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Search for CP violation in the lepton sector. n. Cristina VOLPE (Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay, France). CP violation searches with future facilities. CP violation effects in astrophysics and cosmology (BBN). Introduction. Conclusions. OUTLINE.
Search for CP violation in the lepton sector n Cristina VOLPE (Institut de Physique Nucléaire Orsay, France)
CP violation searches with future facilities CP violation effects in astrophysics and cosmology (BBN) Introduction Conclusions OUTLINE
Major advances in neutrino physics L SOURCE DETECTOR nm nm Pontecorvo, 1957 ne ne oscillation decoherence decay 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 data/expectation AN IMPRESSIVE PROGRESS IN THE LAST DECADE in our knowledge of its properties. 1 10 102 103 104 Ln/En ratio [km/GeV]
nm n2 n1 q ne The time evolution is : necosqsinqn1 = nm-sinqcosqn2 THEORETICAL DESCRIPTION ? n3=nt mixing angle Dm2 =m22-m12 mass basis flavour basis
THE 3-flavours OSCILLATION PARAMETERS Dm322 Dm212 Only two Dm2 are independent. q23 q12 q13 In the case of three families, there are three mass eigenstates (n1,n2,n3) and three flavour eigenstates (ne,nm,nt). n3 nm nt q23 The two basis are related by a unitary matrix, called the Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata- Pontecorvo (MNSP) matrix. n2 ne n1 q12 q13 ne n1 nm n2 nt n3 THE CP violating phase INTRODUCES A n-nASYMMETRY.
THE key OPEN QUESTIONS > The third mixing angleq13 Double-CHOOZ, Daya-Bay, T2K,.. >The Dirac phase from double-beta decay experiments > TheMajorana phases > Theabsolute mass scale KATRIN, MARE,… >The mass hierarchy supernovae, n-factories, double-beta,… > Theneutrino nature Gerda, Cuore, Super-Nemo,… A wealth of experiments are under construction or at a R&D level. exciting discoveries might be close…
q13– expected sensitivity from currently starting experiments P. Huber, M. Lindner, T. Schwetz, W. Winter, arXiv: 0907.1861 Discovery potential (90% CL) for sin22q13 from reactors and accelerators THE VALUE OF Q13 CRUCIAL FOR FUTURE STRATEGIES.
CPV sensitivity P. Huber, M. Lindner, T. Schwetz, W. Winter, arXiv: 0907.1861 sensitivity limits (90% CL) from T2K, NOnA and reactors LONG-TERM expensive PROJECTS might be necessary.
Long-term accelerator projects > Super-beams - intense conventional beams from muon and pion decay > Beta-beams – intense and pure neutrino beams from boosted accelerated ions > Neutrino factories– intense neutrino beams from stored muons THE GOAL : to investigate very small Q13 values, the Dirac CP phase and the mass hierarchy.
6He 6Li 6He 6Li ions are boosted ne ne The beta -beamconcept ions at rest neutrino beams Zucchelli, PLB 2002 Average neutrino energy : En = 2gQb, Flux emittance : 1/g. No beam associated background (the n-beams are produced from primary particles).
Several beta-beam scenarios proposed Low-energy g= 5 -14 C. Volpe, Journ. Phys. G. 30 (2004), hep-ph/0303222. CP Electron-capture J. Bernabeu, J. Burguet-Castell, C. Espinoza, M. Lindroos, JHEP 0512 (2005) 014, hep-ph/0505054. See Volpe, Topical Review on “Beta-beams”, J.Phys.G34, R1 (2007) hep-ph/0605033 Beta-beams g= 100 P. Zucchelli, Phys. Lett. B 2002 High-energy g= 300 and very high-energy g= 1000 J. Burguet-Castell, D. Casper, JJ Gomez-Cadenas, P. Hernandez, F. Sanchez, Nucl. Phys. B695, 217 (2004), hep-ph/0312068.
THE standard baseline scenario To a far detector SPS ne PS P. Zucchelli, Phys. Lett. B (2002) EURISOL B. Autin et al. , J. Phys. G 29 (2003) 1785. Proton driver SPL ISOL production ISOL target & ion source 6He,18Ne n source decay ring beam preparation ECR pulsed Lss = 2.5 km 93 GeV Ion acceleration Linac, 0.4 GeV acceleration at medium energy RCS, 1.5 GeV 8.7 GeV Acceleration to final energy PS and SPS ITREQUIRESTHE PRODUCTION AND ACCELERATION OF VERYINTENSE RADIOACTIVE IONS BEAMS (RIB). EURISOL Design Study (FP6 2005-2009) -> Conceptual Report
THE standard baseline scenario 65 m ne MEGATON DETECTOR 60 m Frejus Underground Laboratory CERN 130 km FREJUS THE SEARCH for CP and T violation: MULTIPURPOSE DETECTOR CP violation, (relic) supernova neutrinos and proton decay. e m (+) m e (p+) e m (-) m e (p-) CP T Three technologies understudy (water Cherenkov, scintillator, liquid argon) LAGUNA Design Study (2008-10) (with Beta-beams) (conventional beams)
Sensitivity to Q13 and CP violation After 10 years running (5+5, or 2+8) with 440 kton detector, 5.8 (2.2) 10 18 6He (18Ne)/s, g = 100 Campagne, Maltoni, Mezzetto, Schwetz, JHEP 0704:003 (2007). hep-ph/0603172
1 0.6 Fraction of d b-beam 0.2 1 ISS study sin22q13 10-5 10-4 10-3 Comparison with other facilities International Scoping Study Physics Working Group, arXiv: 0710.4947 . THE BETA-BEAM PROJECT IS A COMPETITIVE option.
LOW ENERGY BETA-BEAMS C.Volpe, J Phys G30 (2004). A proposal to establish a facility for the production of intense and pure lowenergy neutrino beams (100 MeV). BASELINE PHYSICS POTENTIAL n E U R I S O L n-nucleus cross sections (detector’s response, r-process, 2b-decay) SPS storage ring PS fundamental interactions studies (Weinberg angle, CVC test, mn) close detector n astrophysical applications PHYSICS STUDIED WITHIN THE EURISOL DS (FP6, 2005-2009)
CP violation effects in astrophysics and cosmology (BBN epoch) Solar neutrinos H.Minakata and S. Watanabe, Phys. Lett. B 468, 256 (1999). UHE neutrinos Walter Winter, Phys. Rev. D 74, 033015 (2006). Core-collapse supernova neutrinos E. Akhmedov, C.Lunardini & A.Smirnov, Nucl.Phys.B643 (2002) 339. A. B. Balantekin, J. Gava, C. Volpe, PLB662, 396 (2008), arXiv:0710.3112. J. Gava, C. Volpe, Phys. Rev. D78, 083007(2008), arXiv:0807.3418. J Kneller and G.C. McLaughlin, arXiv:0904.3823. Cosmological neutrinos J. Gava, C. Volpe, Nucl. Phys. B (2010), arXiv:09…
nt ne nm Core-collapse supernovae (SN) 99 % of the energy is emitted as neutrinos of all flavours in a short burst of about 10 s. NS A possible site for the nucleosynthesis of the heavy elements, but present calculations fail to reproduce the observed abundances. Neutrino oscillations have a significant impact In supernovae:a fast developing field at present (shock wave effects, turbulence, the n-n interaction)
Conditions for CP effects in supernovae A. B. Balantekin, J. Gava, C. Volpe, PLB662, 396 (2008), arXiv:0710.3112 J. Gava, C. Volpe, Phys. Rev. D78, 083007(2008), arXiv:0807.3418. Beyond the Standard Model might introducedifferences in the nm and nt interaction wihtmatter (Flavor ChangingNeutralCurrents, …). In the Standard Model loop corrections for the v interaction with matter should be included. We have demonstrated under which conditions there can be CP violating effects in supernovae. at the neutrinosphere The n propagation Hamiltonian does not factorize any more ! AND also THERE CAN BE CP-VIOLATION EFFECTS IN SUPERNOVAE.
Numerical results : effects on the flux ratios Standard MSW, tree level 200 Km in the star More realistic case ! n-n interaction and 1-loop fe (d = 180°)/ fe (d = 0°) Inverted hierarchy and small J. Gava, C. Volpe, Phys. Rev. D78, 083007(2008), arXiv:0807.3418. EFFECTS OF 5-10 % ON THE ELECTRON NEUTRINO FLUXES in the SUPERNOVA.
Numerical results : effects on Ye The electron fraction is n/p ratio: a key parameter for the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements (r-process). Ye (d = 180°)/Ye (d = 0°) A. B. Balantekin, J. Gava, C. Volpe, PLB662, 396 (2008), arXiv:0710.3112 VERY SMALL EFFECTS ON THE ELECTRON FRACTION. More to come ……..
CP effects in the early Universe (BBN) A vaste literature exist on the possibility of a non-zero neutrino degeneracy parameter (neutrino asymmetry)…. If equilibration holds current bound on all flavours is: -0.044<x<0.070 Serpico and Raffelt PRD 71 (2005) 127301 Are there any CP violation effects on the neutrino degeneracy parameters? J. Gava, C. Volpe, Nucl. Phys. B 837 (2010) 50, arXiv:1002.0981. We have established the conditions to have CP effects on x parameters : the muon and tau x have to differ. We have performed numerical calculations of the evolution of the degeneracy parameters at BBN epoch including the neutrino mixing, the coupling to matter and the n-n interaction. Our calculations follow others, e.g. Dolgov et al, Nucl. Phys. B 632 (2002) 363, Abazajian, Beacom, Bell, PRD 66 (2002) 013008, Mangano et al, Nucl. Phys. B 729 (2005) 221, Pastor, Pinto and Raffelt, PRL 102 (2009) 241302
CP effects in the early Universe (BBN) BUT our calculations include for the first time a non-zero CP violating Dirac phase in the neutrino evolution : J. Gava, C. Volpe, Nucl. Phys. B 837 (2010) 50, arXiv:1002.0981. WE have found CP EFFECTS UP TO 1% on xe, a few 10-3 on the He4 abundance.
Q13 sets the strategy for CP violation searches. Beta-beams and super-beams are a very competitive option if the third neutrino mixing angle is close to the present Chooz limit. Conclusions CP violation effects in dense media -- core-collapse supernovae and Early Universe -- We have determined the conditions to have CP effects (e.g. FCNC) and performed the first calculations of its impact on the neutrino fluxes and nucleosynthesis.
Danke. Thank you! Grazie. Merci.
Sensitivity to Q13 and CP violation Mezzetto 2005 After 10 years running (5+5, or 2+8) with 440 kton detector, 5.8 (2.2) 10 18 6He (18Ne)/s, g = 100 Campagne, Maltoni, Mezzetto, Schwetz, JHEP 0704:003 (2007). hep-ph/0603172
The solar neutrino deficit problem is clarified. Neutrinos are massive particles, contrary to what was believed for decades. It opens a new possibility to understand the matter versus anti-matter asymmetry in the Universe. Among the fundamental implications… The origin of neutrino mass and its smallness needs to be understood. We understand the energy production in stars. A key step for one of the major open questions in modern cosmology.
ne e W e ne V(r) GF re. There are also shock wave effects. These engender multiple resonances and phase effects. Neutrino propagation in media A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF n-PROPAGATION IN SN : The Mikheev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) effect (’78, ’86) : neutrino coupling with matter induces a resonant flavour conversion. the beautiful explanation of the « solar neutrino deficit » problem ! Neutrino-neutrino interaction is important. A more complex problem : the neutrino evolution equations are non-linear. t=1s t=1.5s Turbulence effects are just being considered. E=20 MeV See the review from Duan and Kneller, arXiv:0904.0974 IMPRESSIVE PROGRESS IN THE LAST FEW YEARS ! A lot of work still needs to be done …
Synergy with athmospherics First proposed in : . Hubert, Maltoni, Schwetz, Phys. Rev. D 71, 053006 (2005). hep-ph/0501037. Campagne, Maltoni, Mezzetto, Schwetz, JHEP 0704:003 (2007). hep-ph/0603172 Helps identify the mass hierarchy and the octant degeneracy.
Neutrino propagation in SN A NEW UNDERSTANDING OF n-PROPAGATION : Neutrino-neutrino interaction is important : Collective phenomena emerge. Temporally evolving density profiles with shock waves have to be included : These engender multiple resonances and phase effects. Turbulence effects, studies still at its beginning. See the review from Duan and Kneller, arXiv:0904.0974 IMPRESSIVE PROGRESS IN THE LAST FEW YEARS !
shock waves effects nn interaction effects
CP violation and core-collapse SN A. B. Balantekin, J. Gava, C. Volpe, PLB662, 396 (2008), arXiv:0710.3112 We have demonstrated under which conditions there can be CP violating effects in supernovae. Here the main steps : The neutrino evolution equations in matter are matterterm vacuum term with the T23 basis factorizes out easily and gives:
CP violation and core-collapse SN Evolution operator in the T23 basis This leads to the two following relations: The electron neutrino survival probability does not depend on d. Exact relations, valid for anydensity profile. We have demonstrated that these relations also hold when the n-n interaction is included. J. Gava, C. Volpe, Phys. Rev. D78, 083007(2008), arXiv:0807.3418.