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Learn about the e-Europe initiative seeking significant impact on the smooth transition to the Information Society.
Information Society Technologies (IST) The e-Europe initiative and the IST programmeLisboa, 10 April 2000 Manuel Monteiro, “Applications for People with Special Needs” Unit DG Information Society, European Commission
The EU Summit on Employment, Economic Reforms and Social Cohesion “The application of digital technologies has become the key factor for growth and employment…” “…thee-Europe initiative seeks, at the highest level, to have immediate and significant impact to accelerate the smoothtransition to the Information Society”
e-Europe: 3 Key objectives First, we must bring every home, every school, every business and every administration on-line. Second, we need to create a digitally-literate Europe, which benefits from the support of an entrepreneurial culture, ready to develop and finance new ideas. Third, we must ensure that the transition to the digital age is a socially inclusive process – that it builds consumer trust and strengthens social cohesion.
e-Europe: A vision of the Information Society for All • An open, inclusive Information Society, accessible to all citizens without discrimination. Based on... • e-Participation for citizens of all ages and abilities. • e-Empowerment- enabling all citizens to have access to information, enhance their capacities and contribute to society. • …opening up new markets, stimulating industry, creating wealth and improved quality of life. - to be driven by Information Society Technologies
e-Participation • The access bottlenecks must be removed! • 1. Telecommunications - “Universal Access” - Access to technologies is unevenly distributed across countries, social groups, regions… • 2. “Access for persons with disabilities” • - access to systems, software and content can bedifficult or even impossible for persons with disabilities... • Reduced access is holding back the delivery of the benefits of the Information Society to all.
3 out of 4 Europeans are not using the Internet! 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1995 1998 2000 2005 Internet users per 1,000 people North America Western Europe Worldwide Source: Computer Industry Almanac Inc.
55% of Europeans don’t have a mobile phone! 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 B DK D EL E F IRL I L NL A P FIN S UK USA Mobile subscribers per 100 inhabitants (December 1999) EU average Source: FT Mobile Communications USA: Cellular Telecoms Industry Association
e-Participation • Demographics of disability: • 10% - 15% of Europeans have a disability, of which: • 2 % have a visual impairment • 3% have a hearing impairment • over 2% have learning difficulties • 20% of the European population are over 60 years of age – many of whom have never tried to use a personal computer.
“e-Participation” targets • By the end of 2000: 1. Review Information Society legislation and standards on accessibility. 2. Recommendation to take account of people with disabilities in the public procurement of information and communications products and services. • By the end of 2001: 3. Commitment to make all public Web sites and their content accessible to people with disabilities. • By the end of 2002: 4. Create centres of excellence in each Member State to develop an EU curriculum in Design-for-All.
IST Programme: organisation Key Action 1Systems & services for the citizen Key Action 3Multimediacontent & tools Key Action 2 New methods of work & Electronic Commerce Key Action 4Essential technologies & infrastructure Research networking Future & emerging technologies Cross Programme Actions
IST Programme IST High-Level Advisory Group (ISTAG): ”...Start creating the ambient intelligence landscape for seamless delivery of services and applications in Europe relying also upon test-beds and open source software, develop user-friendliness, and develop and converge the networking infrastructure in Europe to world-class".
IST Programme: a new research paradigm Ambient intelligence = ubiquitous computing + ubiquitous communication + intelligent interfaces which will allow… ...The realisation of innovative,user-friendly, intelligent and communicating products and systems, delivering leading- edge services to persons with special needs, including disabled and elderly people.
IST Programme Research and technological development in association with users and industry shall be akey driver of development towards the inclusiveInformation Society and shall provide support to the e-Europe initiative with projects and actions related to the 4 targets for “e-Participation of persons with special needs”.
IST Programme… and earlier programmes • We are not starting from Zero: • Since 1990, the European Community has funded over 120 projects with 120 MEURO of Community funding to develop assistive technology and telematics applications for disabled and elderly persons. • TIDE initiative - Telematics for the Integration of Disabled and Elderly persons • TAP - Telematics Applications Programme
IST Programme… and earlier programmes • Making Information and Communication technologies accessible. • Examples of previous RTD projects: • Graphic User Interface for blind persons (GUIB). • Standardisation of “Smart Cards” (SATURN). • Web Accessibility Initiative Guidelines for the design of accessible web pages and web content (WAI). • “Design-for-All” RTD projects, Telephones for All.
IST Programme • Examples of RTD themes in the IST Workprogrammes 1999 - 2000: • IST Systems and services for independent living • Intelligent assistive systems and interfaces to compensate for functional impairments • Sustainable workplace design • Extended home environments (Cross Programme Action) • Advanced user interfaces, displays and sensors
e-Europe and the IST Programme References on the Web e-Europe Initiative goes on-line http://europa.eu.int/comm/information_society/eeurope/index_en.htm and The Information Society Technologies programme http://www.cordis.lu/ist