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Seroprevalence study of Toxoplasmosis in livestock Animals in IRAQ By Ministry of Agriculture Veterinary Directorate Central Veterinary Laboratory and Research Serological Unit. Introduction

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  1. Seroprevalence study of Toxoplasmosis in livestock Animals in IRAQByMinistry of AgricultureVeterinary DirectorateCentral Veterinary Laboratory and ResearchSerological Unit

  2. Introduction • Toxoplasmosis one of zoonotic disease caused by a coccidian intracellular protozoa , capable of infecting all warm-blooded animals including mammals , humans and birds . • It affects one-third of the world’s population. • The parasite has a worldwide distribution - from Alaska to Australia

  3. Causative agent • Toxoplasma gondiihas important implications for public health in human and cause econamiclossess in animals because it causes abortion or congenital . Cats, sheep, goat and pig are the domestic animal species most seriously affected . • Human beings could be infected accidental through ingestion ofcontaminatedwater or food withthe oocytes and undercooked or raw meat containing tissue cysts .

  4. Transmission 1- Ingestion • Transmitted by food/water contaminated with oocysts dispersed by cats (definitive hosts). • raw/undercooked meat containing tissue cysts or un-pasteurized milk containing tachyzoites, organs and blood transmission and through placenta . 2-Throgh placenta

  5. Life Cycle

  6. Objective of Toxoplasmosis survey programe • Program of laboratory tests watch points for epidemiological study . • Characterization of the current seroprevalence and geographical distribution of toxoplasmosis in sheep, goats, cows, buffaloes and camels through a national survey of the disease serologic. • Prepare and framing of a national program to control dependent serological results of the survey of the disease in the country. • annual monitoring and follow-up health changes in the prevalence of the disease in livestock and humans , the observation and analysis will identify the factors that interfere with the development of and access to walk towards the ultimate goal of the program. • The provision of the needs and requirements in order of priority for securing promotion of this program. • To secure financial support for the program.

  7. National Serological surveillance of the Disease • serological Survey planned are carried out to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in livestock to establish a baseline of the disease and the statement of the strategy to control it . • Was conducted survey by collecting (4044) serum samples and a questionnaire of sheep (2517) , goats (432) , cows (858) buffaloes (96) and camel (114)in all of Iraq's provinces except the province of Kurdistan depending on the census in 2008 at a rate of 0.04% of the total wealth of animal models have been distributed to villages by educators program (Epi Tool Survey Toolbox for livestock).serums were tested by indirect ELISA assay technique were using diagnostic kit from (ID Vet. Company) for ruminants to determine IgG antibodies

  8. National serological diagnosis of Toxoplasmosis

  9. التوصيات • - اجراء الفحص الدوري للقطط المنزلية وتقديم الغذاء المطبوخ والجاف لمنعها من اصطياد الفرائس . • - القضاء على الفئران باعتبارها الفرائس التقليدية للقطط . • - الاهتمام بقواعد الصحة العامة مثل غسل اليدين جيدا بعد ملامسة القطط او اللحوم غير المطهية وكذلك غسل الخضروات والفواكهة جيدا. • - طهي اللحوم جيدا خاصة اللحوم المشوية وعدم شرب الحليب الا بعد غليه . • - التخلص من الحشرات التي قد تنفل المرض الى غذاء الانسان اليا مثل الذباب . • - نظافة مياه الشرب ومصادرها مثل الجداول والانهار وعدم رمي الحيوانات النافقة فيها وخاصة القطط . • - عدم السماح للقطط الضالة بالتجوال بين قطعان الحيوانات المختلفة. • عزل الحيوانات المجهضة والتخلص الامن من الاجنة المجهضة والاغشية والسوائل الجنينية . • الإرشاد والتوعية والتثقيف للمجتمع العام لخطورة المرض وطرق الوقاية لتحجيم المضيف وضمان عدم انتشار المرض .

  10. Thank you

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