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How I met Myself Chapter 3

How I met Myself Chapter 3. Page 4-7. Synopsis of chapter 3. The story continues with John realigns the story back to the meeting with the double. He followed the double and it brought him to café slightly below the street level.

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How I met Myself Chapter 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How I met Myself Chapter 3 Page 4-7

  2. Synopsis of chapter 3 • The story continues with John realigns the story back to the meeting with the double. • He followed the double and it brought him to café slightly below the street level. • He doesn’t notice any footprints leading up to the entrance of the café. • John asked the café owner about his double who went in before him. • He lingers for a while and goes home. • He returns home and meets his wife. • He does not tell his meeting with the double to his wife. • That night he has nightmare about his double.

  3. Your work • Page 34, exercise 4. Question 1 - 2. • Page 38, Chapter 3. Question 1 – 6.

  4. Answer - Page 34, exercise3. Question 1 - 2. • He is transferred there by his company to be put in charge of an important project. • One evening after work, he is walking along a quiet street in the Thirteenth District. His doppelganger runs straight into him and knocks him to the ground.

  5. Answer - Page 38, Chapter3. Question 1 – 6 • His double turns right at the next corner. • John sees his footprint in the snow. • He does not see the man’s footprints. • He runs after his double and follows him into a café. • He asks the owner if he has seen anyone come in before him. • That night, he cannot sleep thinking about what happened.

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