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Using FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS data to improve the La Plata Ionospheric Model. J. Federico Conte , Francisco Azpilicueta , Claudio Brunini , Diego Janches GESA, Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, UNLP NASA. Second LISN Workshop São José dos Campos, Brasil
Using FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS data to improve the La Plata Ionospheric Model J. Federico Conte, Francisco Azpilicueta, Claudio Brunini, Diego Janches GESA, Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, UNLP NASA Second LISN Workshop São José dos Campos, Brasil November 7 – 11, 2011
Abstract In the framework of the AIRES (Argentine Ionospheric Radar Experiment Station) Project, we are currently upgrading the La Plata Ionospheric Model (Brunini et al., 2011b). Inspired by the IRI model (Bilitza, 2002) and based on the Jones & Gallet (1962) mapping technique, after a process of data assimilation is applied, this semi-empirical model is capable of reproducing electron density profiles dependent on the Universal Time, the geographical location and the solar activity level. At the moment, the data assimilation technique only processes the raw-data obtained from ground-based dual-frequency GPS measurements. Nevertheless, the model is also capable to incorporate FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC electron density profiles externally calculated which, combined with the ionospheric information obtained from the ground-based GPS measurements are used to correct the coefficients of the Jones & Gallet formulation. Consequently, we are currently analyzing and pre-processing GPS raw-data from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission and appropriately modifying our model in order to incorporate this data to our formulation to have a better description of the electron density profile, especially for the top-side region of the ionosphere. Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 2
La Plata IonosphericModel (LPIM) • Semi-empiricalmodeldevelopedby Prof. Brunini (Brunini, 1998) • Continuouslyupdated and upgradedbyBrunini’sgroup(e.g., Azpilicuetaet al., 2006) • Originally, LPIM wascapable of reproducing global (local) TEC mapsusingground-based dual-frequency GPS raw data fromapprox. 300 (a particular) IGS stations. Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 3
Currentversion of La Plata IonosphericModel • Now, besidescomputing global or local TEC maps, themodelisalsocapable of reproducingelectrondensity (ED) profilesforthewholeionosphere (Brunini et al., 2011a). • Following a similar proceduretothatimplementedby IRI (Bilitza, 2002), the LPIM implementsthe Jones & Galletformulationtorepresentthegeographical (latitude and longitude) and daily (UT) variations of the F2 peakparameters, HmF2 (M3000F2) and NmF2 (f0F2). • Theelectrondensities (criticalfrequencies) and heights of the E and F1 ionosphericlayers are estimatedfollowingthe CCIR recommendations (CCIR, 1991). Also, thescaleheights of the E, F1 and F2 layers are computedaccordingtothe CCIR recommendations. • FourChapmanlayers are adjustedusing actual ground-based dual-frequency GPS raw data and externallycalculated ED profiles. Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 4
Currentversion of La Plata IonosphericModel • Depending on the description of the electron loss process, the factor k can be 0.5 or 1. • According to Bilitza (2002), most modelers have found that 0.5 provides a better match with observations; and according to that experience, LPIM’s formulation uses that value. • The top-side profile of the LPIM is represented with an α-Chapman (k=0,5) function with height-varying scale height (Reinisch and Huang, 2001). Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 5
Currentversion of La Plata IonosphericModel • In summary, the LPIM ED profile is given by a function that depends on two sets of constants but unknown parameters: • Finally, LPIM uses the Least Square method to daily estimate the parameters aforementioned together with the satellite and receivers DCBs: Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 6
Currentversion of La Plata IonosphericModel Brunini et al., 2011a Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 7
FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC • ConstellationObservingSystemforMeteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate. • JointTaiwan-US constellation of sixsatellitesorbiting at around 800 km of altitude. • Payloadconsisting of threeinstruments: • GPS occultationexperiment (GOX). • Ionosphericphotometertostudynighttimeairglowemission. • Tri-band beacon (TBB) totomographicallyestimateionospheric fine structures. • GPS occultationexperiment: two POD antennas, and twoOccultationantennasdistributed in a diamondconfiguration. Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 8
Work in progress At present, we are adapting our model so it can process, together with ground-based GPS measurements, the dual-frequency raw data obtained from the GPS receivers onboard the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission. Second LISN Workshop, São José dos Campos, Brasil, November 7-11, 2011 Conte et al. 9
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