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Cultures. Woven Basket Silk Brocade Tapestry Electronic Network. ASEAN. Association of South East Asian Nations Population of about 500 million. Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam Cambodia.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultures • Woven Basket • Silk Brocade Tapestry • Electronic Network Centre for International Trade Development

  2. ASEAN • Association of South East Asian Nations • Population of about 500 million. • Indonesia, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore • Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam Cambodia. • gross domestic product of US$737 billion, and a total trade of US$ 720 billion. Centre for International Trade Development

  3. Assimilation Acculturation • Assimilation. • You must become like us. • Acculturation • Empowerment • Together we can. • Which Country are you in Today? Centre for International Trade Development

  4. Dot on the Equator Peter Purushotma Singapore American Business Association Centre for International Trade Development

  5. From Rubber to Silicon • Rubber 1895 • Silicon 2004 • Botanic Gardens.. Ridley Mad Englishman • KRDL Centre for International Trade Development

  6. Education = More Cash • Albert Einstein 1879-1955 • Hebrew University Fund • 11/02/1922 • 11/11/1922…Nobel Laureate Returns • * The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921 was announced on November 9, 1922. • ** Being too remote from Sweden, Professor Einstein could not attend the ceremony. • $6000 Centre for International Trade Development

  7. Hello Syonan • 1942-1945 15th Feb-12th Sept • Yamashita • Percival • Sentosa Island • Tanah Merah Centre for International Trade Development

  8. Independence • 1959 End of British Rule June 5th • Lee Kuan Yew PM • 1963 Malaysia Merger August 31st • 1963 Konfrontasi Indonesia • 1965 “don`t cry for me” Majullah Singapura. • 1990 Goh Chok Tong PM • 2004 Lee Kuan Yew SM Centre for International Trade Development

  9. Electronics Chemicals Life Sciences Engineering Healthcare Logistics Communications Media Headquarters World Class Companies Promising Local Enterprises Innovation International Business Resource Development Co- Investment Knowledge Driven Centre for International Trade Development

  10. Creativity on Command • Rote to Ruin • China Singapore India • Asean Australia • City/State/ Country/Republic • Lake Tahoe Centre for International Trade Development

  11. Singapore Today: A Competitive Economy Characteristics Statistics • 2002 GDP: US$85 bn, per capita GDP of US$27,000 • 4m population, of which 1m non-locals • More than 6,000 MNCs, of which 1,300 US companies; 17,000 American residents. • USA’s 11th largest trading partner; FTA discussion with US completed • Amongst world’s most competitive economies (IMD, WEF); 2nd most profitable place for investors worldwide (BERI) • 26,000 graduates p.a. (degree / assoc degrees) • 2.1% GDP spent on R&D p.a. • Stable, diversified economy • No natural calamities • Cosmopolitan & multi-racial population, open to talents worldwide • Only Asian country with English as first language • Stable & pro-business government • Excellent infrastructure & reliable utilities • Excellent labour relations; no industrial stoppage since 1986, tripartite wage settlement in place • Attractive tax regime: no dividend tax, no state tax, no capital gains tax, low corporate / personal tax Centre for International Trade Development

  12. Singapore 1 Hr 2 Hrs 3 Hrs 4 Hrs 5 Hrs Population (million) Flying Time 6 Hrs 7 Hrs 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 4 Hours 5 Hours 6 Hours 7 Hours 25 125 241 754 1,277 2,393 2,800 * Cumulative population About Singapore Total land area:682.3 sq km. Comprises one main island (604.2 sq km) and a number of islets scattered off its north-east and south Location: Between latitudes 1º 09´N and 1º 29´N and longitudes 103º 36´E and 104º 25´E Climate: Singapore is an equatorial country with relatively uniform temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall Average Daily Temperature: 26.8ºC - 31ºC Total Population:4.16 million Centre for International Trade Development

  13. Mobile Users 78.6% Internet Users 65% Intelligent Island Broadband Users 34% PC Users 67% Centre for International Trade Development

  14. 21st Century • Government-led, to partnerships • Corporate, to entrepreneurial • Singapore, to the world Centre for International Trade Development

  15. 21st Century • Global Migrants • One WCU • Diversity and Globalism • E Pluribus Unum • TWIMO Centre for International Trade Development

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