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Principals Management Development Programme

Principals Management Development Programme. JET KZN PMDP - Progress Report: April 2013. 1. PMDP Objectives. To rapidly upgrade the management skills of principals in selected schools in KZN through a highly applied methodology

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Principals Management Development Programme

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  1. Principals Management Development Programme JET KZN PMDP - Progress Report: April 2013

  2. 1. PMDP Objectives • To rapidly upgrade the management skills of principals in selected schools in KZN through a highly applied methodology • To strengthen the working relationships between the three critical layers in the functioning of a school (Circuit Manager; Principal & SMT) • To improve the support and coaching skills of Circuit Managers and other DoE officials (where applicable) • To develop sustainable professional learning communities • To build a private/public funding and delivery model The Honorable MEC of KZN Education Mr. S. Mchunu

  3. 2. College Training & Coaching Methodology ‘College Training’ On-Site Coaching Outputs Signed Off byCoaches 24 Deliverablesfor Principals 9 Deliverables for HODs Cluster of principals at a central venue and HODs with their 2 specific modules One-on-onecoaching ofprincipal atschool • Modules: • Direction & Planning • Curriculum Management (P & HOD) • People Management (P & HOD) • School Governance • Resource Acquisition & • Management • Financial Management One module per month On a Saturday 2 Hours per month Weekdays

  4. JET KZN PMDP Schools - 2012

  5. 3. Project Coverage/Scope

  6. 4.1 Modules Covered

  7. 4.2 Modules Covered

  8. 5. Workshop Attendance

  9. 6. Course Evaluation by Participants

  10. Participants’ Comments

  11. 7. Participant Comments • “The coaching sessions were a close and safe environment where schools shared their specific challenges and the coach was able to relate and address these individually – ‘someone coming to the school to listen and support & not judge you’” • “It improved our teamwork” • “as SMTs, we managed to discuss and arrive at a shared vision with the key stakeholders of the school” • “the programme improved our clarity on roles and responsibilities as well accountability as members of management” • “ability to measure, track and record different types of information (attendance & curriculum activity)” • “the workshops and the manner (methodology & approach) in which they brought sharing of best practices and solution sharing with colleagues from other schools”

  12. Measures for improvement

  13. 8. Project Measures

  14. 9. Acknowledgements Our greatest gratitude as a Consortium goes to: • JET KZN Coordinator for efficiency in organising all logistics • JET GP Office for ensuring visibility at sessions and supporting by raising pertinent issues to improve the outcomes • Funders who made it all possible but also maintained visibility • Most importantly the participants, for investing the time and allowing us to take them on this journey, amongst all their day-to-day responsibilities under pressurised time-frames

  15. Thank You!

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