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Step Outside the City. How many of our High School Graduates go to SUNY?. % of Graduates enrolled at SUNY % of Graduates not enrolled at SUNY. (Data for 2010 ). Source: SUNY Office of Institutional Research. SUNY Demographics. Multi-Racial 0 %.
How many of our High School Graduates go to SUNY? % of Graduates enrolled at SUNY % of Graduates not enrolled at SUNY (Data for 2010) Source: SUNY Office of Institutional Research
SUNY Demographics Multi-Racial 0% Source: SUNY Office of Institutional Research
NYC Demographics Source: U.S. Census
More Demographics Source: U.S. Census
4,000 Colleges in the Country 305 Colleges in the State How I Chose SUNY 64 Public State Colleges in NY 218 Private & For-Profit Colleges in NY 23 Public City Colleges in NYC
Campus Support Groups First Year Experience How I Overcame Culture Shock Comfort Zone Friends Clubs and Organizations
Accounting Society—Africana & Latino Studies Club—Alpha Delta Kappa (Alpha Pi Chapter) - Sociology—Alpha Phi Delta—Alpha Psi Omega - Theatre—Alpha Phi Omega, Xi Rho—American Chemical Society—Anthropology Club —Apollo Music Club—Art & Scope —Association of Childhood Education (ACE)—Association of Secondary Educators (ASE —Audio Production & Engineering Club—Badminton Club—BeFit—Beta Beta Beta - Biology—Biology Club —Campus Ambassadors —Caribbean Student Association—Cheerleaders —Chi Alpha Epsilon - Special Programs—Chi Alpha Sigma - Student Athletes—Chi Phi—Chi Upsilon Sigma—Class of 2012—Class of 2013—Class of 2014—Class of 2015—College Union Activities Council —Colleges Against Cancer—Communication Arts Society—Computer Arts Club—Computer Programmers United—Criminal Justice Club—Dance Team —Democracy Matters Club —Different Paths—Drag 'n Rolls (Drumline)—Economics Club —Emergency Squad (OSES) —Environmental Activism Club —Environmental Science Club—Equestrian Club —Fencing —Finance Club—Food Nutrition Association —Frequency—Gamma Theta Upsilon - Geography—Gamers Guild —Gender Equality & Rights Society (GEARS)—Geography Club—Geology Club —Gerontology Club—Habitat for Humanity —Harry Potter Club —Hillel—Hispanic Organization for Learning Advancement —History Club (CLIO) —Hooked on Tonics—Human Ecology Club —Ice Hockey —Indian Cultural Club —International Student Organization —Intramural Association —Japanese Student Association—Jazz Appreciation Society—Junior Class—Kappa Delta Pi - Elementary Education —Karate Club—Kickline—Knit-Wits —Korean Cultural Club—Lambda Pi Eta (Rho Eta Chapter) - Communications—Lambda Theta Alpha—Mask & Hammer —Meteorology Club —Mock Trial—Mountain Biking Club —Mu Sigma Upsilon—Music Industry Club —Muslim Student Association —National Residence Hall Honorary - Residential Community Life—NORML (National Org. for the Reform of Marijuana Laws)—Newman House —OnMark (Amer. Marketing Assoc.)—Omicron Delta Epsilon (Alpha Lambda Chapter) - Economics—Omicron Delta Kappa - Leadership—OneontanYearbook—Open-Minded Unity (OMU) —Otaku United—Outing Club —O-Zone—Parnassus (English Club)—Phi Alpha Theta - History—Phi Beta Sigma—Phi Eta Sigma - Freshman Honors —Phi Kappa Psi —Philosophy Club —Phi Sigma Iota - Foreign Language —Phi Sigma Sigma—Phi Upsilon Omicron - Human Ecology —Physics Club —Pi Delta Chi —Pi Sigma Alpha (Tau Phi Chapter) - Political Science —Poetry Slam Association—Political Science Club —Pre-Health Professions Association—Pre-Law Society—Progressives and Friends—Psi Chi - Psychology—Psychology Club —Resident Student Organization (RSO) —Rock to Cure —Rugby Football Club (Women's)—Sigma Delta Tau —St. Jude's Giants—Sanford Society MCSS —Sigma Gamma Epsilon - Earth Science —Sigma Gamma Phi—Sigma Pi Sigma -Physics —Sigma SigmaSigma—Sigma Tau Delta - English—Ski & Snowboarding Club—Sociology Club —Songwriters' Club—Speech & Debate Club—State Times—Student Fashion Society —Students Alternative Voice (SAV) —Students for Global Education—Student of Color Coalition (SCC) —Students Protecting Animal Rights (SPAR)—Summit Seekers for Social Justice—Taekwondo—Terpsichorean Dance Company —Trait D'Union (French Club)—Ultimate Frisbee—Voices of Serenity Gospel Choir —Volleyball (Men's)—Wire Television Production —WONY —Young Republicans Club—Zombie Defense Corps—
Campus Police Campus Alerts How I Stayed Safe Workshops Safe Space/Zones
Safety Initiatives • Emergency Alert Systems • Blue Light Phones • Safety Inspections • Safe Space Housing Programs • Crisis Hotlines
Grants 11-12 Tuition & Fees: $6,600 Work Study How I Managed the Cost Part-time Jobs Residence Hall Staff Compensation 11-12 Room & Board: $10,820
“Retention rates … continue to outpace the rates at most public colleges nationally and track or approach with the rates at many of the best private colleges and universities...” - Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher
How many of our First-time Students return to their SUNY campus for their Sophomore Years? (Data for 2009) Source: SUNY Office of Institutional Research
Graduation Employment How I Succeeded at SUNY Graduate School Future Plans
How many of our students Graduated from SUNY? 6-Year SUNY 62.3% National Public Universities 55.0% National Private Universities 65.3% 4-Year SUNY 44.8% National Public Universities 29.2% National Private Universities 52.1% Source: SUNY Fast Facts 2011
88% of students entering in the fall 2004 had a successful educational outcome . Source: SUNY Fast Facts 2011
Advice to Counselors • Recommend that students research the option of • attending college outside NYC • Recommend that students chat online with campus • representatives and current students • Recommend that students visit campuses • Attend a General Information Session at the CSR