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Explore the groundbreaking design and first data of the UKIDSS survey, revealing cool, dust-obscured, and high-redshift phenomena in the universe. Learn about the project's structure, timetable, and achievements.
A first look at the UKIDSS data Steve Warren UKIDSS Survey Scientist with Steve Weatherley (Deteca Ltd), Paul Hewett (Cambridge) • UKIDSS design • First data • Survey timetable • Summary Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
1. UKIDSS design • 4x2048x2048 Hawaii II arrays • 0.4 arcsec pixels • 0.21 sq.degs / exposure • 2x2 microstep to sample • 2x2 macrostep to tile • Filters: Z,Y,J,H,K,H2-S(1),Br-g • 1 deg2 K=19.5 / hr (5sig) Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
1. UKIDSS design • Near-infrared explores the cool, the dust-obscured, • and the high-redshift universe Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
1. UKIDSS design5 elements of UKIDSS Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
1. UKIDSS design Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
Hewett, Warren, Leggett, Hodgkin, 2006, MNRAS, submitted, `The UKIDSS ZYJHK photometric system’ M L T (Y) Jup T(K) >2200 2200-1300 1200-400? (?400-150) 150 SDSS, 2MASS limit T=700K Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
1. UKIDSS design • ESO public survey • 1000 nights UKIRT over 7yrs • UKIDSS = 100 X 2MASS • near-ir SDSS • began 2005 May 13 Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
1. UKIDSS design • Project structure: 4 separate elements • 1. WFCAM • Built by ATC for JAC • UKIRT facility instrument • 2. Pipeline • Built at Cambridge (CASU, Mike Irwin) • Operates on all WFCAM PATT progs • Responsible for calibration • 3. Archive • Built at Edinburgh (WFAU, Nigel Hambly) • Archives all WFCAM data, with special status for UKIDSS • 4. UKIDSS • Designs and obtains approval for surveys • Science input to pipeline and archive design • Undertakes the observing, with JAC • Science verification • Forum for science exploitation • No proprietary access Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data 2MASS 2MASS Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data: GCS (Lodieu, Deacon), GPS UKIDSS extinction map (Hoare, Gaspar) M17 2MASS IC4665, 6.5deg2 Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data: DXS (Edge) Partial stack ELAIS-N1 Eduardo Gonzales-Solares Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data: DXS (Edge) Match to SWIRE data Eduardo Gonzales-Solares Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data: UDS (Almaini) K=20.8 50 arcmin K=23 Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data: LAS UKIDSS SV 10 deg2 Large KX survey, K<16, unbiased by intrinsic or intervening obscuration SDSS redshift distribution Warren, Hewett, and Foltz, 2000 Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
2. First data: LAS SDSS limit z=6.4 Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
3. Survey timetable • 2005 Dec: end SV • 2006 Jan 31: DR1 to ESO • 2006 Jun 1: DR2 to ESO? • 2006 Nov: renewal proposal to UKIRT Board • 2007 Jun 31: DR1 to world • 2007 Mar 31: end 2-yr plan observations • 2012 completion Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy
4. Summary • WFCAM is the world’s best near-ir survey camera • WFCAM pipeline and archive are producing science quality data • UKIDSS design depths achieved in JHK, 0.4mag. short in Y • 10% of UKIDSS has been observed • 3% of UKIDSS (=3X2MASS) will be released 2006 Jan 31 Panoramic near-Infrared Astronomy