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Including Magnetic Effects in 1-D Stellar Models Greg Feiden & Brian Chaboyer (Dartmouth)

Including Magnetic Effects in 1-D Stellar Models Greg Feiden & Brian Chaboyer (Dartmouth). Three color EUV image of the Sun. White lines show a model of the Sun’s magnetic field ( Schrijver & Title 2011). Measurements of average magnetic fields in M dwarfs. Reiners 2012.

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Including Magnetic Effects in 1-D Stellar Models Greg Feiden & Brian Chaboyer (Dartmouth)

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  1. Including Magnetic Effects in 1-D Stellar ModelsGreg Feiden & Brian Chaboyer (Dartmouth) Three color EUV image of the Sun. White lines show a model of the Sun’s magnetic field (Schrijver & Title 2011)

  2. Measurements of average magnetic fields in M dwarfs Reiners 2012

  3. Observed large scale magnetic geometries (Donati 2011) Symbol size: mean large-scale field strengthSymbol Shape: degree of axisymmetry (decagons=purely axisymmetric)Color: field configuration (blue=toroidal; red=poloidal)

  4. Browning (2008): 3D MHD simulations of a 0.3M⦿star

  5. Browning (2008): 3D MHD simulations of a 0.3M star R=0.24 R★ R=0.88R★ Magnetic fields posses both small scale structure and large scale ordering, with more energy associated with the large scale fields. Strong axisymmetric toroidal fields (with ~ 20% of the total magnetic energy) are found at all depths, with typical <BΦ> = 10kG

  6. Observations of double lined eclipsing binaries suggest that stars are inflated compared to stellar models Single Age and Metallicity 5 – 10% deviation 1 Gyr, Solar Comp. Number of authors have suggested that magnetic fields are inflating stars (e.g. Ribas 2006; Lopez-Morales 2007; Morales et al. 2008; Chabrier et al. 2007; Mullan & MacDonald 2001)

  7. KOI-126 – A Triple System Video courtesy of Josh Carter Carter et al. (2011, Science, 331, 562)

  8. Match made in the heavens KOI-126 A KOI-126 B & C Age = 4.1± 0.6 Gyr Feiden, Chaboyer, & Dotter (2011, ApJ, 740, L25)

  9. Match not made in the heavens CM Dra (Lacy 1977; Morales et al. 2009) [Fe/H] = -0.30 (Rojas-Ayala et al; Terrien et al. 2012) KOI-126 A Age = 4.1± 0.6 Gyr Feiden, Chaboyer, & Dotter (2011, ApJ, 740, L25)

  10. Multiple Metallicities and Ages: mean absolute error in the models is 2.3%, most stellar radii fit models to within 4% Feiden & Chaboyer (2012, ApJ, 757, 42)

  11. Magnetism?

  12. Effects of Magnetic Fields on Stellar Structure • Magnetic fields suppress thermal convection (Thompson 1951; Chandrasekhar 1961; Gough & Tayler 1966; Mullan & MacDonald 2001, 2010) • Surface spots reduce flux across a given surface area (Hale 1908; Spruit 1982; Chabrier et al. 2007) • Surface faculae increase flux across a given surface area (Spruit 1977, Foukal et al. 2006) Image taken by B. De Pontieu with the Swedish 1-m solar telescope.

  13. Self-Consistent Magnetic Stellar Evolution Models … in 1-Dimension

  14. Basic Equations

  15. Basic Equations new thermodynamic state variable f can range from 0 (fluid parcel carries its original magnetic energy as it moves) to 1 (magnetic energy of a fluid parcel is always equal to its surroundings; and is valid for a perfectly conducting plasma) Lydon & Sofia (1995, ApJS, 101, 357)

  16. Magnetic Field Radial Profile

  17. Turning on the Magnetic Field

  18. Numerical Tests

  19. Test the models by comparing to detached eclipsing binaries with well determined masses, radii, ages and compositions

  20. EF Aquarii: a 1.24 & 0.95 M⦿ detached eclipsing binary Photospheric field strengths of 1.6 kG (γ = 2) and 2.6kG (γ = 4/3) for EF Aqr A and 3.2 kG (γ = 2) and 5.5kG (γ = 4/3) for EF Aqr B X-ray emission and Ca II K line core emission suggest actual magnetic fields of about 1 kG (EF Aqr A) and 3 kG (EF Aqr B) Feiden & Chaboyer 2013, ApJ, 765, 86,

  21. YY GeminorumM = 0.599+/- 0.004associated with the Castor AB quadruple system[Fe/H] = +0.1 0.2 dex and an age of 360 Myr Peak field 13 kG Peak field 500 kG Dipole Profile Magnetic models also match the observed effective temperature, and Li abundance Log N(Li) = 0.11 (Barrado y Navascues et al. 1997), while standard models predict that surface Li should be completely depleted after about 15 Myr.

  22. Predicted Surface Magnetic Field Strengths compared to Observations Peak interior magnetic field strengths in the models are ~ 104 to 105 gauss, which are similar to those found in 3D MHD models of stellar dynamos

  23. Can the predicted surface magnetic field strengths be reduced? • We assumed ideal MHD (perfectly conducting fluid); finite electrical conductivity affects the magnetic inhibition of convection (MacDonald & Mullen 2009, 2010, 2013; it also makes it more difficult for the dynamo mechanism to operate). • In our formulation, the most significant implication for finite conductivity is that f (which determines the flux of magnetic energy between a convecting bubble and the surroundings) is no longer 1 • In the extreme (non-physical) case of f = 0, predicted model radii inflate by 3% (for a 0.4 M⦿model) to 9% (for a 0.9 M⦿ model) compared to f = 1 models • Future work could look at relating the free electron fraction to conductivity and use this to determine f

  24. Turbulent Dynamo • Brandenburg & Subramanian (2005) and Brown et al. (2010) have suggested that the the physical source of the solar and stellar dyanamo is turbulent convection, and not the shear induced by rotation (Parker 1955) • Generation of magnetic fields will suppress the turbulent velocities in the convection zone • Reformulated our mixing length equations to incorporate this idea into our magnetic stellar models

  25. Turbulent Dynamo • Brandenburg & Subramanian (2005) and Brown et al. (2010) have suggested that the the physical source of the solar and stellar dyanamo is turbulent convection, and not the shear induced by rotation (Parker 1955) • Generation of magnetic fields will suppress the turbulent velocities in the convection zone • Reformulated our mixing length equations to incorporate this idea into our magnetic stellar models YY Gem (0.6M⦿; rotational dynamo required a 4kG field to match the observations)

  26. Fully Convective Stars: CM Dra, M = 0.21 & 0.23 M⦿ [Fe/H] = -0.30±0.15 dex; Age derived from common proper motion white dwarf turbulent dynamo B = ΛBequipartition Surface magnetic field ~ 3kG X-ray luminosity suggest that CM Dra has an average surface magnetic field strength between 1 - 4 kG

  27. Interior Structure: M=0.231M⦿ Gaussian profile All magnetic models (gaussian, dipole & turbulent dynamo) have a very similar temperature gradient near the surface.

  28. Radii of fully convective stars compared to standard models Observational data are from Morales et al 2009 (CM Dra); Carter et al. 2011 (KOI-126); Doyle et al. 2011 (Kepler-16B) and Orosz et al 2012 (Kepler-38B)

  29. Summary & the Future • 1-D Dartmouth stellar evolution code has been modified to include the effects of a prescribed magnetic field • For stars with radiative cores 1-D models which include the effects of magnetic fields due to a turbulent dynamo can fit the observed properties (mass, radius, Teff, surface magnetic field strength, and Li abundance) of eclipsing binaries (strength of magnetic field near the surface key parameter which controls the change in radii) • Radiative core models which assumed the dynamo is sourced by rotation predicted surface magnetic field strengths which are higher than observed • Magnetic models with convective cores only match observed radii with very large magnetic fields, which are inconsistent with the predictions from turbulent dynamo simulations • Future: Closer interaction with 3-D magnetic-hydro simulations to use realistic magnetic field topologies/strengths in stellar models (3-D stellar models?)

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