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Greece is a peninsula (water surrounds it on three sides) Almost divided in two with Peloponnesus to the south. Connected by a narrow strip of land called an isthmus
Greece is a peninsula (water surrounds it on three sides) Almost divided in two with Peloponnesus to the south. Connected by a narrow strip of land called an isthmus Mountains cover 70-80% of Greece divides it into many regions. Travel and communication over land is difficult. Hard to unite Greece under a single government CHAPTER 11 LESSON 1
Climate of Greece much like ours. Mild (50-80 degrees) rainy at times. Encouraged outdoor activities and sports. 20-30% of land was good for farming-still most of inhabitants were farmers and herders. Most of farming done in valleys between mtns. Grew olives, grapes, grains, etc. Landowners part of the upper class Few natural resources-lots of stone (marble-granite) and good harbors.
The sea influenced Greek way of life. Used the seas for transportation. Sail boats for trading, row boats for war. Ionian and Aegean seas small and calm close to the coast. Easy to island hop Diet was fish traded throughout Greece. Some fish dried and traded long distances away. Also traded olive oil, wine. Wool and fine pottery. Imported grain, timber, animal hides and slaves
First Greek civilization began on Peloponnesus and called the Mycenean. Ruled by a king. Advanced-traders-collapsed around 1200 bc. After that Greece entered a dark age where records were not kept Phoenicians (just stuck in here)Trading people who lived on the Eastern Mediterranean. Had contact with Greece. Writing system had 22 symbols that stand for sounds called alphabet. Greeks borrowed and came up with the Greek alphabet
Greeks borrowed the idea of coins. Used throughout Greece for commerce. Invented around 650 bc in Anatolia. Most parts of Greece making their own coins by 500 bc.