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Offensive Line. Offensive lineman have to work together. Switching the right guard to the left tackle from week to week is not a positive thing for the team. By keeping the offensive line together and practicing together this helps insure that the unit functions as one.
Offensive Line Offensive lineman have to work together. Switching the right guard to the left tackle from week to week is not a positive thing for the team. By keeping the offensive line together and practicing together this helps insure that the unit functions as one. As the offensive line goes, so does the team go
Skills & Drills – Offensive Linemen • Stance and Get-Offs • Run Blocking • Drive • Down • Double-Team • Cutoff • Scramble • Reach • Cut • Wedge • Pull & Trap • Combinations • Pass Protection • SAQ
Line Blocking Basics • The offensive linemen have to be able to execute the following blocks: • Spring Practice • Drive Block - One on one vs. a defender, either down lineman or LB • Double-Team - Both a post blocker and drive blocker • Reach Block - Sometimes called a “scoop” block, especially if its on the backside; • Wedge - It is not a pretty block. It is sheer brute force • Aggressive Pass Blocking • Summer/Fall • Combination Blocks - Combos and Folds between 2 adjacent linemen on down defender and LB to the inside • Pulling to trap or lead block • Sprint-out Pass Blocking - Step/hinge technique
HOGS • Once an offensive lineman has graduated to a HOGS (hand on ground stud) he will receive a shirt stating that he is part of the HOGS. • All offensive lineman will also be given a sideline hat stating that they are part of the “PLOW BOYS”. This is the only group on the whole team that has an individual name. • So many kids do not want to be an offensive lineman. Not on this team. It should be a position sought out for. We should have tryouts for offensive lineman.
Stance and alignment are the first steps in the process of a lineman completing his assignment. A bad stance puts him at a huge disadvantage. Football is hard enough without self-imposed limitations. Stance and Alignment
Stance • Objective: Develop the position that will enable the linemen to be most effective in starting their blocking assignment • Key Points: The most important components of stance and start for the offense are: • Choosing the most appropriate stance • Achieving balance • Feeling comfortable in the stance • Keeping the head and eyes up
Stance – Technique • Feet just wider than shoulders. Inside of feet are even with outside of shoulders. • Toes always point directly forward. Body will go where the toes point. • We prefer the feet/toes to be even • The individual may stagger his dominant/stronger foot back but no further than the toes even with the arch of the other foot. • Squat low and prepare to drop hands • Drop the rear and get low enough to place the elbows on the knees. Drop the shoulders as well. Back should be very nearly level. • This position is viable for starting the play if desired. • Lean forward and place hand(s) on the ground • Thumb and 1st 3 fingers should be on the ground • Pinky finger can be down if desired • Heels should be no more than 1” off the ground • Higher and the player has too much weight on his hands • Less and it might be a tell for pass blocking • Do not adjust the feet once the hands touch • There is a tendency to start inching the feet back and the player ends up in a sprinter stance • Shoulders are square to the LOS and level – not 1 shoulder higher than the other • Back should be flat, even arched a bit • (for 3-pt: Off-arm should be in front of the knee, not resting on the knee, not cocked back on the side) • Head and eyes are up, looking for the defender
The specific locations in which the offensive linemen will start the play. Alignment
Hole Numbering 9 7 5 3 1 0 2 4 6 8 • The holes are used to tell the players where the ball is going and to provide us with a consistent way of referring to the play. • All holes are based on the outside hip of the player. In this scheme we will number the holes odd to the left and even to the right. • 0, 1 are over the hips of the Center. • 9 is the far left, 8 is the far right. These are used identify the sweeps and very wide plays
Line Splits • The line split is the distance between the outside foot of a lineman and the inside foot of the next linemen to his outside. The split is used to spread the defense out and make their alignments very clear. • For our run offense, our linemen will follow these rules: • Since we run option, we need the splits to spread the defense so we have room. • We cannot close the splits down, no “herding” 3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ 3’ Y T G G T Y
Line Split Adjustments • We want the hand-off key (HOK) to be as far away from the FB as possible (DeMeo, I need to look this up) • If the HOK is head up on the OL then move 1’ to the outside • If the HOK is inside the OL then move the 1’ to the inside • If the PST has a 4i technique then • “If he’s in the i the gap must die” • The defense will do this to force a quick read • Move down to 1’ (foot-to-foot) with the PSG. That makes the 4i a 3-tech which is then double-teamed • Inside the +10-yard line • Close splits to 2’ across the line • Inside the 3-yard line • Close splits to 1’ across the line • Move the depth up as close as possible • The advantage we gain from being back off the ball is lost in the goal-line situation
Line Depth • Linemen Depth • We want the OL to align as deep/off the ball as possible. We want the top of the helmet even with the belt of the center. • This will help with the pulling and zone/scoop blocking • It gives the OL time to read and react to stunts and slants and other DL games • The closer to the LOS our OL are the better players they must be • Guards align with their down hand on the toes of the outside foot of the center • Tackles align with the toes of their inside foot splitting the arch of the outside foot of the guard
Two Laws of Blocking: Low man wins Inside hands win Run Blocking
Play Calls and Run Blocking • Each of the play descriptions in the playbook has the assignment and name of the blocking technique for each position • The names used in the descriptions are the same names used in this skills document • By reviewing the play descriptions, and the put-in schedule, it is possible to determine the importance of each technique as well as the sequence that the blocking techniques need to be taught • The following sections go through each blocking technique and describe the block objective, key points, notes, specific techniques, and error resolution
Blocking Inventory • Based on the assignments and techniques for the (current) plays, it is logical to look as the following blocks as being necessary skills for the OL to have: • Drive Block • On DL • On LB • Cutoff • Double-Team • With the current playlist, expending time/resources on teaching other blocking techniques does not contribute to the OL developing the proper skill set.
The running game starts with the basic drive block where the lineman is in a one-on-one situation with a defender on the line directly across from him. Drive Block
Drive Block (DW Forum) • I watched Murphy's talk on DVD, I believe it was at the second DW forum on how his offensive linemen take two short steps, I mean six inches long, and get into their block. • Then, I recently read the book on De La Salle football, and read a brief article written by Coach Ladoceaur on how his line gets off the ball in those first two, short steps. • But neither the video nor the article explained exactly why taking two SHORT steps is so important. Maybe I'm just a dim bulb, but it made sense to me that if you take two longer steps and did it faster than the other guy, that would be an advantage . . . but, of course, that is almost impossible because the two players are so close to each other. • So, I lined up my kids and watched them very, very closely. And now it all makes sense. Just as Murphy said, you have to teach those kids to take two quick short steps and plant them on the ground, seven cleats on the turf. The key is that they must be SHORT steps, because your linemen are going to catch those defensive linemen with their second, longer step before they get that foot planted. That is the key to it all. Maybe this is obvious to most of you, but to me it was huge to understand this. Even if your guys are slower than the defense, momentum is destroyed when that offensive lineman catches that defender with his foot in the air taking his second step. Will the defender get that foot down? Sure. But it is too late. The OL has already started going forward on his third step. The defender has been stopped and is now trying to recover, but the battle is lost.
Drive Block (DW Forum) II • And let me tell you the results. Two kids, whom I've coached for three years now and have always been minimum play kids, are now kicking the living crap out of my bigger, faster, stronger linemen. Those two kids have the absolute best form of anyone else. They get those two short steps down bang, bang, and then start driving. We did the Sumo drill the other night, and these two guys finished first and second, and I would have said prior to that drill that the odds of that happening were about a gizzillion to one. All the other linemen took notice, and now most of them are concentrating, and I mean really concentrating, on taking those two steps. Two of them came over the other night and asked me to help them work on their steps, they were so impressed with the results shown by those two others who are doing it right. • Just to add a little bit coach ... that first step is a directional step ... it gets us headed WHERE we want to go ... then that second step is the power step ... we are getting it down as quickly as we possibly can because contact will come during this step no matter what you do ... you can get your step down and have power or you can get caught in midstep and have no power ... • That is the reason we use LEG and spend so much time repping our LEG progression ... to stay low on our directional step and to explode with maximum force on our power step
Drive Block (1-1) • Objective: • This is a one-on-one block and is the foundation for all calls and formations • Job is to drive the defender off the LOS and keep him occupied so the back can pick a hole to run through • Key Points: • The most important components of the drive block are: • Creating a base of power • Proper footwork • Contacting the defender at the landmark • Follow-trough • Notes: • First step ties, second step wins • Remember: Influence the defender by making him react to his gap control. Shaded defenders are normally gap defenders • If you get a head-up defender helmet placement is the play side ear
Drive Block – Technique • Start in good stance • First Step (“Tie” step) • On snap drive down hand back (may want to “load” both arms) while taking a 6” step with dominant/back foot. • Eyes lock on the landmark – the top of the numbers on the chest of the defender. Head must stay low. • If ball is coming over the OL then the head should go to the middle of the numbers • If ball is going to the gap on each side then the head should go to the numbers on that side • Back stays flat, parallel to the ground • Step 2 is the power step (the “win” step) • Step to where the defender had his hand on the ground • Bring both hands up and into the chest of the defender, lifting him up • Hands should be as close together as possible • Keep the thumbs up, pointing toward the sky • Keep the elbows down • Arch the back which will drop the hips. This will provide leverage • Continue to drive with short (6” or less) choppy steps • Keep feet 6” wider than the shoulders • Step on the toes of the defender
Drive Block – Linebacker • Similar to base drive block – Get off low, take steps to get to the LB • Just before contact dip down low again to gain leverage • Put forehead on the number to the hole side • Hit leading with top of shoulder pad, getting under his shoulder pads, and get hands on inside of his chest • The LB will usually try to take on this block with a shoulder, trying to get under the blocker, and then use shoulder and forearm as a “flipper” to shed the block • Getting hands on inside will allow the OL to control him and stay on the block longer
Used when an OL that is supposed to pull is covered and the OL in that direction is not covered. Down Block
Down Block • Objective: • Block the defender away from the hole, usually to the inside gap. • Key Points: • First step is down the line forcing the defender to react to his gap • 30-to-45 degree angle step toward the defender • Depending on the speed of the DL, this may need to be a 12” step laterally toward the sideline to stop penetration • Stay low - keep stomach on the thigh • Aim head for defender’s far hip or shoulder • Get the head between the defender and the LOS • Deliver blow to the near side of the defender, driving the shoulder into the defender’s ribcage • Keep outside hand up and aimed for the defender’s hip • Second step • Helmet placement is to the near ear, don’t allow the helmet to drift across the nose of the defender. • If the defender tries to go upfield then drive him to the sideline • If the defender tries to go to the sideline then swing the hips and shoulder to face the sideline and create a big surface for the defender to get around • Punch placement is the near number. By making the defender react to his gap responsibility, this will help the push and finish the defender. • Control the defender with the punch, this is the advantage the rule change of blocking with extended arms and hands gives you • Notes:
The double-team block involves two offensive linemen blocking one down defender and moving him out of the area. Double Team
Double-Team Block • Objective: • Use 2 of our OL to move a defender from his position. Basically this is two OL drive blocking a DL out of the way • Key Points: • The most important components of the double-team block are: • Identifying the defender • Proper footwork • Creating movement • Preventing the split • Finishing the block • Notes: • The double-team will attempt to drive the defender back off the ball and into the path of the backside LB, who should be scraping to the play • The double-team, also a one-shoulder block, where our two men work to stay stuck together at the hips • The double-team block has an inside and an outside blocker. • This block will normally occur in the B/Bravo/G-T gap, or in the C/Cat/T-TE gap • Ex: Double team on DT in 3-tech on Triple
Double-Team – Variations • Post and Pivot • Same as the base double-team, but the outside OL drives into the DL hip (scramble block) • Drive the DL laterally down the LOS • Aim for the hips, not the knees which is chop block and is illegal • Scramble • Both OL drive low at the defender, hip or thigh level, with their heads pinning the defender between them • Seal with their shoulders and hips • Usually the quickest way to get movement on the DL
3 Possible Defensive Responses • Split the block • The DL will probably try to turn his shoulders, making himself “thin” and try to drive between the blockers • This is prevented by working very hard on the seal between the two OL • Hips and shoulders together • Attack one of the blockers • Usually the DL will try to spin out of the double-team • This is prevented by the OL maintaining outside pressure with their helmets and outside arms • Drop and create a pile • The defender may just “drop and grab grass” to prevent being moved out of the area • Blockers must stay on their feet, avoid falling down, and continue to try and push the DL backward out of the hole.
Usually described as a back-side block, meaning it is on the back side of the play. This block is used to “cut off” a defender from getting to the play. Cutoff Block
Cutoff (Reach/Scoop) • Objective: • The OL is to cutoff the defender from pursuing the play. • Usually on a sweep or the backside • A variation can also be used to get the PSG under a 3-technique DL and get to the LB (Midline) • OL is going to reduce his shoulder to get under the DL/DE tech and attack the linebacker • We teach this technique as pickin’ grass • Key Points: • Dip and Rip, Going to the right • 6 inch step with right foot, flat along the LOS, • Throw (forcefully) right elbow back • Take left elbow to inside of right knee • Left foot steps directly in front of the first step, twist the shoulders to "Get Small“ • Left hand should be in position to “pick grass” • Rip with the left hand through to the 2nd level (never up) • He picks grass with his outside arm and gets his eyes to the LB • Note: • See: SCOOP/SLIP DRILL
Scramble block is a variation of the drive block where the OL drives low at the hip or thigh of the defender. A drive block with hands on the ground Scramble Block
Scramble Block • Objective: • Used by quick-hitting teams (plays) to control a defender by staying in his legs • Key Points: • OL uses his shoulder and upper and lower arms to create a triangular blocking surface • This is the “older” style of blocking • OL drives off as in the regular drive block, but the landmark is the hip or thigh of the defender • Use the off hand on the ground to add more stability to the blocking position. • Head is to the playside of the defender • Pinch with the ear • Look to the sky • Arch back and lift the defender off the ground • Decreases his stability/balance • Increases OL balance by adding weight • Notes:
The blocker has to block a defender that is either in the gap or lined up on the blocker next to him toward where the play is going Reach Block
Reach Block • Objective: • Block a defender in the playside gap and prevent him from being part of the play. • Key Points: • This is almost a pull-block • Drop step toward the playside gap, throw back the playside elbow, turn and run • Aim for the outside number of the defender • Wider the defender, the more lateral the step must be • By the third step the OL must have contact, turning into the defender and getting his hands on the defender • Then try to square up with the defender and stop/hinder his progress • Notes: • Not usually called near the point of attack • OL has some distance/time to work with • Usually with the OT/TE trying to reach the DE on a sweep or outside play • Get hands on the defender and deter him from running freely to the play
The OL will take out the legs of the DL and create a pile of bodies at the LOS Cut Block
Chop Block • Objective: • Used by quick-hitting teams (plays) to control a defender by taking out the his legs and putting him on the ground • Key Points: • Offensive linemen fire out low at the thighs in order to take out the legs (chop) of the defensive linemen • Notes: • This has to be a 1-1 block because if it is used with another OL it may be judged to be an illegal chop block and is a penalty
A mass of blockers charging down the field like a herd of elephants Wedge Block
Wedge Block • Objective: Form a wall of blockers that are shoulder-to-shoulder protecting the running back • Notes: • This is not an elegant block. It is not a pretty block. It is sheer brute force. • See the “Installing the Wedge” for additional insights on the Wedge • Technique: • The C is the apex of the wedge • Other linemen get into formation on the apex • C does not drive block, he stands up the N and the other OL drive him forward • Inside shoulder is in the armpit of the OL to their inside. • Outside arm is free to ward off defenders • Inside arm/elbow is in small of the back of the player to the inside • Cannot grasp the jersey or otherwise link with another player • All players charge down the field in formation • The back will be tucked into the wedge formation • The OL are low and charge ahead like a wall of elephants
B B E T N T E Taking a player from over here and having him move to a block over there Pull and Trap
Pull or Trap Block • Objective: • Move an OL from one position to another location to block a defender • Key Points: • Pull blocker takes drop step and takes track to inside hip of defender • Throw the pull-side elbow back, hard, to get the body to turn in the direction of the pull • The elbow will end up behind the pull-side hip • Opposite arm is thrown toward pull-side to help the body turn • Drop the pull-side foot back 6”-12” and point the toes in the direction of the pull • Lay the chest and stomach on the thigh to keep low • Run down the LOS, staying low, until the blow is delivered • On contact allow base to explode • Pull to the left, hit with left shoulder • Pull to the right, hit with the right shoulder • Notes: • Takes advantage of penetrating defenders
Pull or Trap – Log Block • The log block is used when the defender does not have outside contain or is slanting to the inside against the pull • In that situation the OL will not be able to block the defender to the outside and will have to block the defender to the inside • If the puller reads that the trap is not possible then the following changes are required: • Change the aiming point to the point of the shoulder of the defender • Make contact with the inside/upfield shoulder • When contact made then swing hips around to the outside and pin the defender to the inside • Inside hand goes just below his shoulder • Upfield hand then comes around to control him to the outside
Types of Pulling • G • Alerts play side G/T that he is pulling • Will kickout or log EMLOS • Puller does not cross the rear of the Center • Power • Call tells G/T that he is targeting the 2nd level, not trapping • May be from backside or play side • Trap • Alerts backside G/T that he will be pulling to play side • Will kickout or log EMLOS • Will cross the rear of the Center
Pulling – G & Trap G – Play side on EMLOS/ Target B B E T N T E Trap – Backside pulls to play side B B E T N T E