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Experiences of Teaching and Applying the Essence of TRIZ with Easier USIT Procedure TRIZCON2002 The 4th Annual Meeting of The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies St. Louis, Missouri, USA April 28-30, 2002 Toru Nakagawa Osaka Gakuin University, Japan. Contents of the Talk
Experiences of Teaching and Applying the Essence of TRIZ with Easier USIT Procedure TRIZCON2002 The 4th Annual Meeting of The Altshuller Institute for TRIZ Studies St. Louis, Missouri, USA April 28-30, 2002 Toru Nakagawa Osaka Gakuin University, Japan
Contents of the Talk 1. Introduction 2. Experiences of 3-Day USIT Training Seminars in Japan 3. Problem Definition Stage in USIT 4. Problem Analysis Stage in USIT 5. Solution Generation Stage in USIT 6. How to introduce TRIZ/USIT in industries 7. Conclusion
1. Introduction Penetration of TRIZ into industries has been slower than expected. Presentation of the huge system of knowledge and heuristics in TRIZ often overwhelms the learners. Essence of TRIZ needs to be taught more clearly. Thinking process for creative problem solving needs to be taught in a simpler way for real industrial applications. In Japan, we taught and applied USIT (developed by Ed Sickafus at Ford) for these three years. The experiences have shown that USIT works well as a simple yet powerful procedure for technological problem solving with the essence of TRIZ.
USIT(“Unified Structured Inventive Thinking”) Developed by Ed Sickafus at Ford Motor Co. 1995- TRIZ SIT(Filkovsky, Israel)1980s - USIT(Sickafus) 1995 - Nakagawa learned USIT in 1999 through the textbook and at Sickafus’ 3-day Training Seminar; and then conducted 3-day USIT Training Seminars in Japan 8 timesso far. Features of USIT: (1) The whole procedure of problem solving is well defined and guided. (2) Solution generation methods are much simplified. (3) Readily applicable to real industrial problems. (4) Does not use knowledge bases (except the ones in your head) and softwaretools.
USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) Flow Chart Toru Nakagawa, Nov. 2001 Problem Definition Define the Problem Problem Analysis Closed World Method (Analysis with Objects-Attributes-Functions) Particles Method (Ideal Solution and Desirable Actions and Properties) Time/Space Characteristics Analysis Solution Generation Objects Pluralization Method Attributes Dimensionality Method Function Distribution Method Solution Combination Method Solution Generalization Method Report with Multiple Solution Concepts
2. Experiences of 3-Day USIT Training Seminars in Japan 3-Day training of engineers who have interests in TRIZ/USIT. Real problems brought-inby the participants were solved. Good for high motivation of the participants. Good for proving the power of the methodology. 3 (to 4) problems are selected by voting by the participants. Confidentiality Agreement was signed especially in multi-company cases: The problem proposer (and his company) obtains an exclusive commercial rights for the results of the seminar for 6 months. Other members do not claim any reward for their contributions, if any, and do not disclose the technical contents of the seminar even in his company for 6 months. After 6 months, every party has the rights of disclosing and extending the seminar results. Wisdom adopted from Ooka Echizen-no-kami for solving the “TRIZ Case-Study Contradiction”
First morning: Introductory lectures on TRIZ and on USIT 2.5 Days: Group practice for solving problems with USIT Five sessions step-by-step with USIT procedure: Problem definition session Problem analysis sessions 1 and 2 Solution generation sessions 1 and 2 Each session contains: Lecture on the concrete way of the step (40-60 min.); Group practice in parallel (about 2 hr.); Presentation by the groups for discussion (20-30 min. for each group). Each group of 3-5 members solves one problem all through. Every participant solves one problem in a group and learns all other cases through the discussions. All the problems have been solved successfully and obtained several to twenty conceptual solutions.
USIT Training Seminar Program (T. Nakagawa, Jan. 2000) 1st Day 2nd Day 3rd Day (L4) Problem analysis (Closed-World Method) Solution generation 1 (Ex 4) Practices in groups (L0) Orientation Problem analysis 1 (Ex 2) Practices in groups (L1) Introduction to TRIZ (D4) Presentations & discussions (L2) Introduction to USIT (D2) Presentations &discussions Solution generation 2 (Ex 5) Practices in groups (D0) Selection of problems to solve (L5) Problem analysis (Particles Method) (L3) Problem definition Problem analysis 2 (Ex 3) Practices in groups (D5) Presentations & discussions Problem definition (Ex 1) Practices in groups (L7) Introducing TRIZ/USIT into industries (D3) Presentations & discussions (D6) General discussion (D1) Presentations & discussions (L6) Solution generation
3. Problem Definition Stage in USIT Selection of problems at the USIT Training Seminar: Participants explain their brought-in problems briefly, and then vote for problems to solve during the seminar. Advised criteria: Significance of the problem (foreseeable merit/profit); Clearness in the problem definition (i.e., not vague, not open-ended); The proposer has sufficient technological background and enthusiasm for solving it. Apparent easiness is NOT necessary at all. Practice groups are formed for the selected problems, on the basis of members’ desire shown in the votes.
The group makes Q&A and defines the problem: Problem Statement (in one or two lines); Sketch of the situation (for clarifying the mechanism); List of Objects (necessary to understand the problem); Plausible Root Causes (in brief statements). Guidelines: Consider a hierarchical system of problems, and set your focus. Set a problem (i.e., a goal) as meaningful as possible. Consider the (physical) mechanism of the problem. Set your root causes at the level you can handle. Examine your plausible root causes by experiments (beforehand or afterwards). Should be prepared for shifting your focus, if appropriate. Set technical details and constraints aside, to get wider scope. This stage is found critical, because it determines the whole direction of problem solving.
USIT Case Study (2) Increase the foam ratio of polymer sheet Mar. 12, 1999 Toru Nakagawa at the USIT Training Seminar USIT process (1) Problem statement:Increase the volume expansion ratio in forming porous polymer sheet out of gas-disolved molten polymer Sketch: pull molten polymer gas disolved with high pressure porous polymer sheet Volume expansion ratio Calculated maximum : x 10 Current experimental : x 2-3 Root cause: Escape of the gas through the surface. No proper formation of bubble nuclei. Objects: Porous polymer, molten polymer, gas, nozzle, “air” Example of the output of the Problem Definition Stage
4. Problem Analysis Stage in USIT Problem Analysis Closed World Method (Analysis with Objects-Attributes-Functions) Particles Method (Ideal Solution and Desirable Actions and Properties) Time/Space Characteristics Analysis Concepts of Objects-Attributes-Functions are the basis of USIT. Closed World Method starts the analysis with the present system. Particles Method starts with the ideal solution first. Either one or both of them may be used. In our seminar, we use CW Method and then Particles Method.
Basic Concepts in USIT: Objects:Exist of themselves and occupy space. Attributes:Characteristics of Objects (i.e. categories but not values). Functions:Cause modification of Attributes of Objects Examples and anti-examples(by Sickafus) Objects: A nail, an airplane, an electron, light (a photon), air, "information", ... Non-objects: A hole, force, heat, electric current, ... (because these do not exist of themselves) Attributes: Color, weight, shape, position, refractive index, ... (these are expressed in categories) Non-attributes: Red, 10 kg, square, ... (because these are values of Attributes) Functions: To accelerate, to give force, to change color, to contain, ...
Problem Analysis Methods in USIT (1) Closed World Method Approach to analyze the present system first. Use the basic concepts of Objects, Attributes, and Functions. (a) Construct a Closed-World Diagram Clarify the original intention of the designer. Reveal the functional relationships among the objects. Arrange the objects in the favorable relationships to the most important object. (b) Construct Qualitative Change Graphs Reveal which attributes of objects are relevant to increasing/decreasing the unwanted effect of the problem. Ordinate: Effect of the problem Abscissa: Relevant attributes of objects in increasing/decreasing relationships.
hold Wall Nail support the weight support the weight String hang hang Hook 1 Hook 2 support the weight support the weight hold hold Picture frame support not to swing A (Non-USIT) Example of Functional-Analysis Diagram “Devise a picture hanging kit preventing from tilting” This (Non-USIT) diagram does not reveal anything about “tilting”!!
Information of Non-tilted alignment (top object) generate Picture frame hold Two hooks Nail Wall (a complex object) align String (neighboring object) USIT way of Functional-Analysis Diagram Closed World Diagram for Picture Hanging Kit Problem Sickafus (1997)
Information of non-tilted alignment + Nakagawa (top object) generate Picture frame hold not to swing hold Two hooks Nail Wall (a complex object) support the weight align support the weight support the weight String (neighboring object) hold the string USIT Way of Functional-Analysis Diagram Closed World Diagram for Picture Hanging Kit Problem Sickafus (1997)
Qualitative Change Graphs for Picture Hanging Kit Problem (increasing relationship) (decreasing relationship) Unwanted effect: tilting of the frame Objects and their attributes Objects and their attributes Wall/frame bottom: friction nail/string: friction hooks: location adjustment frame: offset of the center of mass frame: asymmetry in the shape hooks: offset from symmetric position wall: causing vibration Green arrows shows the requirement of qualitative change.
Implication of the Closed-World Method Horowitz et al. (1997) demonstrated by experiments: Engineering people agree to regard a solution as "inventive" if it satisfies the following two conditions: Closed-World Restriction:(TRIZ: minimum introduction of Resources) The solution does not introduce any new type of Objects. It may introduce Objects of the same type with modified properties. Qualitative Change Requirement:(TRIZ: solution of Technical Contradictions) The increasing/decreasing relationship of an Attribute has changed qualitatively so as to eliminate the harmful/insufficient effects. ASIT (by Horowitz) concentrates to find “inventive solutions” which satisfy these two conditions. But USIT seeks for multiple solution concepts (inventive/non-inventive) quickly for real industrial problems, by analyzing the Object, Attributes, and Functions with the Closed World Method.
X X X X X X X X X X Problem Analysis Method in USIT (2) Particles Method Smart Little People Method in TRIZ Foam Polymer Sheet Problem Sketch: Problem state Sketch : Ideal solution state no escape of gas more bubbles, larger bubbles Applying particles x “Particles”: Magical substances/Fields having any desirable properties, being able to do any desirable actions x x ParticlesXXXwere placed inside and outside the polymer, in and around the bubbles.
(PP’s make)Gas does not escape from surface and forms more, larger bubbles AND AND PP’s prevent gas from escaping PP’s make more bubbles PP’s make bubbles bigger OR OR PP’s block gas escaping through surface PP’s push gas away from surface PP’s make more bubble nuclei PP’s collect gas toward the bubbles PP’s squeeze gas from around Particles Method (continued) Specify desired actions and properties of the particles. Actions Properties - temperature difference - pressure difference - distribution of the bubble nuclei - composition difference, ..... - container- pressure - electric field - magnetic field .... - seeds for bubble nuclei - container surface - additional interface - reaction for forming bubble nuclei - taking time - .... - absorption - inter molecular force - electrical field - magnetic field - taking time - .... - temperature difference - pressure difference - polymer’s crystal formation - solubility - ....
5. Solution Generation Stage in USIT Solution Generation Objects Pluralization Method Attributes Dimensionality Method Function Distribution Method Solution Combination Method Solution Generalization Method Report with Multiple Solution Concepts Top three methods operate on Objects, Attributes, and Functions. Bottom two methods operate on solutions (or solution elements). Operate these methods repeatedly to obtain multiple solutions.
Solution Generation Methods in USIT • (1) Object Pluralization Method • “Pluralize the Object in the system.” • (a) Trim the Object ( => 0), • then find a solution with the simplified system. • (b) Multiply the Object (=> 2, 3, ... ), • then modify their properties and use together. • (c) Divide the Object (=> 1/2, 1/3, ... 1/), • then modify their properties and integrate them again.
Solution Generation Methods in USIT (2) Attribute Dimensionality Method “Change the dimensionality of Attributes of Objects in the system.” (a)De-activate the (existing harmful) Attribute: do not use it, make it not involved. (b)Activate a (new useful) Attribute : start to use it, get it involved. (c)Vary the (problem-causing/preventing) Attribute in space: make it different in space, make it vary in space, ... (d)Vary the (problem-causing/preventing) Attribute in time: make it different in time, make it vary in time, oscillate it in time, use resonance oscillation, ... (e)Convert the space- and time-dependencies of the Attribute.
Solution Generation Methods in USIT (3) Function Distribution Method “Distribute (or re-arrange) the Functions among the Objects in the system (including newly introduced Objects).” (a)Assign the Function to a different Object (either existing or newly introduced Object). (b)Unify two Functions (supported by two Objects), then assign the unified Function to one of the Objects and eliminate the other Object if it becomes redundant. (c)Divide the Function, then assign the divided Functions to multiple Objects separated either in space or in time. (d)Introduce a new Function.
Solution Generation Methods in USIT (4) Solution Combination Method “Combine two (elements of) solutions to integrate into one heterogeneous solution.” (a)Combine two solutions in a functional way, to enhance/extend/prevent one of the functions. (b)Combine multiple solutions in time, to perform the solutions in sequence (one after the other), beforehand, afterwards, by turn, in the reverse order, etc. (c)Combine multiple solutions in space, to perform the solutions independently at different places, side by side, in sequence in the space, on top of the other, inside of the other, etc. (d)Combine multiple solutions in structure, to perform the solutions in different levels, under different conditions, etc. (e)Combine multiple solutions in spirit, to perform the solutions in hybrid, in compromise, in background, etc.
Generalizedsolution NeighboringGeneralized solution concretesolution concretesolution concretesolution concretesolution Solution Generation Methods in USIT (5) Solution Generalization Method “Generalize the solution by use of plain, generic terms.” Generalize the solution by replacing technical, specific terms with plain, generic terms. Enhance associative thinking by using generalization and specification, back and forth. Find a hierarchical system of solutions.
Sickafus’ Nail for a Picture Hanging Kit Solution: Adjust the string at the smooth surface of the nail and then set the string at the rough surface of the nail. This single solution can be generated in four ways in USIT. (1) The Nail Object was divided into halves and then combined after modification. (<= Object Pluralization Method) (2) The Smoothness Attribute of the Nail was made different in space on the nail. (<= Attribute Dimensionality Method) (3) The Adjusting Function and the Holding Function of the Nail were separated and assigned to different parts of the Nail. (<= Function Distribution Method) (4) The Nail surface must be smooth for adjusting and rough for stable holding; hence, the opposite requirements were separated in space and then combined. (<= Solution Combination Method; <= TRIZ Separation Principle)
Solutions Generated The Picture Hanging Kit Problem Qualitative Change Graph Sickafus [+ Nakagawa] Factors causing the problem offset of the center of mass of the frame Eliminate the offset of the center of mass Hang a no-defect frame simply on a nail offset of the positions of the hooks Hang the frame simply on a nail (No string and no hooks) Set a roller ball loosely on the nail multiple of V-shaped ditches (like a saw blade) Adjust the ditch position with a bolt position-adjustable hook in the 2-point hanging system Two nails and no string Two hooks and one nail Attach a liquid level Automatically level the supports with a U-shaped tube Vibration from the wall Damp the vibration from the wall Factors Suppressing the Problem Increase the friction between wall and frame Friction between wall and frame magnet and a ferromagnetic nail large-area nail and magnet “Sticky wall” Increase the friction between nail and string a nail with rough and smooth surfaces Friction between nail and string Modify the shape of the hook for adjustment Adjustable position of hook Relations among solutions and problem-causing/preventing attributes
Practices of Solution Generation at the Training Seminar Morning session (of the 3rd day): (1) Use the results of Particles Method and Space/Time Characteristics Analysis to find/list up solution concepts rather freely. (2) Refer the results of Closed World Method and apply the Solution Generation Methods intently to every Object, Attribute and Function. --- Discussion -- Afternoon session: (3) Apply the Solution Generation Methods more systematically. (4) Generalize the solutions and consider the hierarchical scheme of solutions. (5) About an hour later, evaluate roughly all the solutions obtained so far and select several important/promising solutions. (6) Enhance the selected solutions and solve any subsequent problems. In all the cases, several to twenty solution concepts were obtained.
6. How to Introduce TRIZ/USIT into Industries USIT as Evaluated in Japan (1) USIT is much easier to learn than TRIZ. (2) USIT is suitable for collaborative group work. (3) USIT is applicable to real industrial problems. (4) USIT is smooth and powerful to get multiple conceptual solutions. (5) Need to clarify good practices of using USIT and TRIZ software tools together. (6) Needs more case-study reports and examples to understand USIT better.
Combined Use of USIT and TRIZ Software Tools: A. Solve the problem with USIT in a group work, then enhance/extend the solution ideas with TRIZ software. B. Use USIT for solving problems in a group. Use TRIZ software for individual study and idea generation. C. Use USIT for solving problems in group meetings. The group meet several times with 1-2 week intervals. Members use TRIZ software to enhance their ideas during the intervals. The experiences have shown that USIT works well as a simple yet powerful procedure for technological problem solving with the essence of TRIZ.
7. Concluding Remarks (1) USIT (Unified Structured Inventive Thinking) is an easy yet powerful procedure for creative problem solving in the spirit of TRIZ. (2) USIT has clear guidelines throughout the procedure of problem definition, analysis, and solution generation. (3) Effective method of teaching and applying USIT is established in the form of 3-day training seminars. (4) USIT has been found applicable to real industrial problems. (5) Combined use of USIT and TRIZ Software tools is recommended. (6) TRIZ/USIT should be promoted in industies with the “Slow-but-Steady Strategy” instead of hurrying and forcing strategies.