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HORIZON 2020, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Social Innovation Research. Heiko Prange-Gstöhl European Commission DG Research & Innovation Social Sciences and Humanities. ROADMAP. HORIZON 2020: State-of-Play Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020
HORIZON 2020, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Social Innovation Research Heiko Prange-Gstöhl European Commission DG Research & Innovation Social Sciences and Humanities
ROADMAP • HORIZON 2020: State-of-Play • Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020 • Social Innovation Research in the FP7 Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities Programme
A single programmebringing together three separate programmes/initiatives (FP7, CIP, EIT) Coupling research to innovation, from research to retail, all forms of innovation Simplified access, for all companies, universities, institutes in all EU countries and beyond Focus on three priorities: Excellent science Industrial leadership Societal challenges Summary
Horizon 2020 – "Industrial Leadership" estimated final amount in million euro (in current prices) following Trilogue (12/7/2013)
Horizon 2020 – "Societal Challenges" estimated final amount in million euro (in current prices) following Trilogue (12/7/2013)
Horizon 2020 – others & total amount estimated final amount in million euro (in current prices) following Trilogue (12/7/2013)
Rules for Participation: what’s new? (examples) 1. A SINGLE SET OF RULES • Adapted for the whole research and innovation cycle • Covering all research programmes and funding bodies • Aligned to the Financial Regulation, coherent with other new EU Programmes. • 2. ONE PROJECT - ONE FUNDING RATE • Maximum of 100% of direct costs (except for actions close to market, where a 70% maximum will apply) • Indirect eligible costs: a flat rate of 25% of direct eligible costs • 3. SIMPLE EVALUATION CRITERIA • Excellence – Impact – Implementation (Excellence only for the ERC) 4. SIMPLER RULES FOR GRANTS:broader acceptance of participants accounting practices for direct costs, flat rate for indirect costs, no time-sheets for personnel working full time on a project, possibility of output-based grants. 5. SPECIAL BONUS: agreement on theoption of a special bonus of up to €8000 a year per researcher on top of the ordinary staff costs.
WHERE? Societal Challenge 6 'EUROPE IN A CHANGING WORLD - INCLUSIVE, INNOVATIVE AND REFLECTIVE SOCIETIES' 'Mainstreaming' SSH across all Horizon 2020 objectives SSH in the 'Excellent Science'-Pillar
Societal Challenge 6 'EUROPE IN A CHANGING WORLD - INCLUSIVE, INNOVATIVE AND REFLECTIVE SOCIETIES' [pre-final; based on Council PGA] • Inclusive Societies: • The mechanisms to promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth • Trusted organisations, practices, services and policies that are necessary to build resilient, inclusive, participatory, open and creative societies in Europe • Europe's role as a global actor notably regarding human rights and global justice • The processes and practices to close the research and innovation divide in Europe • The promotion of sustainable and inclusive environments through innovative spatial and urban planning and design • Innovative societies: • Strengthening the evidence-base and support for the IU and ERA • Explore new forms of innovation, with special emphasis on social innovation and creativity • Make use of the innovative, creative and productive potential of all generations • Ensure societal engagement in research and innovation • Promote coherent and effective cooperation with third countries
Societal Challenge 6 'EUROPE IN A CHANGING WORLD - INCLUSIVE, INNOVATIVE AND REFLECTIVE SOCIETIES'[pre-final; based on Council PGA] • Reflective societies – cultural heritage and European identity: • Study European heritage, memory, identity, integration and cultural interaction and translation, including its representations in cultural and scientific collections, archives and museums • Research into European countries’ and regions’ history, literature, art, philosophy and religions and how these have informed contemporary European diversity • Research on Europe's role in the world, on the mutual influence and ties between the world regions, and a view from outside on European cultures
'Mainstreaming' SSH across all Horizon 2020 objectives:Cross-cutting issues and support measures in Horizon 2020 • "Social sciences and humanities • Social sciences and humanities research will be fully integrated into each of the pillars of Horizon 2020 and each of the specific objectives. • In relation to the societal challenges, social sciences and humanities are mainstreamed as an essential element of the activities needed to tackle each of the societal challenges to enhance their impact. • The specific objective of the societal challenge 'Europe in a changing world: Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies' will support social sciences and humanities research by focusing on inclusive, innovative and reflective societies."
'Mainstreaming' SSH across all Horizon 2020 objectives': Examples in terms of themes in 'Societal Challenges' • 1) Health-Challenge: - analyses of the reform of public health systems; - research on the evolution of health inequalities and of their interplay with other economic and social inequalities; - effectiveness of policies to reduce inequalities • 2) Transport-Challenge: - analyse socio-economic aspects of transport, prospective studies and technology foresight; - understand user behaviour, social acceptance, and the impact of policy measures • 3) Climate Action-Challenge: - research on cultural, behavioural, socio-economic and institutional change needed to move to a more self-reliant and resource efficient economy; - develop robust indicators to assess the transition towards a green economy and policy measures
'Mainstreaming' SSH across all Horizon 2020 objectives': Examples of possible practical implementation • - use forward-looking exercises to identify interdisciplinarity themes • - consultation: SSH researchers will need to be involved in the early stages of defining the work programmes; interdisciplinary composition of the ExternalAdvisory Group(s) • - evaluation of calls for proposals: interdisciplinary panels • - a regular review of the implementation of interdisciplinarity in each Societal Challenge should also be organised during the lifetime of Horizon 2020
SSH in Horizon 2020: 'Excellent Science' • European Research Council: 17% of the ERC budget is planned to be invested in SSH 'curiosity-driven' research, i.e. approx. 2 bill. Euro; under FP7 the ERC already funds SSH projects of more than 1 bill. Euro • Marie Curie Actions: under FP7, more than 10% of MC Actions are devoted to SSH researchers • Research Infrastructures: under FP7, already a number of SSH research infrastructures are being supported, e.g. the European Social Survey (ESS) and CLARIN – Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure – with an EU contribution of 5 mio. Euro
3. Social Innovation Research in the FP7 Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities Programme
Social innovation and the EUROPE 2020 Strategy: ‘…to design and implement programmes to promote social innovation for the most vulnerable, in particular by providing innovative education, training, and employment opportunities for deprived communities, to fight discrimination (e.g. disabled), and to develop a new agenda for migrants' integration to enable them to take full advantage of their potential…’ Social Innovation in the EUROPE 2020 Strategy
Social innovation and the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative (Committment 27-B): ‘…Starting in 2011, the Commission will support a substantial research programme on public sector and social innovation, looking at issues such as measurement and evaluation, financing and other barriers to scaling up and development...’ Social Innovation in the INNOVATION UNION Flagship
Legacy of projects dealing with social innovation starting in FP5 Currently, 7 projects running which directly address social innovation Current EU contribution more than 15 mio. EURO More than 20 mio. EURO to be spent under SSH work programme 2013 (projects will start early 2014) Wide variety of topics, policies covered SSH research on ‘social innovation’ - Overview
Research on the theoretical, empirical and policy foundations for social innovation (project TEPSIE) Research on welfare innovations at the local level (project WILCO) Research on social innovation and poverty reduction (project IMPROVE) Research on the role of social innovation to tackle social exclusion of young people (projects SOCieTY & CITISPYCE) Research on social innovation in the public sector (project LIPSE) Innovative Social Services (project InnoServ) Check SI-inventory on http://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/pdf/ssh-projects-fp7-5-6-social-innovation_en.pdf Areas of on-going SSH research on ‘social innovation’
Social innovation – empowering people, changingsocieties? [large-scale: €4 mio-€5 mio] understanding how and under what conditions social innovation leads to change in existing structures, policies, institutions and behaviour identify and assess the factors that are crucial for social innovation to have a sustainable social impact and to be scaled-up European and the non-European dimension – covering an appropriate number of countries and a wide range of policy areas Economic underpinnings of social innovations [small/medium-scale: up to €2.5 mio] what type of economic foundations do social innovations need to be sustainbleand allow scaling up? developmentof indicators and methods of evaluting social innovation initiatives Upcoming research on ‘social innovation’: SSH Work Programme 2013
Social entrepreneurship for innovative and inclusive societies [small/medium-scale: up to €2.5 mio] better understand the conditions under which social entrepreneurship can contribute effectively and efficiently to solving societal challenges in a sustainable way research should address both the European and the non-European dimension and different sectors or services in a comparative and interdisciplinary manner The impact of the third sector on socio-economic development in Europe [small/medium-scale: up to €2.5 mio] what are the long-term developmental trends of third sector activities in Europe? under what conditions do third sector activities yield economic or social returns, when do they not? Upcoming research on ‘social innovation’: SSH Work Programme 2013
Health: "Social Innovation for Health Promotion", 24 mio. EURO ICT: "Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation", 15 mio. EURO Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy: "Assessemnt of the impact of global drivers of change on Europe's food security"; "New technologies to study brain function in relation to eating behaviour", 13 mio. EURO Environment: "Transition to sustainable, low-carbon societies"; "Urban biodiversity and green infrastructure", 9 mio. EURO Coherent Development of Research Policies (Capacities–SP): "Support to trans-national network of incubators for social innovation", 2 mio. EURO …but don't forget social innovation research in other parts of FP7
Social Innovation in HORIZON 2020 – A self-standing activity line underSocietal Challenge 6 ‘Inclusive, innovative and reflectivesocieties’ • 6.2.2. Exploring new forms of innovation, with special emphasis on social innovation and creativity • « … • understand how social innovation and creativity may lead to change in existing structures and policies and how they can be encouraged and scaled-up; • platforms networking citizens and allowing them to collaborate and co-create solutions; • support will also be given to networking and experimentation as well as to networks of social innovators and social entrepreneurs • … »
Social Innovation across HORIZON 2020 • PART I – Excellent Science • Activity 1 – The European Research Council • PART II – Industrial Leadership • Activity 3 – Innovation in Small- and Medium-SizedEnterprises • PART III – Societal Challenges • Social innovation as horizontal activityacross Challenges, but particularlymentioned in: • SC 1 "Health, demographic change and wellbeing" • SC 2 "European Bio-economy challenges" • SC 6 "Europe in a changing World - Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies"
Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on Horizon 2020 Preparation of Work Programmes 2014/15 Setting up of Expert Advisory Groups 1 January 2014 [?]: Horizon 2020 starts; launch of 1st calls Next steps
Policy Reviewwritten by Jane Jenson and Denis Harrisson