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Pharmacology Puzzle: Identifying Drug Overdose and Treatment Scenarios

Decode medical scenarios involving drug overdoses, heart rhythms, and treatment options. Identify drugs, rhythms, treatments, and potential contraindications in critical care situations.

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Pharmacology Puzzle: Identifying Drug Overdose and Treatment Scenarios

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Pt is comatose, had a seizure. BP 80/40 Can you name the drug overdose?

  2. Which Phase(s) was/were affected by the last drug?

  3. This patient took a “downer” last night, today is having this rhythm. If it gets worse, what Rx?

  4. 1) the plant? 2) The rhythm? 3) The treatment(s)?

  5. Can you name the lead singer in this band?

  6. Pt is drowsy, has a dry mouth Anything suspect here?

  7. Name this rhythm. (Hint: it comes in brief runs)

  8. Another hint….. Now, name 2 drugs that can cause it.

  9. Which Phase(s) was/were affected by the last drug?

  10. A Which was produced by the last drug? B

  11. The patient has BP 70/40. History of hypertension. Rx?

  12. Expected BP and HR?

  13. This patient took No-Doz. What is the rhythm? Rx?

  14. When George made a tea from these seed pods, he developed hallucinations and had trouble urinating. What was his heart rate? (Fast or slow)

  15. Harry accidentally drank a mouthful of his Rogaine. All of the following are true EXCEPT one: • Harry’s HR is probably fast • Harry needs to go to the ER • Harry needs IV fluids • Harry needs a hair transplant • Harry’s BP is probably elevated

  16. HR 38/min, BP 158/105 Treatment?

  17. Child drinks bottle of Visine. Expected HR = Expected BP =

  18. What electrolyte abnormality is likely?

  19. Last rhythm just got worse…treatment? What drug may be contraindicated?

  20. TCA overdose with wide QRS interval

  21. TCAs & Type Ia antiarrhythmics Block Phase 0 and Phase 3

  22. Chloral hydrate OD with PVCs. Best Rx = beta blockers

  23. 1) the plant = Foxglove 2) The rhythm = junctional 3) The treatment(s) = atropine, Digibind

  24. Lee Harvey and the Oswalds?

  25. Rightward axis of the t-40 msec

  26. Torsades

  27. 2 drugs that can cause it = quinidine; droperidol, etc

  28. Phase 3

  29. A Early afterdepolarizations (A) B

  30. Verapamil OD – Rx Calcium

  31. Expected BP and HR = elevated Contains ephedrine & caffeine

  32. Caffeine – a fib or MAT – Rx beta blocker

  33. When George made a tea from these seed pods, he developed hallucinations and had trouble urinating. What was his heart rate? = Fast (anticholinergic)

  34. Harry accidentally drank a mouthful of his Rogaine. All of the following are true EXCEPT one: • Harry’s HR is probably fast • Harry needs to go to the ER • Harry needs IV fluids • Harry needs a hair transplant • Harry’s BP is probably elevated

  35. HR 38/min, BP 158/105 Rx = vasodilator (eg, Nipride, phentolamine)

  36. Child drinks bottle of Visine. Expected HR = slow Expected BP = decreased (poss transient incr)

  37. What electrolyte abnormality is likely? Hyperkalemia

  38. Last rhythm just got worse…treatment? What drug may be contraindicated? If DIGOXIN involved, AVOID Calcium

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