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2. 2005 ? Focus on Disability Plan Design. Effective July 1, 2005:Improved short-term disability planIntroduced cash-out for unused sick leave for nonexempt employeesReplaced sick leave with salary continuation for exempt employeesGrandfathered existing sick leave banks for all employees who h
1. New Process for Disability Management Presentation to
RIT Managers
By Human Resources
May – June, 2006
2. 2 2005 – Focus on Disability Plan Design
Effective July 1, 2005:
Improved short-term disability plan
Introduced cash-out for unused sick leave for nonexempt employees
Replaced sick leave with salary continuation for exempt employees
Grandfathered existing sick leave banks for all employees who had them on July1, 2005
3. 3 2006 – Focus on Disability Management Process Effective July 1, 2006:
Unum Provident (UNUM) will provide expanded disability management services
Unum is our carrier for short and long-term disability, as well as RIT’s life insurance program
Employees will call Unum’s toll-free number to report absences (TTY available)
Employees will still notify supervisor when absent
Unum will coordinate paperwork with employee and physician to certify disability
Unum will determine which absences qualify for designation under Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)
4. 4 When Will Employees Call Unum By 3rd day of continuous absence for disability (illness, injury or maternity) or workers compensation*
By 3rd day of continuous absence to care for child, spouse or parent with serious health condition
1st day of absence due to chronic condition of employee or family member
1st day of absence, including partial days, due to “intermittent leave” for employee’s or family member’s serious health condition
1st day of absence to care for employee’s newborn child, or due to placement of a child with employee for adoption or foster care
* Workers compensation absences will be reported to
but not managed by Unum
5. 5 Advantages for Employees More seamless and centralized process
Removes HR and supervisor from middle
Live person available 8AM-8PM Monday-Friday
Quicker processing of benefits
Ensure accuracy and consistency of FMLA designations & recordkeeping
Responsibility for designating FMLA absence will move to a neutral 3rd party
Confidentiality of personal information
Remove manager responsibility for recordkeeping
6. 6 FMLA Recordkeeping Current Process – manager tracks and records FMLA leave in department records
Two options were possible for transitioning to new process
Transfer current records – which are not always consistent or accurate
Fresh Start – ensures data integrity going forward
Unum has advised that most clients have selected Fresh Start process
RIT will use Fresh Start
Note: Manager will continue to track absences for salary continuation purposes
7. 7 Pay Process for Exempt Employees For salary continuation on FMLA
FMLA approved absences are not subject to restrictions under FLSA (Fair Labor Standard Act)
FMLA for employee – 5 consecutive days limit on paid days if not approved for STD
FMLA to take care of a family member – 5 consecutive days to a maximum of 12 days per fiscal year – may use grandfathered sick time
8. 8 Communication Plan March – April - shared with Staff Council and Academic Senate
April – e-mailed managers describing process change and required training
May & June – training through CPD required for all supervisors and managers
June – newsletter to employees
June – information sessions for employees
Wallet card provided to employees
9. RIT’s Disability Management Program
10. 10 Training Session Outline FMLA/State Leave Basics
Integrated Intake Overview
FMLA/State Leave Management Process
Short-term Disability (STD) Claim Process
RIT Responsibilities
UnumProvident Contact Information
11. 11 The FMLA & State Leave Laws FMLA
12 weeks of leave within a 12-month period
RIT calculates entitlement with the Rolling Backward method
Maintenance / restoration of health benefits
Restoration to same or equivalent job
State Leave Laws
Bone Marrow Donor Leave
24 work hours of leave
Seek or undergo a medical procedure to donate bone marrow
NY Witness or Victim Act
Amount of leave is not mentioned
To appear as a witness, consult with the DA, or to exercise legal rights in connection with criminal procedure law or the Family Court Act.
12. 12 Leave Frequency Full
Leave that is full-time/continuous (e.g., 12 consecutive weeks)
Schedule of leave that reduces the number of hours an employee works daily or weekly (e.g., full-time to part-time)
Leave taken periodically and may be taken from less than an hour to weeks at a time Intermittent - examples: migraines, asthma, treatmentIntermittent - examples: migraines, asthma, treatment
13. 13 Leave Reasons & Certification Types Employee’s or family member’s serious health condition
Medical Certification Form
Newborn (Paternity)
Copy of application for birth certificate
Adoption or Foster Care
Court document with date of placement
14. 14 Certification:Serious Health Condition Six Serious Health Condition categories under the FMLA:
Hospital Care
Inpatient care
Includes a period of incapacity and subsequent treatments
Example: Overnight stay in a hospital
Absence Plus Treatment
Greater than 3 consecutive days of incapacity
Plus treatment twice or once with a regimen of continuing treatment
Example: Flu, if it meets the above requirements
15. 15 Certification:Serious Health Condition Pregnancy
Period of incapacity due to pregnancy
Example: Severe morning sickness
Prenatal care appointments
Chronic Conditions Requiring Treatments
Requires periodic visits for treatment
Continues over an extended period of time
May cause episodic periods of incapacity
Examples: Asthma, diabetes, migraines
16. 16 Certification:Serious Health Condition Permanent/Long-term Conditions
Permanent/long-term period of incapacity due to a condition and treatment may be ineffective
Continuing supervision of health care provider but need not be receiving active treatment
Examples: Alzheimer’s, severe stroke
Multiple Treatments
Absence to receive treatments and recovery
For restorative surgery after an accident/injury OR condition that would result in incapacity greater than 3 days without treatment
Examples: Chemotherapy, dialysis
17. 17 FMLA & STD Eligibility FMLA
12 months of service
1250 hours worked in the last 12 months
Unpaid leave
Federal job protection
Maximum 12 weeks in a rolling 12 month period
Family or Medical leave STD
All employees
Paid leave
No federal job protection
Maximum 180 consecutive days (transition to LTD)
Medical leave only
18. 18 FMLA & STD Requirements FMLA
The FMLA certification requires that the employee’s physician support that the employee has a serious health condition as defined by the FMLA, which includes that the employee is unable to perform the essential job functions.
If an employee is approved for STD and eligible for FMLA, the FMLA will be approved based on STD information. STD
Short Term Disability requires specific medical information be submitted to Unum Provident, such as:
Test results
Treatment plans
If an employee is not approved for STD, they are given the opportunity to provide certification to support their need for leave under the FMLA.
19. 19 Employer Obligations FMLA
Notify the employee of his/her FMLA rights within 2 business days of becoming aware of the possible need for leave.
Notify the employee when lost time from work is being counted as FMLA time.
Return the employee to the same or equivalent job when they return from leave.
Consider the involvement of the ADA when the FMLA leave expires.
Disregard FMLA lost time whenever taking disciplinary action for unexcused absences.
20. 20 Supervisors Should Know… The basics of FMLA and STD Policy.
RIT is committed to strict adherence to the law.
Courts have ruled that supervisors can be individually liable for FMLA violations.
When they should get involved.
Be aware of time used as FMLA and time counted as Unexcused Absence, work closely with HR to correct possible attendance problems.
21. 21 Supervisor Action Items! Report an employee's possible FMLA qualifying absence to UnumProvident if the employee has not, will not, or cannot.
Keep an open and effective line of communication with your employees.
Set up a weekly time to check in.
Show concern for their well-being.
Be prepared and welcome the employee when he/she returns to work.
Refrain from discussing medical information with employee's.
Take corrective action if the employee's leave is denied. Work with your HR Department to explore corrective action possibilities. Follow the attendance guidelines in place at your location.
Contact UnumProvident or the HR Dept. if you have questions about an employee's leave status. (Remember, UnumProvident cannot share information that is confidential and medical in nature.)
Assess the employees needs upon returning to work.
If the physician has requested accommodations be made upon return, go to your HR department to have these accommodations evaluated.
Explore alternate solutions to a leave of absence.
22. 22 Related Leaves Worker’s Compensation
In the event of an injury, contact HR to fill out an injury report. Have the employee contact UnumProvident if they lose time due to injury.
ADA (American’s with Disabilities Act)
The ADA requires employers to assist employees that have disabilities with any reasonable accommodations.
When an employee returns to work with work restrictions, you should work closely with HR to determine if those accommodations can be made.
23. 23 Things to Remember... Whenever the subject of absence and attendance is mentioned in the same breath with discipline and discharge, remember that FMLA absences must be ignored in such situations
The common sources of employer liability are:
Failure to post Notice of Rights
Failure to notify employees of rights to leave
Failure to keep adequate records
Failure to allow leave including intermittent leave
Failure to restore to equivalent job, on same conditions
Discipline or discharge in retaliation for leave taking
UnumProvident has two business days to conditionally designate an absence or leave as FMLA (*two business days from the date the employee notifies a supervisor of a potentially FMLA-qualifying event). Company will not be in compliance if the initial report is delayed!
When an employee returns to work, always check the release note to make sure that no accommodations are necessary. Work with HR if they are requested.
24. Integrated Intake Overview
25. 25 The RIT Disability and Leave Management Line at UnumProvident
26. 26 The RIT Disability and Leave Management Line at UnumProvident
27. 27 Leave/Claim Intake Process