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Candles play an integral part of the home décor and people want to organize it with a color of the furnishings and keep them as showpieces along with the plants, flowers and other artifacts. Along with this, these are extremely popular as gift items as well. Visit: http://www.favista.com/blog/2016/12/30/glowing-touch-candles-homes/
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AGlowingTouchofCandlesforyour Homes December30,2016Real Estatecandles fordecoration, decorated candles, home interior candles, longburningcandlesSrishtiChandola Today, candles are easily available in a wide array of shapes and colors and these are used for numerous festivals such as weddings for creating aromatherapy and even to decorate the homes. Candles in the living rooms, glass votive in a flyer or the dinner tables can light up the interiors of the home and add a warm glow in the house. The candles can even be used in the bathrooms andbedrooms. Candles play an integral part of the home décor and people want to organize it with a color of the furnishings and keep them as showpieces along with the plants, flowers and other artifacts. Along with this, these are extremely popular as gift items aswell. There are varied types of candles such as gel and floating candles which have interesting shapes like cylindrical, square, pumpkin, Christmas tree, rose, sunflower, beer mugs, snowman, heart, cupcakes, wine glasses, champagne, Santa Claus, milk bottles, car-shaped,etc. Candles can also be gifted in various occasions and celebrations such as Christmas, Diwali or even during someone’s baby shower or the birth of a baby. The rates may begin from Rs 20 and no specific maximum amount as different brands offer different prices. This, of course, depends on shape and size aswell. pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
Light up your homes this NewYear People do decorate their homes during New Years to keep the coming year be a celebration. Candles add a flawless touch of celebration. Also, one can choose from varied candle holders which are available in different shapes in themarket. Candles can be used as a centerpiece or it complements a floral arrangement. When the candles are arranged with fresh flowers in an artistic way, one can easily brighten up the décor. Candles can be color coordinated with the flowers and one should ideally stick to only two colors. For instance, one can use red candles along with white flowers or have gold candles with red or white floral arrangements with some fancy decorations for the celebrations. If at all you want to use the simple candles, opt for stylish ceramic or metallicholders. Unique décor for aromatherapycandles Due to the increasing awareness of the aromatherapy, one can also use the candles with some special fragrances for the homes that would bring positivity to de-stress as well as create some soothing ambiance. Similarly, candles with various fragrances like jasmine, apple, cinnamon, lemon, rose, etc. are now easily available. No matter if they are tea lights, votive or pillars can be used as interesting visual attractions. Numerous designers are also making customized candles which are completely based on the client’srequirements. An effective and simple way of making use of the candles in the home décor is to fill in the water in a glass bowl and float petals and tea light candles init. pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
Alternatively, you can also arrange a group of candles of the same color, on a tray on a console. One can add the touch of luxury with a golden candle stand, or opt for metallic lanterns or a huge candle stand to hold multiple candles and let the home glow instyle. There are varied candles available, from textured, frosted and sculpted ones, there is a wide array of colors. The important thing in this is that of the selection of right and appropriate colors and theirarrangements. Some tips for using candles as a part of home décor Always opt for a round and short votive candles which will be displayed in a votive holder or a cup that holds the liquefied waxy residue. These come in various colors and can be placed on the dining table as it would enhance thedécor. For the arrangement of floating candles, add come poster color to our choice of water along with leaves, glass pebbles, shells, marbles, orchids androcks. Keep safety in mind and don’t place the lighted candles near the fabrics. Be a bit careful while placing the illuminated candles on the table and make sure that you keep them away from thekids. Use any six tea glasses except the cutting chai ones, fill them with water and then add some oil. Put a tea light candle in each glass and arrange them on a tray. This would bring out some festiveflow. Use glass jars and glasses as candleholders. Hand the lanterns with candles in numerous corners or in the balcony or at the main entrance to provide a festive look to thehouse. You can also add some dry color powder to some sand and fill the transparent containers with colored sand and put some candles onit. pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
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TwitterTimeline Tweets by@FavistaRealty RecentBlogs A Glowing Touch of Candles for your HomesDecember 30, 2016 Tips for Correct Window FurnishingsDecember 29,2016 Planning a New Year’s Party? Here are some Tips for having a Smashing Party at Home! December 28,2016 Choosing the right amenities for home buyersDecember 24,2016 Have a Teenager at Home? Here are your Design Cheat Codes!December 22, 2016 Favista is a Real Estate Advisory Firm based in Gurgaon, India. Favista believes in making every property transaction experience simple and successful. The aim is to bring transparency, professionalism and simplicity to the complex world of real estate. Favista takes pride in keeping the needs and concerns of the customers in highest regards. Favista Real Estate has been founded by IIT + IIM/INSEADalumni withexperienceinstrategyconsulting,internetmarketing,venturecapitalhaving beenpartofcompaniessuchas McKinsey, Capital One, PartyGaming and SSGCapital. Favista is a full service brokerage helping buyers/investors buy, sell, rent or lease property in India. Favista offers best realty advice for Apartments and Flats for sale in India, land/plots for sale, New Residential & Commercial Projects in India and also assists selling properties at best rates. Favista.com is the only Property Site in India that lists 100% verified properties. Favista currently operates in Gurgaon, Delhi-NCR, Noida, Mumbai and Bangalore.Those intending to sell property in India will also find this website pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDFAPI
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