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Central Chinese American Baptist Church 中喬州華人基督教會. 主. 日. 崇. 拜. Please prepare our hearts for worship with silent prayers. 请弟兄姊妹们静默 禱告 ,准备我们的心, 来到神的面前 一同敬拜神. Please turn your cell phone to vibrate mode 請將手機調到震機. 主禱文 The Lord ’ s Prayer. 我 們 在 天 上 的 父,願 人 都 尊 你 的 名 為 聖。
Central Chinese American Baptist Church 中喬州華人基督教會 主 日 崇 拜 Please prepare our hearts for worship with silent prayers. 请弟兄姊妹们静默禱告,准备我们的心, 来到神的面前 一同敬拜神 Please turn your cell phone to vibrate mode 請將手機調到震機
主禱文 The Lord’s Prayer 我 們 在 天 上 的 父,願 人 都 尊 你 的 名 為 聖。 願 你 的 國 降 臨,願 你 的 旨 意 行 在 地 上,如 同 行 在 天 上。我 們 日 用 的 飲 食,今 日 賜 給 我 們。免 我 們 的 債,如 同 我 們 免 了 人 的 債。 不 叫 我 們 遇 見 試 探, 救 我 們 脫 離 凶 惡, 因 為 國 度、權 柄、榮 耀,全是你的,直到永遠。 阿門。 Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
1/8 怎能如此 And Can It Be That I Should Gain 怎能如此,像我這樣罪人,And can it be that I should gain 也能蒙主寶血救贖? An interest in the Savior’s blood? 因我罪過使祂受苦,Died He for me, who caused His pain? 因我罪過使祂受死;For me, who Him to death pursued?
2/8 奇異的愛!何能如此,Amazing love! How can it be 我主我神竟為我死? That Thou, my God shouldst die for me? 奇異的愛!何能如此,Amazing love! How can it be 我主我神竟為我死? That Thou, my God shouldst die for me? Chorus
3/8 主竟拋棄,天上榮耀寶座,He left His Father’s throne above, 白白恩典何等無限! So free, so infinite His grace! 捨去己身成全大愛,Emptied Himself of all but love, 救贖可憐亞當後代! And bled for Adam’s helpless race!
4/8 恩典憐憫,何等無限,‘Tismercy all, immense and free, 我主我神將我尋回。 For, O my God, it found out me. 奇異的愛!何能如此,Amazing love! How can it be 我主我神竟為我死? That Thou, my God shouldst die for me? Chorus
5/8 我的心靈,多年被囚綑綁,Long my imprisoned spirit lay 被罪包圍幽暗無光; Fast bound in sin and nature’s night, 主眼發出復活榮光,Thine eye diffused a quickening ray; 使我覺醒光滿牢房!I woke the dungeon flamed with light!
6/8 鎖鍊斷落,心得釋放,My chains fell off, my heart was free, 我起來跟隨主前往。I rose, went forth, and followed Thee. 奇異的愛!何能如此,Amazing love! How can it be 我主我神竟為我死? That Thou, my God shouldst die for me? Chorus
7/8 不再定罪,今我不再畏懼,No condemnation now I dread: 耶穌與祂所有屬我! Jesus, and all in Him, is mine! 我活在永活元首裡,Alive in Him, my living Head, 穿起公義聖潔白衣, and clothed in righteousness divine,
8/8 坦然進到神寶座前,Bold I approach th’eternal throne, 因我救主,我得榮冕。And claim the crown, through Christ my own. 奇異的愛!何能如此,Amazing love! How can it be 我主我神竟為我死? That Thou, my God shouldst die for me? Chorus
1/6 千萬天使 Ten Thousand Angels 救主在禱告的園裡,他們綑綁主的手They bound the hands of Jesus in the garden where He prayed; 帶祂遊行備受唾罵;They led Him through the streets in shame. 聖潔無罪的救主,竟被他們吐唾沫They spat upon the Saviour, so pure and free from sin; 說祂有罪要定祂十架。They said, “Crucify Him; He’s to blame.”
Chorus 2/6 • 祂可求父差千萬天使,He could have called ten thousand angels • 毀滅這世界,將祂釋放;To destroy the world and set Him free. • 祂可求父差千萬天使,He could have called ten thousand angels • 祂竟願受死,為你為我。But He died alone - for you and me.
3/6 在救主尊貴的頭上,被戴上荊棘冠冕Upon His precious head they placed a crown of thorn; 戲笑祂說“看哪!這王”They laughed and said, “Behold the king.” 被他們鞭打辱罵,又被嘲笑祂的名They struck Him and they cursed Him, and mocked His holy name. 祂獨自忍受一切頂撞。All alone He suffered every thing.
Chorus 4/6 • 祂可求父差千萬天使,He could have called ten thousand angels • 毀滅這世界,將祂釋放;To destroy the world and set Him free. • 祂可求父差千萬天使,He could have called ten thousand angels • 祂竟願受死,為你為我。But He died alone - for you and me.
5/6 祂向忿怒群眾忍辱,祂並未乞憐呼喊To the howling mob He yielded; He did not for mercy cry. 甘願背負羞辱十架;The Cross of shame He took alone. 當祂大聲說”成了”,祂就捨了祂生命And when He cried, “It’s finished,”He gave Himself to die; 奇妙救贖計畫已完成。Salvation’s wondrous plan was done.
Chorus 6/6 • 祂可求父差千萬天使,He could have called ten thousand angels • 毀滅這世界,將祂釋放;To destroy the world and set Him free. • 祂可求父差千萬天使,He could have called ten thousand angels • 祂竟願受死,為你為我。But He died alone - for you and me.
1/8 深知所信 I Know Whom I Have Believed 我真不知神的奇恩,I know not why God’s wondrous grace 為何臨到我身,To me He hath made known. 我也不知不堪如我,Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love 竟蒙救贖之恩。Redeemed me for His own
Chorus 2/8 唯我深知,所信的是誰,But “I know whom I have be-liev-ed, 並且也深信,祂實在是能,and am pur-suad-ed that He is able 保守我所信託祂的,To keep that which I’ve committed 都全備直到那日。Unto Him against that day.”
3/8 我真不知救我的信,I know not how this saving faith 如何進入我心, To me He did impart, 我也不知何以一信,Nor how believing in His word 便得一個新心。 Wrought peace within my heart.
Chorus 4/8 唯我深知,所信的是誰,But “I know whom I have be-liev-ed, 並且也深信,祂實在是能,and am pur-suad-ed that He is able 保守我所信託祂的,To keep that which I’ve committed 都全備直到那日。Unto Him against that day.”
5/8 我真不知聖靈如何,I know not how the Sprit moves, 引人知道己過, convincing men of sin, 並由聖經顯明耶穌,Revealing Jesus through the word, 使人接祂為主。 Creating faith in Him,
Chorus 6/8 唯我深知,所信的是誰,But “I know whom I have be-liev-ed, 並且也深信,祂實在是能,and am pur-suad-ed that He is able 保守我所信託祂的,To keep that which I’ve committed 都全備直到那日。Unto Him against that day.”
7/8 我真不知何時主來,I know not when my Lord may come, 那時我在何處, At night or noon-day fair. 到底我當經過死谷,Nor if I walk the vale with Him, 或將空中遇主。 Or meet Him in the air.
Chorus 8/8 唯我深知,所信的是誰,But “I know whom I have be-liev-ed, 並且也深信,祂實在是能,and am pur-suad-ed that He is able 保守我所信託祂的,To keep that which I’ve committed 都全備直到那日。Unto Him against that day.”
證道經節 - 提多書3:4-7, 提摩太後書1:9-14 4但到了神─我們救主的恩慈和他向人所施的慈愛顯明的時候,5他便救了我們;並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照他的憐憫,藉著重生的洗和聖靈的更新。6聖靈就是神藉著耶穌基督我們救主厚厚澆灌在我們身上的,7好叫我們因他的恩得稱為義,可以憑著永生的盼望成為後嗣。 9神救了我們,以聖召召我們,不是按我們的行為,乃是按他的旨意和恩典;這恩典是萬古之先,在基督耶穌裡賜給我們的,10但如今藉著我們救主基督耶穌的顯現才表明出來了。他已經把死廢去,藉著福音,將不能壞的生命彰顯出來。11我為這福音奉派作傳道的,作使徒,作師傅。12為這緣故,我也受這些苦難。然而我不以為恥;因為知道我所信的是誰,也深信他能保全我所交付他的,直到那日。13你從我聽的那純正話語的規模,要用在基督耶穌裡的信心和愛心,常常守著。14從前所交託你的善道,你要靠著那住在我們裡面的聖靈牢牢的守著。
1/4 主愛滋潤我心 我曾經追求世界的歡樂, 希望能夠得到滿足, 那一天當我遇見耶穌, 我發現自己的虛空。
Chorus 2/4 但主的愛是何等甘甜, 滋潤我乾渴的心田, 使我甘心跟隨祂的引導, 在十架的路上奔跑。
3/4 我前面道路有耶穌陪伴, 心中常有喜樂平安, 生活中即使遇見困難, 主耶穌賜給我力量。
Chorus 4/4 但主的愛是何等甘甜, 滋潤我乾渴的心田, 使我甘心跟隨祂的引導, 在十架的路上奔跑。