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Fire action Camau pe bai tân In case of fire Pe bai tân. If you discover a fire: Os dewch chi hyd i dân :.
Fire action Camaupebaitân In case of fire Pebaitân If you discover a fire: Osdewch chi hyd i dân: • Operate the fire alarm by breaking the glass. The alarm will sound automatically and either the scheme manager or the emergency alarm control room will call the fire brigade • Leave the building and go to the assembly point stated below • Seiniwch y larwmtândrwydorri’rgwydr. Bydd y larwymynseinio’nawtomatig a byddnaillairheolwr y cynllunneu’rystafellrheoliargyfyngauyngalw’rfrigâddân • Ewchallano’radeilad, ganfyndi’r man ymgynnull a nodirisod If the fire alarm sounds: Osbydd y larwmtânynseinio: • Stay where you are unless you are advised to leave • Wait for further instruction as to whether you need to move to an alternative area of safety or whether evacuation is necessary • Evacuate if the fire is in the area you are in • Arhoswchlle’rydych chi onibai y cynghorir chi i adael • Arhoswch am gyfarwyddiadaupellach a oesangen i chi symud i fan diogelarall, neu a oesangensymudallan • Ewchallano’radeiladosyw’rtânyneichrhan chi If evacuation is necessary: Osoesangenmyndallano’radeilad: • Proceed to the nearest available fire exit • if you come across the fire, do not attempt to put it out, leave by another route • Do not use the lift to leave the building 1. Ewchdrwy’rallanfadânagosafsyddargael 2. Osdewch chi wynebynwynebâ’rtân, peidiwch â cheisioeiddiffodd, ewchallandrwyfforddarall 3. Peidiwch â defnyddio’rlifft i fyndallano’radeilad 4. EwchI’r MAN YMGYNNULL a nodirisod: 4. Go to the ASSEMBLY POINT stated below: 5. Do not return to the building until authorised to do so 5. Peidiwch â dychwelydI’radeiladnesawdurdodir chi i wneudhynny