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Conference in Public Health and Preventive Medicine 2010 「公共衛生及預防醫學」學術會議. Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan : Present Status and Future Perspectives 台灣健康促進學校現況與展望. Prof. Song- yuan Huang 黃松元教授 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Conference in Public Health and Preventive Medicine 2010「公共衛生及預防醫學」學術會議 Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan:Present Status and Future Perspectives 台灣健康促進學校現況與展望 Prof. Song-yuanHuang 黃松元教授 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan Hong Kong 6th-8th November 2010
Ⅰ.Introduction 緒言 Ⅵ.Concluding Statements 結語 Ⅱ.Major Health Problems Among the Students in Taiwan 台灣學生主要健康問題 Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing the School Health Programs 負責推動學校衛生計劃的機構 Ⅳ.Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan (in Brief) 台灣健康促進學校發展概況 Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 未來展望 大綱
Ⅰ.Introduction 緒言 • Educational culture and changes in health indicators are the two mostimportant conditions and characteristics in relation to school health in Taiwan. Theinteraction of the effects of these two factors creates challenges and opportunitiesfor school health innovations and leadership. • 教育文化和健康指標的改變是關係到台灣學校衛生最重要的兩項狀況和特徵。這兩項因素的交互作用為學校衛生的創見和領導提供了挑戰和機會。
Ⅰ.Introduction 緒言 • Prior to 2001, implementationof school health in Taiwan was essentially based on the model of the traditionalschool health program that consists of health services, health instruction, and thehealthy school environment. 2001年之前,台灣學校衛生之推動基本上是基於傳統 學校衛生計畫模式,包括健康服務、健康教學和健康 環境。
Ⅰ.Introduction 緒言 • In 2003, Taiwan began to adopt the new model ofchool health – the “health promoting school” (HPS) – to implement a variety ofschool health programs for the sake of promoting the health of students, teachers, staff,parents, and community residents. 及至2003年,台灣開始採行學校衛生工作新模式─健 康促進學校(HPS),推動各項學校衛生計畫,以促進 學生、教職員、家長及社區居民的健康。
Ⅰ.Introduction 緒言 • In 2002, the School Health Act was promulgated which was a highly important milestone in the development of school health in Taiwan. 值得一提的是,「學校衛生法」於2002年公布施行, 此為台灣學校衛生發展上的重要里程碑。
Ⅱ.Major Health Problems Among the Students in Taiwan 台灣學生主要健康問題
Ⅱ.Major Health Problems Among the Studentsin Taiwan • The students in Taiwan now are facing a variety of health problems which are harmful to their health. The major health problems are as follows: 台灣各級學校學生目前仍面臨著許多對其健康有害的問題,主要的問題如下:
Ⅱ.Major Health Problems Among the Studentsin Taiwan • Table 1. The smoking prevalence rate among junior high and senior high school students in Taiwan.
Ⅱ.Major Health Problems Among the Studentsin Taiwan • TheTaiwan Youth Health Survey (TYHS), completed by the BHPin 2006, found that the major health problems among junior high school studentsin Taiwan were obesity, physical inactivity, improper body image, violence, physicalfighting, injuries, insomnia, suicide, low self-esteem, smoking, drinking, betel nutschewing behavior, drug abuse, and sexual behavior 由國民健康局於2006年完成的「台灣青少年健康調查」發現國中生主要的健康問題包括肥胖、身體活動不足、不恰當的身體意象、暴力、打架、傷害、失眠、自殺、低自尊、吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔、藥物濫用及性行為。
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs 負責推動學校衛生計劃的機構
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs 1. Ministry of Education教育部 (1) School Health Committee學校衛生委員會 (2) Department of Physical Education →Division of School Health 體育司學校衛生科 2. Department of Health, Executive Yuan行政院衛生署 (1) Health Education Implementation Committee 衛生教育推動委員會 (2) Bureau of Health Promotion 國民健康局 a. Health Education Center衛生教育中心 b. Division of Child and Adolescent Health 兒童及青少年保健組
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs 3. Ministry of Interior → Bureau of Children內政部兒童局 4. National Taiwan Normal University →Department of Health Promotion and Health Education 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系 5. National Taipei University of Education →Graduate Institute of Life Education and Health Promotion 國立台北教育大學生命教育與健康促進研究所 6. Local governments, including departmentsof health, education, environmental protection, and social welfare. 地方政府,包括衛生、教育、環境保護及社會福利等局、處
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs 7. NGOs 非政府組織 (1) National School Health Association, Republic of China(1961)中華民國學校衛生學會
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs (2) School Nurses Association of the Republic of China(1996)
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs (3) Taiwan Health Promotion and Education Association(1980)
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs (4) Taiwan Public Health Association (1972)
Ⅲ.The Organizations Responsible for Implementing theSchool Health Programs 8. Schools 各級學校 (1) School Health Committee學校衛生委員會 (2) Office of Student Affairs學生事務處 →HealthCare Section衛生保健組 →Health Center / Service健康中心
Ⅳ.Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan (in Brief) 台灣健康促進學校發展概況
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2002 1.Promulgation of the School Health Act with 29 articles. 「學校衛生法」開始施行 2.The Ministry of Education(MOE) and Department of Health(DOH) form a collaborative team. 教育部與衛生署組成合作小組
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 20031.The DOH publishes the “Guidelines for Health Promoting Schools” . 衛生署編印「健康促進學校工作指引」 2.The International Workshop on Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan is held jointly by the MOE and DOH in Taipei, Taiwan. 教育部與衛生署於台北市聯合召開台灣健 康促進學校工作坊
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 20041.The National School Health (Ⅰ)Association of the Republic of China conducts the Health Promoting School Supervision Program under contract with the DOH. 中華民國學校衛生學會接受衛生署之委託執行 健康促進學校督導計畫
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 20042.A pilot study for health promoting (Ⅱ) school in 50 primary, junior high, and high schools is conducted cooperatively by the MOE and DOH. 教育部與衛生署合作推動五十所國小、國中 及高中健康促進學校實驗計畫
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2005 1.The Health Promoting School Supporting Network is established jointly by the MOE and DOH. The structure of the Network depicted in Fig.1 教育部與衛生署聯合建構健康促進學校 支持網絡,其組織如圖1所示
Fig.1 Health promoting school supporting network in Taiwan Supervisory and Supporting Network Project Teaching Resource Development Center Monitoring and Assessment System Policy plan Health promoting school Health Promoting School Network Platform Education and Training Center Health Communication and Media Center International cooperation
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief)
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) The Health Promoting School Supporting Network consists of three major domains: the Policy Plan, the Monitoring and Assessment System, and International Cooperation. Through the operation of the Teaching Resource Development Center, the Education and Training Center, the Health Communication and Media Center, the Health Promoting School Network Platform,
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) and the Supervisory and Supporting Network Project, a variety of school health programs have been carried out for the majority of primary, junior high, and high schools in Taiwan. The Network is implemented for three years from 2005 to 2007.
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 健康促進學校支持網絡包括三大領域:政策規劃、監控與評估系統,以及國際合作。透過教學資源發展中心、教育與訓練中心、健康傳播與媒體中心、健康促進學校網絡平台,以及督導與支持網絡計畫的運作,已經為大多數台灣的中小學推動許多學校衛生計畫。此項網絡自2005年至2007年運作,為期三年。
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2.The MOE publishes the 4th edition of the School Health Guidelines based on the health promoting school concept and its six domains. 教育部根據健康促進學校的概念及其六大範疇出版第四版學校衛生工作指引 3.318primary, junior high, and high schools become the health promoting schools. 318所中小學成為健康促進學校
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2006 1.516 primary, junior high, and high schools become the health promoting schools. 516所中小學成為健康促進學校 2.The First Asia-Pacific International Conference on Health Promoting Schools is held in Taipei, Taiwan. 第一屆亞太地區健康促進學校國際會議在 台灣台北召開
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2007 1.773 primary, junior high, and high schools become the health promoting schools. 773所中小學成為健康促進學校
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2008 1.Thename of the Health Promoting (Ⅰ) School Supporting Network is changed to The Taiwan Health Promoting School’s Promotion Centerunder the joint administration of the MOE and DOH. The Center focuses on three domains: guidance, marketing and networking. The structure of the Center is depicted in Fig.2.
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2008 「健康促進學校支持網絡」易名為「台灣健康促進學校推動中心」,著重輔導、行銷及網絡三個領域,其組織如圖2所示
台灣健康促進學校推動中心運作機制架構圖 政府政策 網路建置與維護組 指標監測與回饋組 健康促進學校推動中心 媒體傳播與行銷組 教材匯集研發組 教育訓練組 民間團體、企業、家長會組織 媒體地方行銷 提供回饋機制 完成指標監測 促使成效顯彰 規劃人力 經費支持 研發 數位 教材 教材提供網路學習 教育訓練 提供課程教材需求 媒體傳播 促成輔導深化 課程教材提供教育訓練 強化輔導成效提供地方行銷 夥伴關係資源協力 輔導支持網絡運作組 圖2. 台灣健康促進學校推動中心之運 作機制。資料來源:教育部。
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2008 (Ⅱ) 2.All the3871 primary, junior high, and high schools become the health promoting schools. 所有3871所中小學都成為健康促進學校
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2009 (Ⅰ) 1.An international conference entitled ”2009 Taiwan Health Promoting Schools” is held in Taipei, Taiwan 「2009年台灣健康促進學校」國際會議在台 灣台北召開
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2009 (Ⅱ) 2.Agroup of 19 delegates from Macau visit Taiwan with the goal of learning about the present status of health promoting schools 澳門十九人代表團訪問台灣以了解健康促進 學校實施現況
Ⅳ. Development of Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan ( in brief) 2010 1.The Taiwan Health-promoting School’s Promotion Center continues to operate. 台灣健康促進學校推動中心繼續運作 2.The Student Health Literacy Improvement Project is launched 學生健康素養改進計畫正式展開
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives • Although school health in Taiwan has improved quite a lot in the past six decades,there are still many challenges that the school health personnel face and shouldstrive to overcome. The following are recommendations for the sustainabledevelopment of school health in Taiwan in the twenty-first century. 雖然過去六十年,台灣的學校衛生已經有長足的進步, 但是學校衛生人員仍然面臨許多有待克服的挑戰。此處 提出一些建議,做為二十一世紀台灣學校衛生永續發展 的參考。
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 1. School Health Policy and Administration(Ⅰ) 學校衛生政策與行政 • Enhance the School Health Act that was promulgated on February 6, 2002 with29 articles 強化學校衛生法 • Develop and promulgate the Health Promotion Act 訂頒健康促進法 • Develop the professional certification system for health promoters and healtheducators 為健康促進及健康教育人員發展專業認證制度
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 1. School Health Policy and Administration(Ⅱ) • Upgrade the performance of the Division of School Health in the MOE toadminister and coordinate school health programs提升教育部學校衛生科的功能 • Ensure an adequate budget for the field of school health in order to help promotethe health of students, teachers, and staff編列適當的學校衛生經費以促進學生及教職員的健康 • Designate professionally trained teachers or supervisors to Implement schoolhealth programs 指定訓練有素的教師或督導人員,負責推動學校衛生計畫
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 2. School Health Services學校健康服務 • Improve health examinations for students 改進學生健康檢查 • Upgrade the quality of health services for disabled students 提升為身心障礙學生所提供的健康服務的品質 • Reinforce the functions of the school health center/service 強化健康中心的功能 • Recognize the importance and expanded role of the school nurse in promotingstudent health 認同學校護士在促進學生健康上的重要性及擴大的角色
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 3. School Health Instruction學校健康教學 • Reinforce the health education curriculum for grades 1–10 and increase timeallotment for teaching it 強化一至十年級健康教育課程及增加授課時數 • Expand the number of health education professional preparation programsoffered at institutions of higher learning擴充提供健康教育專業培育計畫之大學校數 • Enhance in-service training programs for health teachers強化健康教育教師在職研習
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 4. Healthful School Environment(Ⅰ) 學校健康環境 • Improve the healthful school environment, including the physical and socialaspects 改善學校物質及社會環境 • Reinforce safety education and first-aid training for the teachers and students 加強教師及學生安全教育與急救訓練
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 4. Healthful School Environment(Ⅱ) 學校健康環境 • Continue to implement smoking education and drug education programs for thesake of establishing a smoke-free and drug-free school environment 持續推動吸菸教育及藥物教育計畫,以建立無菸及無毒校園 • Strengthen the implementation of the “Grand Project for Building a FriendlyCampus” 加強推動「友善校園總體營造計畫」 • Improve interpersonal relationships on and off campus 改善校內外人際關係
Ⅴ.Future Perspectives 5. School Health Survey and Research(Ⅰ) 學校衛生調查與研究 • Conduct more research projects focused on intervention and informationdissemination in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the health educationcurriculum in improving the health knowledge, attitudes, practices, and skills ofstudents 進行更多在介入與資訊散播方面的研究以展示健康教育課程在改進學生健康知識、態度、習慣和技能上的成效。