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A mantra that has been popular throughout the last six months of pandemics and lockdowns is u2018be kindu2019. The idea being that practicing kindness and compassion will lead to a friendlier, more goodhearted world.
Planet Nine THREE STEPS TO WEIGHING YOURSELF BETTER A mantra that has been popular throughout the last six months of pandemics and lockdowns is ‘be kind’. The idea being that practicing kindness and compassion will lead to a friendlier, more goodhearted world. When you do a kind deed, your body releases ‘feel-good’ hormones oxytocin and serotonin, which reduce anxiety and make you feel calmer and happier too! However, there’s one person that we sometimes forget to be kind to, especially when it comes to weight loss; yourself. There are good reasons that many of us like to keep track of our weight, but it’s important not to get hung up on any single result. Factors such as hydration, salt intake, and menstrual cycle phases can tip the scale in one direction or the other, making us feel bad about our current condition. Obsessing over the numbers can lead to anxieties about our weight, food disorders and in extreme circumstances, depression. Here are three steps you should practice in order to take the pressure off.
1. Use A Range For Your Target Weight Instead of having one specific number that you want to hit on the scale when weighing yourself, give yourself a 3kg range instead. This can help to account for those factors that you can’t control. Bonus Tip: You can plot your weekly average in a graph or in an app. Visualising your progress can help you to be more attentive when it comes to your nutrition and exercise. 2. Weigh Yourself Under The Same Conditions Weigh yourself at the same time each day to give yourself a consistent result. The best time is when you wake up, after going to the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything else. During the night, your body has been digesting and processing your food from the day before, giving you the most accurate figure of your current weight. 3. Take A Weekly Average It’s normal for our bodyweight to fluctuate slightly from day to day. Depending on what types of food have been consumed, what exercise you’ve done, or due to an external factor, such as flying. Weight loss is a long term journey, and your long term progress is what matters most, so take a weekly average instead. P A G E 0 2