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PICKNEY PROJECT REPORT. Prepared by: Michael Gillis Jr. Project Coordinator 26 March, 2009. Goal of the Project.
PICKNEY PROJECT REPORT Prepared by: Michael Gillis Jr. Project Coordinator 26 March, 2009
Goal of the Project To improve the lives of children experiencing violence and abuse and other vulnerable children in Sophia (yr 1), Good Hope (Yr 2) and Region 9 (Yr3) by promoting the safety and protection of children.
Objective # 1 To raise awareness with parents and other caregivers about child protection.
Activities under Objective 1 5 workshops - 25 Faith Leaders - 71 Parents and community leaders - 25 Teachers (Schools & Day Cares) Questionnaire to be used to evaluate
Activities cont’d Cascading sessions Parents & community leaders were asked to cascade information to 10 persons each. While Faith leaders were asked to work with their churches. In the process over two thousand individuals were informed.
Activities cont’d Fliers A team of community Leaders and members were tasked with developing the areas and content of fliers. Seven fliers were developed. One thousand five hundred toward-better-parenting fliers were disseminated.
Activities cont’d Billboards A team of community Leaders and members were tasked with developing the message of billboards. Four bill boards will be mounted. The content is being finalized.
Feedback One Participant said “The timing was perfect to be informed of a new methodology of parenting. I no longer drive fear in my children. I have stopped ‘shutting my daughter up’; I am giving her a chance to speak.”
Feedback “I felt guilty when my eyes were open to things I may have unconsciously done to my children. I have neglected them. So I now have to think that even though I am the mother I don’t know it all. I vow to make it up to them. God brought me here for a purpose and I will fulfill it”
Objective # 2 To provide counseling and other psychosocial support to children.
Details The Project has a Child Care Counsellor (CCC) who works out of three locations, Sophia Community Centre (24 children), Sophia Primary School - (40 children) and Sophia Special School – (11 children) Cases found so far are interesting and deep and all forms of abuse are reflected....
Objective # 3 To collaborate with the Guyana Police Force to ensure an effective response to every report of child abuse.
Progress The Project team engaged the Commissioner of Police and the commanders of ‘A’ and ‘C’ divisions. It was found that parts of Sophia fall in both jurisdictions.
Progress Cont’d The Police expects the Project, to minimize the need for their interventions, through its behavior change strategies.
Progress Cont’d A Community Policing Group exists in Sophia with representatives from fields ‘A’ to ‘E’. The head of this group attended the first training. Subsequently the project conducted developmental sessions on Child Protection with this group. A training program is scheduled for May for Police officers who work in Sophia and the CPG. The Project staff have had to intervene to encourage Police to take a report of a rape
Objective # 4 To work with teachers and health care providers on child protection mechanisms.
NB The Continuing Nursing Education Committee of the General Nursing Council has consented to include Child Protection training in its curriculum. Training in this area begins on April 2, 2009. One child protection workshop was held for teachers of all the schools and Day Care Centers of the Sophia Community.
Also Approval was sought and granted by the Ministry of Education to work with the teachers of Sophia Primary and Special Schools and Redeemer Lutheran primary…
Objective # 5 To develop a coalition of faith- based organizations, community groups and interested individuals who will network and share resources to promote child protection in the Sophia community.
Learning More individuals are reached through information shared at Cascading sessions and with fliers, than workshops.
Learning Cont’d Working with North Sophia presents different dynamics from other parts of Sophia. The project took the initiative to work with this section separately.
Learning Cont’d The community’s involvement is highly contingent on deliverables. The community cooperates best if its members are involved at every stage of the development and execution of activities.
Learning Cont’d A great percentage of households in Sophia are headed by women. Most of the participant of the project activities are women. NB: The Project has taken the initiative to schedule separate sessions for men.