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OR seminar. Applying agent technology to collaborative product design. 指導老師:陳茂生 博士 學號: 937808 姓名:吳誌恭. Reference.
OR seminar Applying agent technology to collaborative product design 指導老師:陳茂生 博士 學號:937808 姓名:吳誌恭 1 /48
Reference • H.Z. Jia, S.K. Ong*, J.Y.H. Fuh, Y.F. Zhang, A.Y.C. Nee, “An adaptive and upgradable agent-based system for coordinated” ,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 20 (2004) 79–90 • Therani Madhusudan *, “An agent-based approach for coordinating product design workflows” , Computers in Industry 56 (2005) 235–259 • G.Q. Huang*, J. Huang, K.L. Mak, “Agent-based workflow management in collaborative product developmenton the Internet”, Computer-aided Design 32(2000)133-144 2 /48
What is Agent Moore等人(1997) • 代理人是一個軟體指令,應用其內部知識推理來執行從來源處接收的訊息 。 Jennings與Woodridge(1995) • 自主性:代理人可以不需要人為的介入或干涉來執行作業,並擁有控制其行為與狀態的機制。 • 社交能力:代理人可以透過某種溝通語言來與其他代理人進行交互作用或傳遞資訊。 • 反應能力:代理人可以觀察環境的變化,並即時的反應。 • 專業能力:代理人並非只是即時的反應環境的變化而已,它還具有自發性的執行目標導向的行為的能力。 3 /48
Characteristics of Agent(Caglayan A. ,Harrison C.,1997) • Delegation: an agent performs a certain task on behalf of a user. • Autonomy: agents work without direct instruction. • Communication skills: agents interact with users or other agents. • Monitoring: agents should be able to monitor circumstances in order to perform a task autonomously. • Intelligence: agents should be able to identify the given conditions and determine the action to perform. 4 /48
Benefits of agent technology(Therani Madhusudan ,2005) • faster decision cycle times. • the ability to iterate designs effectively. • facilitate integration with downstream stages of a product lifecycle. • facilitate reuse of disparate knowledge sources, to support effective product design. 5 /48
Agent與其他軟體之別(N.Jenning ,K. Sycara ,M.Wooldridge,1998) • An agent is defined as a computer system, situated in an environment, and is capable of flexible autonomous action in order to meets its design objectives (N. Jennings, K. Sycara, M. Wooldridge,1998). • The characteristic of flexibility distinguishes an agent from any piece of software (a) responsive: the agent perceives changes in its environment and reacts to it. (b) proactive: the agent exhibits goal directed behavior. (c) social: the agent interacts with other agents. 6 /48
Example Shopping • Music CD • Men’s Wear 7 /48
產品開發專案的困難( G.Q. Huang, J. Huang, K.L. Mak,1999) • 資訊不一致 • 資料庫分散於各地 • 工具軟體的不相容 • 專案進度掌握不易 • 各團隊只考慮各自功能的最佳化 • 資源缺乏有效的利用 8 /48
What is Collaborative Product Development (CPD) Song等人(2001) • 希望產品開發流程的資訊,能與企業其它資源相互整合,進一步提升企業的競爭力 。 • 同屬的相關企業或協力廠商,可不受地點、系統及格式的限制,來存取、管理與檢視產品的正確性,藉由企業內、外部協同合作參與產品設計製造的每一個步驟,如此便可隨處設計。 9 /48
H.Z. Jia, S.K. Ong*, J.Y.H. Fuh, Y.F. Zhang, A.Y.C. Nee, “An adaptive and upgradable agent-based system for coordinated” ,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 20 (2004) 79–90 • Therani Madhusudan *, “An agent-based approach for coordinating product design workflows” , Computers in Industry 56 (2005) 235–259 10 /48
Introduction • The present research focuses on constructing an agent-based integrated product development and manufacture system. • This system consists of a central managing agent (MA) and several other functional agents such as the process-planning agent (PPA),scheduling agent (SA), etc. • Each agent is specially designed to have a similar modular architecture so that it can be easily re-used and upgraded. 11 /48
Functionality of each agent(1/2) • Managing Agent (MA) : responsible for interactions management and conflicts resolution among all the functional agents. • Design Agent (DA) : acts as a connector for a designer to submit a product design to the multi-agent system. • Manufacturability Evaluation Agent (MEA): Design manufacturability evaluation Manufacturing resource evaluation • Resource Agent (RA): Given a part, this agent searches for suitable factory models and sends them to the MEA for further evaluation. 12 /48
Functionality of each agent(2/2) • Process planning Agent (PPA): responsible for the generation of an optimal process plan. • Scheduling Agent (SA) :Given a process plan, the SA will generate an optimal production schedule. • Fault Diagnosis Agent (FDA) :detects real-time manufacturing faults such as tool wear and failure. 13 /48
Explanation of data flow 16 /48
The isolation of the working engine • The working engine is the essential problem-solver that performs computation and optimization functions. • The isolation of the working engine from the other components provides two major advantages. -the working engine can be duplicated to perform simultaneous computations. -can be used as a ‘‘Plug-and-Play’’ component, an upgraded working engine can be plugged in easily in the future. 20 /48
Definition of AL 22 /48
Example 23 /48
Example • Step1:Manufacturability evaluationlink • Step2:Modification(for part1) and factory search (for part2) link • Step3:Manufacturability re-evaluation (for part1) and factory evaluation (for part2) • Step4:Factory search (for part1) and optimal process plan generation (for part2) • Step5:Factory evaluation (for part1) and optimal process plan generation (for part1) • Step6:Optimal production schedule generation • Step7:Production monitoring next 25 /48
26 /48 Back
Modified part1 27 /48
Eligible factories for part2 28 /48 Back
Conclusion • An adaptive and upgradable agent-based system prototype has been presented in this paper. • The system consists of an MA and five functional agents. • The advantage of the adaptive self-duplication capability of an agent can be perceived particularly if there are multiple parts to be handled simultaneously by this system. 29 /48
H.Z. Jia, S.K. Ong*, J.Y.H. Fuh, Y.F. Zhang, A.Y.C. Nee, “An adaptive and upgradable agent-based system for coordinated” ,Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 20 (2004) 79–90 • Therani Madhusudan *, “An agent-based approach for coordinating product design workflows” , Computers in Industry 56 (2005) 235–259 30 /48
Introduction • This paper presents a flexible agent-based design process coordination framework and a case study evaluating the same in a real-world context. • This paper discusses the essential relationship between agent-based and conventional workflow technology. • proposed framework accommodates human intervention at various stages of the design process. Agents and humans are interleaved in a centrally coordinated distributed agent-based workflow framework. 31 /48
What is the APC system becomes an agent • The APC framework is based on a task sharing/task passing approach to distributed problem solving . • The main steps in task sharing are: -Task decomposition -Task allocation Link -Task accomplishment -Result synthesis Next 34 /48
Task accomplishment • (a) updates to a product design (such as new parameter values or feature choices). • (b) generic constraints and limits associated with the product (and included with the current product state) tasks. • (c) notification on process-related information, such as which design tasks may be executed, those that should not be performed, etc. Back 35 /48
How does each agent model the world The coordination agent • utilizes an underlying product/process repository to maintain the global states and thus the design history. Each service agent • maintains a partial view of the world with respect to its own task capabilities. • maintains a local history of all task requests fulfilled by the agent. 36 /48
Computational models in the APC framework • Product model • Process model • Computational models of the agents 38 /48
The product modes • Define the substrate on which tasks in the process model operate. 39 /48
The process model(1/2) • Defined by a sequence of tasks that manipulate the list of the features in the product model. 40 /48
The process model(2/2) 41 /48
Computational model of the central coordination agent(1/2) • Defines the sequence of global states traversed by the agent. • Execution of a task causes a transition in the global state. 42 /48
Computational model of the central coordination agent(2/2) Step1:It starts in some initial state Step2:It selects tasks Step3:These tasks are dispatched to the respective agents. Step4:Results are received Step5:The next global state is computed Step6:The cycle is repeated 43 /48
Computational model of the central coordination agent • Defines the set of tasks that can be executed by the agent. • Defines the sequence of local states traversed by the agent . • In the APC framework ,it is currently reactive in nature ,responding to service requests received from the central agent . 44 /48
Example 45 /48
Conclusion • development of the APC framework by embedding design coordination and execution agents in standard workflow systems technology for enabling design process coordination. • providing guidelines for agent engineering to support design activities including support for explicit process and product state representations. • illustrating the potential effectiveness of agent-based approaches in organizational design process integration and knowledge management efforts. 47 /48
Future Research • 此三篇Paper著重於探討同公司內的產品開發,較無考慮跨公司的協同開發。 SCM • 在Paper中皆著重於系統之架構與模式,在協同開發之運作上,較少探討。 IE的角度 • Paper中較少提到產品開發過程中最佳化方法之運用。 最佳化技術 48 /48