsung, Ulchin, Yonggwang • Localization rate85% in design, manufacturing, const. • Long term supply contract for uranium fuel • Base load production, nuclear share35% • Midnight electricity rate • Radwaste disposal site(Gyungju) • National infrastructure well developed • High quality, low cost electricity(2% of GDP) • Essential element of the high-tech economy
Nuclear sites in Korea Ulchin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Shin-Ulchin 1&2 (Under construction) Radioactive WasteDisposal Facility (Under construction) Wolsong 1, 2, 3 & 4 Shin-Wolsong 1 & 2 (Under Construction) Younggwang 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Kori 1, 2, 3 & 4 Shin-Kori 1- 4 (UnderConstruction) In Operation 20 units (17,716MW) 8 units (6,800MW) Under Construction 10
Nuclear Power Technical Self-reliance • Design : plant, reactor system, core fuel • Manufacturing: reactor, turbine components • Construction: civil, mechanical, electrical • Operation: O&M training • Safety/regulatory: safety licensing • Radwaste: treatment, disposal • Local firms achieve commercial status
Korean Nuclear Program Status • 20 NPPs in full commercial operation • Nuclear capacity rank #5 • Technical self-reliance drive since 1980 • Best economy due to design standardization • Supplying 40% of total nation’s electricity • High quality, low cost • Basis of high-tech green growth economy • Nuclear industry : 2% of total GDP • Export industry for the Nuclear Renaissance • 30 Korean professional staff at the IAEA
Korean Nuclear Agencies • Nuclear safety/research: MEST(교과부) • R&D: KAERI (한국원자력연구원, 대덕) • Regulatory: KINS (원자력안전기술원, 대덕) • Nuclear power/industry: MKE(지경부) • Operation: KHNP(한수원, 고리, 월성, 영광, 울진) • Design: KOPEC (전력기술, 수원) • Manufacturing: Doosan HI (두산중공업, 창원) • Fuel: KNF (핵연료주, 대덕) • Construction: Hyundai. Samsung,etc
Korean Nuclear Features • Engine for economic development since ‘70s • Transformed from coal to nuclear base load • Simultaneous to NPP construction and technical self-reliance • Solely for peaceful use since NPT (1975) • N/S Joint Declaration of Denuclearization (1992) • KEDO LWR construction at Kumho, NK • Nuclear export opportunities for NPP, fuel
UAE 사업 의미 • 4X1400 3세대 원전, 건설비 186억$ • 사상 최대 규모, 건설단가 ~$3,300/kW • 추가 60년 운전보수 계약 기대 • 3사 국제경쟁입찰 프랑스/미국/한국 • 1987년 미국 원천기술 도입 대상국 • UAE 한국 선정 사유 • “Proven safety and economy” • 한국형 APR-1400 로형처녀 수출 • 한/UAE 핵확산민감 지역 • No reprocessing, no enrichment